Imports path issue when using TSDX with preservedModules and postCSS - rollup

I'm using TSDX for my ui-kit library along with postCSS for scss-modules. And it works pretty fine. Now i want to use preserveModules for treeshaking to not load all ui-kit components in application, but only imported ones.
So i added some configs to my tsdx.config.js and now it looks like this:
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer')
const cssnano = require('cssnano')
const babel = require('rollup-plugin-babel')
module.exports = {
* #param {import("rollup/dist/rollup").InputOptions} config
rollup(config, options) {
if (options.format === 'esm') {
config = { ...config, preserveModules: true }
config.output = {
dir: 'dist/',
entryFileNames: '[name].esm.js',
delete config.output.file
modules: true,
plugins: [
preset: 'default',
inject: true,
extract: false,
minimize: true,
return config
For some reason builded components in /dist folder have wrong imports (extra '../').
For example in Button.esm.js
import { objectWithoutPropertiesLoose as _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose } from '../../../../_virtual/_rollupPluginBabelHelpers.js'
instead of
import { objectWithoutPropertiesLoose as _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose } from '../../../_virtual/_rollupPluginBabelHelpers.js'
Changing postcss option inject: false fix imports but broke components styles.
I'm not sure is it a tsdx issue or postcss issue.
Asking for any help and advice.


ESM library generated with rollup-plugin-postcss throws Cannot find module '../node_modules/style-inject/dist/'

We are maintaining an internal library which is exporting ESM modules using Rollup. We have just recently switched to using CSS modules, which we have set with rollup-plugin-postcss. We want to inject these styles into the head rather than have an external file.
Our built bundle generates the ESM file with:
import styleInject from '../node_modules/style-inject/dist/';
Our consuming library then fails with
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module '../node_modules/style-inject/dist/'
I would expect the ESM export to import styleInject from 'style-inject' and style-inject to be included in the package-lock.json as a dependency. What is the correct way of using CSS Modules and injecting into the head for the consumer of a library?
import resolve from '#rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
import commonjs from '#rollup/plugin-commonjs';
import babel from '#rollup/plugin-babel';
import json from '#rollup/plugin-json';
import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss';
import pkg from './package.json';
import fg from 'fast-glob';
import path from 'path';
export default [
input: 'src/index.js',
external: external(),
output: [
name: '#my/packageName',
file: pkg.module,
format: 'es',
sourcemap: true,
plugins: [
name: 'watch-external',
async buildStart() {
const files = await fg(['src/index.d.ts', 'playground/**/*']);
for (let file of files) {
modules: true,
exclude: /node_modules/,
babelHelpers: 'runtime',
babelrc: false,
presets: [
modules: false,
useBuiltIns: 'entry',
corejs: 3,
targets: {
ie: 11,
plugins: [
function external() {
const { dependencies = {}, peerDependencies = {} } = pkg;
const externals = [
return id =>
// match 'lodash' and 'lodash/fp/isEqual' for example
externals.some(dep => id === dep || id.startsWith(`${dep}/`));
There is a bug in the library where the import is relative rather than being the module name.
There is an open pr, but the library looks like it is no longer being maintained. There are two recommended solutions in the comments:
String replace the built output
Add a custom rollup plugin to do this
This is not a bug at all. It works properly because stylesInject is just a function from 'styles-inject' package, so we can allow it to be bundled. But it is not bundled because most likely you have this setting in your rollup.config.js:
external: [
So, replace it with a code bellow and it will work:
external: (id) => {
if (/style-inject/.test(id)) return false;
if (/node_modules/.test(id)) return true;
return false;
also, you can write a regexp for it instead
You need to do 2 things:
Add style-inject dependency in package.json
"dependencies": {
"style-inject": "^0.3.0"
Add following plugin to rollup.config.js
const plugins = [
* -
* -
name: 'Custom Rollup Plugin`',
generateBundle: (options, bundle) => {
Object.entries(bundle).forEach((entry) => {
// early return if the file we're currently looking at doesn't need to be acted upon by this plugin
if (!entry[0].match(/.*(.scss.js)$/)) {
// this line only runs for .scss.js files, which were generated by the postcss plugin.
// depending on the use-case, the relative path to style-inject might need to change
bundle[entry[0]].code = entry[1].code.replace(

How to set the configuration of mini-css-extract-plugin in vue.config.js generated by vue-cli

I have a fairly large Vue project that was initially created with vue-cli. I'm getting the infamous "couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s)" warning when building. After much searching, I think the solution is to add ignoreOrder to the initial configuration options for mini-css-extract-plugin but I have no idea how. I think this should be done in vue.config.js. The contents of that file are:
module.exports = {
lintOnSave: false
I've tried:
module.exports = {
lintOnSave: false,
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ ignoreOrder: true })
But that gives me an error that I think means that the module was loaded twice.
I've tried:
module.exports = {
lintOnSave: false,
css: {
loaderOptions: {
ignoreOrder: true
but that gives me a syntax error.
How do I set that option?
According to the document, you can pass the configuration for min-css-extract-plugin by passing the options via css.extract property as following:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...,
css: {
extract: {
ignoreOrder: true

Uncaught ReferenceError: webpackJsonp in Vue Js

I have suddenly started hitting Uncaught ReferenceError: webpackJsonp in Vue Js. I am fairly new to Js and have just started with Vue applications. I tried the various solutions that were mentioned in the Git and stackoverflow but they have not worked. Can someone help me out.
To give some context, the issue suddenly appeared without having made much of a change. The code is working when it was in the state earlier but making any change in the components even modifying the css has started causing the issue.
Based on what I read about the issue, it is supposed to be controlled by the (Attached mine below). Incase any other info is needed please let me know.
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
const utils = require("./utils");
const webpack = require("webpack");
const config = require("../config");
const merge = require("webpack-merge");
const baseWebpackConfig = require("./webpack.base.conf");
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
const OptimizeCSSPlugin = require("optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin");
const UglifyJsPlugin = require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin");
const env = require("../config/prod.env");
const webpackConfig = merge(baseWebpackConfig, {
module: {
rules: utils.styleLoaders({
extract: true,
usePostCSS: true
devtool: ? : false,
output: {
filename: utils.assetsPath("js/[name].[chunkhash].js"),
chunkFilename: utils.assetsPath("js/[id].[chunkhash].js")
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
"process.env": env
new UglifyJsPlugin({
uglifyOptions: {
compress: {
warnings: false
parallel: true
// extract css into its own file
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: utils.assetsPath("css/[name].[contenthash].css"),
// Setting the following option to `false` will not extract CSS from codesplit chunks.
// Their CSS will instead be inserted dynamically with style-loader when the codesplit chunk has been loaded by webpack.
// It's currently set to `true` because we are seeing that sourcemaps are included in the codesplit bundle as well when it's `false`,
// increasing file size:
allChunks: true
// Compress extracted CSS. We are using this plugin so that possible
// duplicated CSS from different components can be deduped.
new OptimizeCSSPlugin({
cssProcessorOptions: ?
{ safe: true, map: { inline: false } } :
{ safe: true }
// generate dist index.html with correct asset hash for caching.
// you can customize output by editing /index.html
// see
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: "index.html",
inject: true,
minify: {
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true
// more options:
// necessary to consistently work with multiple chunks via CommonsChunkPlugin
chunksSortMode: "dependency"
// keep stable when vendor modules does not change
new webpack.HashedModuleIdsPlugin(),
// enable scope hoisting
new webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin(),
// split vendor js into its own file
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "vendor",
async: false,
minChunks(module) {
// any required modules inside node_modules are extracted to vendor
return (
module.resource &&
/\.js$/.test(module.resource) &&
module.resource.indexOf(path.join(__dirname, "../node_modules")) === 0
// return module.context && module.context.includes("node_modules");
// This instance extracts shared chunks from code splitted chunks and bundles them
// in a separate chunk, similar to the vendor chunk
// see:
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "app",
async: "vendor-async",
children: true,
minChunks: 3
// extract webpack runtime and module manifest to its own file in order to
// prevent vendor hash from being updated whenever app bundle is updated
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "manifest",
async: false,
minChunks: Infinity
// copy custom static assets
new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
from: path.resolve(__dirname, "../static"),
ignore: [".*"]
if ( {
const CompressionWebpackPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin");
new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
asset: "[path].gz[query]",
algorithm: "gzip",
test: new RegExp(
"\\.(" +"|") + ")$"
threshold: 10240,
minRatio: 0.8
if ( {
const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require("webpack-bundle-analyzer")
webpackConfig.plugins.push(new BundleAnalyzerPlugin());
module.exports = webpackConfig;
The entry points are missing in the configuration, i.e. you are not informing webpack from where the application should start.
Also this issue is happening because you have mentioned vendor
please refer this link

NPM Module's CSS not applied using #vue/web-component-wrapper VueJS Webcomponents

While developing a Vue web component, using #vue/web-component-wrapper, the styles of npm_modules are not applied. The css actually isn't loaded at all.
Here is my main.js:
import Vue from 'vue';
import wrap from '#vue/web-component-wrapper';
import App from './App.vue';
import '#/modules/filters';
import '#fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css';
import '#fortawesome/fontawesome-free/js/all';
const wrappedElement = wrap(Vue, App);
window.customElements.define('hello-there', wrappedElement);
Before that, I had the problem, that even my normal css wasn't applied. I resolved this, by help of the answer of this question: Styling not applied to vue web component during development
Even those imported styles in main.js:
import '#fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css';
won't load at all.
First thought -> there is something wrong with the webpack css-loader/vue-style-loader
Here is my vue.config.js (using the workaround from the above mentioned question):
function enableShadowCss(config) {
const configs = [
configs.forEach((c) =>
c.tap((options) => {
options.shadowMode = true;
return options;
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: (config) => {
configureWebpack: {
output: {
libraryExport: 'default',
resolve: {
symlinks: false,
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.ya?ml$/,
use: 'raw-loader',
sideEffects: true,
css: {
extract: false,
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
additionalData: `#import "#/styles/_variables.scss";`,
So I tried to add css-loader/vue-style-loader manually to webpack with:
chainWebpack: (config) => {
maybe those styles load now, but it throws an syntax error whilst building anyways:
Syntax Error: CssSyntaxError
(1:4) /Users/.../node_modules/#fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css Unknown word
> 1 | // style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
| ^
2 |
3 | // load the styles
I know I know, seems obvious but those lines don't appear in the file at all. Maybe in an imported file though.
Without using the wc-wrapper everything works fine!!
Well anyways... no clue what I should try next. I am a newbie to webpack and Vue!
If anybody has an idea I would greatly appreciate it!

Why are my js files being loaded as `index.html` instead of the actual js files created by webpack?

I'm creating a simple build from webpack, using typescript, jade, and stylus. When the final index.html file is spit out, however, it seems to think the js files are just the index.html file and not the actual js files bundled up by webpack and dynamically inserted at the bottom of the html body.
My project directory structure looks like this:
- dist (compiled/transpiled files)
- server
- dependencies
- index.js
- app.js
- app.[hash].js
- polyfills.[hash].js
- node_modules
- src
- server
- dependencies
- index.ts
- app.ts
- client (ng2 ts files)
- index.jade
This is my webpack build:
'use strict';
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
const HTMLWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const WebpackShellPlugin = require('webpack-shell-plugin');
const rootDir = __dirname;
* Resolve paths so that we don't have to use relative paths when importing dependencies.
* Very helpful when scaling an application and changing the location of a file that my require another file
* in the same directory as the one it used to be in
const pathResolves = [path.resolve(rootDir, 'src'), path.resolve(rootDir, 'node_modules')];
console.log('path', path.resolve(rootDir, 'src/server'));
module.exports = {
entry: {
'app': path.resolve(rootDir, 'src/client/main.ts'),
'polyfills': [
output: {
path: path.resolve(rootDir, 'dist'),
filename: '[name].[hash].js'
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.component.ts$/,
use: [
loader: 'angular2-template-loader'
loader: 'ts-loader',
options: {
configFileName: path.resolve(rootDir, 'tsconfig.client.json')
include: [path.resolve(rootDir, 'src/client')]
test: /\.ts$/,
use: [
loader: 'ts-loader',
options: {
configFileName: path.resolve(rootDir, 'tsconfig.client.json')
exclude: /\.component.ts$/
test: /\.jade$/,
use: ['pug-ng-html-loader']
test: /\.styl$/,
use: [
{ loader: 'raw-loader' },
{ loader: 'stylus-loader' }
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.ts', '.jade', '.styl'],
modules: pathResolves
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'polyfills'
new HTMLWebpackPlugin({
template: path.resolve(rootDir, 'dist/index.html')
* Define any environment variables for client
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
APP_ENV: JSON.stringify(process.env.APP_ENVIRONMENT || 'development')
* This plugin is required because webpack 2.0 has some issues compiling angular 2.
* The angular CLI team implemented this quick regexp fix to get around compilation errors
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(
And finally, this is the src/server/app.ts file that serves up index.html:
import * as express from 'express';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as morgan from 'morgan';
import {
from './dependencies/config';
function app(Container) {
const app = express();
const config: Config = Container.get(Config);
if ( {
app.get('/', (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
const indexPath: string = `dist/index.html`;
const encodeType: string = `utf-8`;
const html = fs.readFile(indexPath, encodeType, (err: Error, result: string) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).json(err);
return res.send(result);
return app;
The browser console shows the following 404 error messages (they're red in the browser console) when i go to localhost:3000:
GET http://localhost:3000/polyfills.9dcbd04127bb957ccf5e.js
GET http://localhost:3000/app.9dcbd04127bb957ccf5e.js
I know it's supposed to be getting the js files from dist/[file].[hash].js, but can't seem to make it work with webpack. Also, I should note that I set NODE_PATH to ./ in my gulp nodemon config. Any ideas why this isn't working?
Figured it out on my own. Forgot to add app.use(express.static('dist')) middleware to the app.ts file.