CSS transitions for multiple images in place - css-animations

I have a set of N images. I'd like the images to fade briefly to black and then into the next image. When the last image is reached, the next transition loops back to the first image in the set.
Is this behavior possible using only CSS animations?


Unity Prevent game objects from resizing when resolution changes

I have a rectangle sprite that animates when a score is reached. Starts offscreen and then move onscreen before moving off-screen again. Works fine. Problem is when I change the resolution for different devices the sprite resizes and doesn't display as intended. The text fields inside the rectangle move outside on some of the resolutions. How can i keep the sprite at the original size regardless of resolution. I have tried Preserve Aspect, Set Native Size, moving anchors but it still resizes. I also tried using a panel.Any Ideas?

Batch resize images with different background colors

My goal is to batch resize images with different background colours.
I already used Photoshop to batch process and centre (horizontal and vertical align) 2000 different images into square 200x200 tiles on a white background (the images are different in size, background colour, and sometimes file-type).
I can process and batch resize the images and place them on a white 200x200 tile using the batch processor and recorded 'Actions'. With transparent .png images, this looks great.
The problem is that some of the images have a coloured background. If an image has a coloured background a white border around the image looks quite awful.
How do I dynamically resize the non-transparent images of different colours and sizes to 200x200 square .jpg images? I can do it manually with the colour-picker but is there another option?
As you can see it is only a problem when images have a coloured background.
Thank you in advance!
Save the following script somewhere convenient:
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
var myColourSampler = myDocument.colorSamplers.add([1 , 1]);
app.backgroundColor = myColourSampler.color;
At the start of the action your going to use for your batch process, record the opening of the script (File >> Scripts >> Browse...), then go and get the script.
It will take the colour of the top left pixel and set it as the background colour, your action should do the rest

Remove 'hidden' images from UIScrollView

I have a scrollView that shows images set by url. Now I only want the visible image and the previous and next image to be pre-loaded onto the scrollView to reduce memory usage. How do I accomplish this?
If you use a UITableView instead of a UIScrollView, you can create your own UITableViewCell type which loads 1 image in its content.
The advantage is that only the visible UITableViewCells (those currently displaying on the device's screen) are loaded into the system memory, so it won't use too much resources.
Here is one of the many CustomCell Tutorials you will find on the Internet.
When I did the same I created a UIScrollView of 3 times the size. Just big enough to hold the 3 images, the one that is currently displayed and the next siblings to the right and the left.
Those images are pre-loaded if they have not been loaded before. So the user has some smooth and responsive look & feel.
When the user scrolls to the next one, and he can scroll for one only, then I re-arrange the view. Lets say images 1, 2 and 3 are in the scroll view and 2 is visible, so 1, 2 and 3 are (pre-)loaded. The user scrolls to the right. Image 3 will be visible. As soon as it becomes fully visible I set the visible rect of the scroll view to the middle again. Now Image 2 is the left most one, image 3 is visible and image 4 is placed as the right most one and pre-loaded.
When the end of the list of images is reached, meaning when the 1st or last one are displayed, then I place a dummy view on the left most or right most place respectivly that is a simple text view showing "no more images".
Unfortunately I cannot share that code.

Load larger image on tap of small image with animation

I'm trying to load a large version of an image in the centre of the user's screen when then tap on a smaller version of the image that's already on my view.
Ideally I want to do this using an animation to get to the new image like a vertical flip.
Also if there's a way to make the background look greyed out like it's not the foreground then that would be even better.
Here's an image of what I'm after, I'm at work at the moment so haven't got access to the actual code / images.
I'm a new user so can't add pictures. Click here if you want to see what I'm thinking.
There is an KGmodal Example Exist in GitHUB hope that Might Help you.
You have to Change the content view and Add an Imageview Programatically (with required size ) in the content View.
Follow the below link: https://github.com/kgn/KGModal
For Fliping the image see the tutorial iphone Flip Image.
In the end I added the larger image on to begin with and set its alpha to 0, then added a gesture recognizer on the smaller image that animated the larger one and gradually changed its alpha to 1. The did the reverse on the large image. Don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place!

Superimposing PDF pages

I am trying to superimpose two pdf pages; one on top of the other. I am using Cocoa and the PDFKit framework. When I superimpose the second page onto the first, the second page covers the content of the first page entirely (so the first page is no longer visible). Is there a way to change the transparency of the second page so that its background is fully transparent so that the page underneath it is visible?
EDIT: Here is my method. Create a subclass of PDFPage that holds an instance of another PDFPage and in the following method of the PDFPage class, draw the superimposed page.
- (void)drawWithBox:(PDFDisplayBox)box
[super drawWithBox:box];
[overlayedPage drawWithBox:box];
Your code may be fine.
It can be caused by the PDF itself if it does have a non-transparent (white) background.
I would first try to operate with 2 PDFs that have "known good" (transparent) backgrounds, like most PDFs have.
You can easily check enable Acrobat Reader to show transparent background as a non-white raster. Use the settings dialog to achieve this:
This page has a background that is transparent. However, the white box's background is... white.
If your page background is non-transparent and white, the Reader would display all the page background in white.
You might want to try rendering the PDF into a bitmap to be displayed in a Core Animation layer. Then you can set the transparency of the layers to whatever you need.