checking one checkbox checks all react native - react-native

When I select one checkbox, all checkboxes in the app get selected. How do I stop this?
I am using this checkbox
const [toggleCheckBox, setToggleCheckBox] = useState(false);
return (
{userProducts.length > 0 ? ( => (
userProduct.product + ' val: ' + userProduct.val
onValueChange={newValue => setToggleCheckBox(newValue)}
) : (
<Text>Nothing in your list yet</Text>

you should create your own checkbox component and set the state inside it, so you can pass the state from and to it from the parent component

Because all of your checkbox are using 1 value toggleCheckBox to check state. The easiest way is create child component wrap checkbox inside, and manage state from it

//on Value you can try
onValueChange={newValue => setToggleCheckBox(newValue)}

This is obvious that you are mapping your checkboxes. While you are maintaining state of check or uncheck in just one toggleCheckBox state. So when this is true, all are checked and when it's false, all are unchecked. Here is an existing answer to your question. In case of any confusion or ambiguity, please feel free to ask in the comments section below.


Achieve real-time access to the value being entered in the dialog and modify it?

After the keyboard pops up, a shortcut input box with the specified text appears above it. After clicking, the corresponding text such as"https://" or "www." will be appended to the dialog box.
I can't get the value in the input dialog in real time and modify it by functions other than keyboard input.
effort made:
The dialog I'm using is referenced from react-native-dialogs。I can't find a way to pass state into the input area of ​​this dialog.
Also didn't find a way to get the value of the live input.
I thought if there are other dialog components that support getting the value of the modified input, but I didn't find one.
Notice that the Dialog.Input of react-native-dialog is just a TextInput. Thus, we can achieve this as usual using the onChangeText callback and the value prop of TextInput.
Here is a minimal example.
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Button title="Show dialog" onPress={() => setVisible(true)} />
<Dialog.Container visible={visible}>
<Dialog.Title>Please enter the url you want to bookmark</Dialog.Title>
Message - optional
<Dialog.Input onChangeText={setValue} value={value} />
<Dialog.Button label="Ok" onPress={() => setVisible(false)} />
<Dialog.Button label="Set Text via function" onPress={() => setValue("Hello World")} />
The state value will be updated while you are typing. You have access to it while the dialog is open. You can set the value manually by using the setValue function of the value state as usual. This can be done while the dialog is open.
Here is a little snack for showcasing.

How to replace the checkbox from the UI Fabric DetailsList component

How can I replace the circle checkbox of a DetailsList in office-ui-fabric-react with a normal square CheckBox component? I see onRenderCheckbox so I try something like this:
onRenderCheckbox={(props) => (<Checkbox checked={props.checked} />)}
onRenderCheckbox={(props) => (<Checkbox {...props} />)}
I can see the square checkbox but I can't select it.
What it the proper way to do this?
Thanks in advance...
When you render the Checkbox component, it handles the click itself (and thus it won't percolate up to the row so it can toggle selection accordingly), so you need to prevent it with the pointer-events: none style.
onRenderCheckbox(props) {
return (
<div style={{ pointerEvents: 'none' }}>
<Checkbox checked={props.checked} />
Check it out here:

React-Admin | Bulk-Select with ReferenceField

In our application, we're trying to use Datagrid within ReferenceField to create/modify/delete related records, as shown in
All the functionality shown in the tutorial works well, except the bulk-actions added in a recent react-admin update. Clicking these checkboxes gives
Uncaught TypeError: _this.props.onToggleItem is not a function
I believe this is because the onToggleItem prop is normally provided by the List component, however in this application, Datagrid doesn't have a parent List component.
Adding a List component between ReferenceManyField and Datagrid allows bulk select/delete to work after some changes to the style, however this causes another issue: the current displayed page (i.e. records 1-10, 11-20, etc) is stored per-resource in the store, and so it is possible to have a situation where the store says we're on page 2, and displays page 2, which is empty because there are only enough related items to fill one page.
Am I missing something here? Or is bulk-select inside ReferenceManyField not possible at the moment?
export const NetworksShow = (props) => (
<Show title={<NetworksTitle />} actions={<NetworksShowActions />} {...props}>
<ReferenceManyField addLabel={false} target="ipid" reference="acl-network">
<List style={{ margin: '0px -24px -16px -24px' }} {...props} actions={<NetworkACLCardActions ipid={}/>} filter={{ ipid: _.has(props, 'id') ? : undefined }}>
<Datagrid hasBulkActions={true}>
<ReferenceField label="Network" source="ipid" reference="networks">
<TextField source="name" />
<TextField label="URL" source="url" />
<BWChip label="Action" source="wb" />
<EditButton />
<DeleteButton />
As a side-effect of, it is now possible to use ReferenceManyField -> List -> Datagrid in the way described in the question.
For example, we're now doing the following:
<ReferenceManyField addLabel={false} target="groupid" reference="users">
style={{ margin: '0px -24px -16px -24px' }}
filter={{ groupid: id }}
<Datagrid hasBulkActions>
<LinkField label="Name" source="name" />
<LinkField label="Username" source="email" />
<FlexibleBooleanField label="Email" source="allowemail" />
<ACLChip label="User Access" source="aclid" />
Bulk actions works with the above, and any issues with pagination are avoided as react-admin now checks and modifies pagination if nothing appears on the current page.
As I've understood from the documentation, Datagrid is just an iterator "dumb component".
It just "shows" things that the parent - usually List (connected component) or in your case ReferenceManyField - element previously has fetched.
Thus I think that BulkActions can only be functional when provided by a List element.
For the second part of your issue, Lists should be used top-level and not within other elements that's why it breaks your pagination.
I implemented "DumbList" which takes data from parent component instead of loading it itself. This solves the problem:
import React from 'react';
import { ListController } from 'ra-core';
import { ListView } from 'ra-ui-materialui/esm/list/List';
export const DumbList = props =>
<ListController {...props}>
{controllerProps => {
let { data } = props
const ids = Object.keys(data || {})
const total = ids.length
return <ListView
// This is important, otherwise bulkActionsToolbar ends up on very top of the page
classes={{ card: 'relative' }}
{...Object.assign(controllerProps, { data, ids, total })} />

How can I delete a single item from a list in React Native?

So that's what my render list looks like:
<CardSection key={listedEvent._id}>
and here the rendering of the whole list
if (this.props.eventList !== undefined) {
So far so good, the list and the delete button appear correctly, yet when I try to delete one line, it addresses all. I created my event handler which for now, only logs the passed id.
Yet when called, it logs all the _ids on the list. What am I doing wrong? How can I make sure I'm passing one single id of the list item I'm clicking on?
Thank you!
Problem is that you are rather than passing a deleteEvent function to onClick prop you are executing it. This causes to deleteEvent fire for each item while rendering.
You can sort this out by changing this,
to this
onPress={() => this.deleteEvent(listedEvent._id)}
This will also assure that deleteEvent is bind with this.

How to show a List item after click button in react native

I'm a new to react-native and i need a help. I want to do this: I have a button, when click it, a list item will show under the button. Help me guys !
I suggest you to use or learn (if you want make your own popover) from react-native-list-popover. Here some screenshot from reace-native-list-popover:
Make a Boolean flag in your component state and initiate it with false and then use it for showing the list. You can use FlatList for make a good list.
The example code can be like this:
export default class ClassName extends Component {
state = {showList: false}
_onPress = () => {
this.setState({showList: true})
render() {
return (
<Button onPress={this._onPress}>Show List</Button>
{(this.state.showList) && <FlatList
data={[{key: 'a'}, {key: 'b'}]}
renderItem={({item}) => <Text>{item.key}</Text>}