In a basic project, as soon as I move I am teleported below my landscape. What is going on? - unreal-engine5

I created a blank template and added a landscape.
When I simulate the project, I can look around with the mouse, but as soon as I move with WASD, I am instantly below the landscape. It doesn't fall, so it doesn't appear to be a gravity-related issue, I'm just down there all of a sudden.
Does anyone have any idea what I could have done wrong?
I've not altered any blueprints as far as I'm aware.

Without watching the code is hard to understand what is wrong,but check this:
In the code/blueprint check that when you press input the position is correctly Set (should be like current position + offset based on direction)
Check if your input event is used somewhere else (maybe some uknown behaviour is executed)

I am a numpty. I didn't realise I was working on a map where I'd added a sphere as my sky box, and the collision was turned on, so any movement instantly jumped me down below the bounds of the sphere. Thanks.


Unreal Engine 5.1 Retargeted Animation From Manny to Mixamo Model Causes Single Animation Sequence To Rotate 90*

I apologize if this has been asked before. I tried searching for this first and nothing is coming up. I'm pretty new to Unreal Engine 5.1 so this might be something I'm doing as well.
I've been exploring animation retargeting in unreal and have tried following the steps we learned in class using one of the models from Everything appears to work fine at the start and I can get the actual IK and IKR objects working just fine. However when I try to export the animations either from the IKR object or by right clicking the ABP object for the source mesh one and only one of the animation sequences rotates 90*. It is always the same animation (the Land animation sequence) and I'm not sure how to go about fixing it.
Also tried looking on google and turned up nothing.
I'm hoping this is some stupid newb mistake that is easy to fix or maybe there's something I'm overlooking. Any help is greatly appreciated and I will continue trying to fix the problem myself as well and will post if I fix it
Tried retargeting using the following steps
Create an IK_Object for the model you wish to project your animations on with chains for each. Mine looked like the following
Repeat step 1 for the model you wish to source animations from. Mine looked like the following
Create an IKR_Object Linking the two together, here's what mine looked like
Find the ABP for your source model, right click, and select "Retarget Animation Assets->Duplicate and Retarget Animation Assets". Here's what I'm selecting for that
Retarget Dialog
When I do the following most of the animation sequences for "Manny" export just fine. However the "Land" animation flips for some reason (see image below)
Exported Animation Images
Even stranger, when I preview the MM_Land animation in my IKR object it looks fine i.e. not rotated. However, if I try to export the animation from the IKR object the same thing happens i.e. it rotates 90*. I would expect this to be a case of WYSIWYG where if it's working in the preview it would export correctly. However that apparently is not the case
Also I tried modifying the animation sequence manually but it won't let me. If I try to rotate the model in the animation sequence and save it, once I close the sequence it's re-rotated and the changes do not persist.
I can export the sequence as a new sequence, modify it, and save it, and then rename it as my exported "Land" animation to hard force it and it at least looks normal. However when I actually play the game and jump, when the land animation it still flips sideways and in addition causes the character to scale and warp for a second which makes me think there's something going on here that I don't know enough to fix. Really hoping someone with more experience in Unreal Engine can help.
EDIT: Fixed Image Descriptions
I can confirm that this is an issue - I'm seeing the same behaviour. I haven't managed to fix it yet, but my suspicion is that it's due to scaling - in my instance, I have had to scale up my custom character by around 2.5 times to replicate the scale of the default mannequin. Did you scale your custom character at all?

Where in Blender source code is code that draws transform rotate/resize black arrow visual indicators?

I've been trying to find the piece of code that draws or initiates drawing of the double black arrow visual indicators that show up when transform rotate is executed by pressing R key (or resize with S key), visible here:
I've been stepping trough the code of the Rotate operator, various drawing functions etc., with no success. I suppose I do not have a good enough picture of the code structure.
I would appreciate it very much if someone could point me into the right direction.
Does someone know at least the right terminology to look for?
I'm using Blender 2.76 but I suppose insight into any version would be helpful.
(What I'm trying to do is to locate the point in code where decision is made whether to draw the indicator or not. I explained the "problem" in this question. The goal is to get it show always.)
I have finally found the place, not by stepping through the code but by browsing it, lol!
The function that draws the indicators is drawHelpline() and the check for the region being 'WINDOW' is done in helpline_poll(), both from transform.c file.
Actual decision is made in wm_paintcursor_draw() from wm_draw.c file which calls the helpline_poll() indirectly with pc->poll(C).
The wm_paintcursor_draw() is called by wm_method_draw_triple() which in turn is called from wm_draw_update() which is called from WM_main().
That answers my question.
However, that does not solve my actual problem because the active subwindow in these functions is the region from which the operator was executed - in my case the ToolShelf! It is because cursor_warp(), which I use to move the mouse in my operator, changes only the mouse pointer position and does not update anything else (i.e. does not update the active subwindow).
So, if I force helpline_poll() to return 1, it will draw the indicator only over the ToolShelf.
The solution is to hack WM_cursor_warp() from wm_window.c to set win->screen->subwinactive to the correct window id, but that is really an ugly hack and not directly related to the question I asked here.
The solution is to use modal timer operator to allow Blender to update the active subwindow, explained here.

Unexpected behavior after zooming into a 3D object with OrbitControls + Three.js

So, I have this code. It's a small 3D scene with a ground, a red box, a custom loaded building and a rotating "sun". I'm delegating camera navigation to OrbitControls script, as it fits the most the way I want the camera to behave, however, there is a little weird problem: after I zoom in into a 3D object within this scene, rotate a little, then zoom out to "leave" the object, the zoom out process takes a billion scrolls. It's a weird behavior and I'm sorry if I'm not clear enough; once I'm in I have to scroll like forever, and every frame it seems to move "out of" the object very slowly, like the camera state is somehow screwed up.
I'm sorry if this very question has been already asked, I looked for this issue and tried stuff from other topics that seemed the same, but it didn't work.
Wow, something even weirder. I tested zooming in this example, indefinitely, then the zoom in started to grow VERY slowly (just like in my code). Am I misunderstanding something? It looks as if the amount of zoom-in's somehow blocked rendering or something.
WestLangley tip actually solved my problem. Setting minDistance prevented the camera to zoom in infinitely, despite the actual rendering only showing a small step into the scene.

iPad not all screen recognising touches

So my current app project is a camera based app and all is going well so far but I have run in to a weird little issue and don't know if there's something basic i'm missing or if it's something more complex.
When I run my app on the iPad in landscape mode (right hand home button), the right end of the screen doesn't recognise touch down events, though if an item is spread across the border (half recognising touches, half not) and you press on the good half and drag, it still recognises the touch and also recognises the touch up event when you let go. Through testing, I worked out that it works fine up to pixel 768 so this makes me think that one of the views thinks that the application is still running in portrait. But then when I run it in portrait, the bottom section (same portion) doesn't work either.
I have looked at another couple of posts on SO:
Article 1
Article 2
I have tried the fixes they say, but have had no luck as of yet. It may be something to do with the fact I have various different views created both programatically and in the interface builder and somewhere along the way, something isn't being initialised correctly but I have tried changing them all, I may have missed some though.
If anybody can shed any light on my situation, that would be greatly appreciated.
I think the problem has something to do with autoresizing mask. Have you set this? Try to set the background color of all views to see where they are.

Display something on the screen everytime action made

I have a problem not sure how to solve this. Hmm I am developing a game, a multi touch game, I already can make everything working fine, except a small issue that I want to show messages on the playing screen, each time the player makes actions. like his finger moves right the message says : "this finger moving right" nicely at the bottom of the screen, then if the finger move left, then it says the his finger moves left... something like that, can anyone show me how. I am using Cocos2D , it shall be much easier in Cocoa.
Thanks a alot for any help.
You'll probably need to be more specific with your question, but for now, here's a general answer:
Handling touch events on the iPhone and Handling touch ("trackpad") events on the Mac.
You'll receive and process the events per the above, then you'll display the results somehow. For testing, you'll probably just want to log the results to the console. For the final version, you might have a label or even a custom view that draws the "instruction" in some fancier way. If the latter is the case, you'll want to read up on custom views and drawing for whichever platform you're using (or both).