I have an Access query that contains order quantities and reorder frequencies, e.g:
|Product| Order Qty (pallets) | Order Interval (wks) |
| 1234 | 2.5 | 7 |
| 1235 | 3.4 | 10 |
I want to generate a time phased table of orders, like this:
|Product| Wk1 | Wk2 | Wk3 | Wk4 | Wk5 | Wk6 | Wk7 |
| 1234 | 2.5 | | | | | | 2.5 |
I'm familiar with MySQL but it seems that I will need to create a VBA subroutine to do this in Access. I'd very much appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
You are already in the 'right' direction - need VBA and a 'temp' table. Build temp table with enough WkX fields to accommodate the highest possible interval (max 254). Most likely code will involve opening recordset object, looping records to read values and save records with appropriate data. Maybe this will get you started:
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM table")
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM PhaseTable"
Do While Not rs.EOF
db.Execute "INSERT INTO PhaseTable(Product, Wk1, Wk" & rs!Interval) " & _
"VALUES('" & rs!Product & "," & rs!Qty & "," & rs!Qty & ")"
I am importing a CSV from a network drive, which has lots of columns containing text SG_. I am currently renaming these columns via code by running a 1st query to create a recordset with SELECT TOP 1* FROM FILENAME.EXT rows. Then i am looping the recordset.Fields and removing the prefixed text e.g. nnn_ using MID Function and using the remaining text to use them as Aliases for these SG columns. So my 1st VBA created SQL string looks like this:
StrSQL = "SELECT [Food],[Bev],[Meds],[Average 1],[Midpoint],[Average 2],[SG_ABC],[SG_DEF],[SG_GHI]
From this, i want to pick up the columns containing SG_.
Sample VBA Code:
Set oCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oRs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strCon = "Driver=Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv);Dbq=" & sFullDirectory & ";Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;HDR=Yes;"
oCon.Open strCon
Set oRs = oCon.Execute(strSQL)
i = 1
strSQL = "SELECT "
For Each Fld In oRs.Fields
Select Case True
Case Is = InStr(1, Fld.Name,"SG_") > 0
strSQL = strSQL & " CDbl([" & Fld.Name & "]) AS [" & TempSG & "], "
....more Cases...
End Select
Next Fld
....more code.
Then i am joining this strSQL query to other tables for selecting other columns and loading the result to an ado recordset. I am currently using Microsoft Access Text Driver in Excel using VBA.
strSQL1 = "SELECT G.[lbl], A.[tval], Q.*"
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & " FROM "
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & " (SELECT G.[pos], A.[pos], G.[lbl], A.[tval] FROM " & FILE2 & " G," & FILE3 & " A WHERE G.[ID] = A.[ID]) T, (" & strSQL & ") Q "
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & " WHERE (CLng(T.[G].[pos]) = CLng(Q.[gval])) AND (CLng(T.[A].[pos]) = CLng(Q.[pos]))"
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & " ORDER BY CLng(Q.[gval]), CDbl(Q.[Aggregate 1]) DESC, G.[lbl];"
Set oRs = oCon.Execute(strSQL1)
In the above code, Q.* represents the below table from which i want to only select the SG_ columns. Hope this makes things clear. e.g.
SELECT G.[lbl], A.[tval], Q.* LIKE 'SG_'
CSV Table:
Food | Bev | Meds | Average | Midpoint | Average | 434_SG_ABC | 236_SG_DEF | 121_SG_GHI |
cheese | Rum | cold | 1.22 | 4.98 | 0.24 | 23.43 | 54.67 | 89.33 |
Butter | Wine | heat | 3.56 | 2.40 | 0.98 | 12.12 | 90.23 | 33.43 |
Olive | Beer | rain | 4.33 | 7.11 | 1.45 | 11.55 | 10.31 | 87.22 |
Rice | Gin | hail | 2.02 | 7.86 | 3.36 | 25.82 | 29.44 | 65.70 |
Is there a way to select these Columns?
There is no straight forward way to achieve something like that.
You will either have to modify the VBA code to generate the string with the required columns.
Or if changing the VBA is not possible, insert the data in a staging table and then generate a Dynamic query for selecting the required data
SELECT #query = #query + ',' + name
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_name(object_id) = '<Your Staging table name>'
AND name like 'sg%'
SET #query = 'SELECT ' + RIGHT(#query, LEN(#query)-1) + '
INTO <whichever permanent or temp table you need>
FROM <Your Staging table name>'
This will give you the Select statement required for your details.
I have an MDB table with 2 fields:
| salesperson | Transaction_Date |
| John | 12/11/2018 |
| John | 13/11/2018 |
| John | 18/11/2018 |
| Steeve | 23/12/2018 |
| Steeve | 29/12/2018 |
In VBA (in Excel) I want through ADO to create the following format:
| salesperson | Transaction_Date_Concatenated |
| John | 12/11/2018-13/11/2018-18/11/2018 |
| Steeve | 23/12/2018-29/12/2018 |
The number of Transaction_Dates for each salesperson may vary from 1 to 30.
The following SQL creates a record for each salesperson but it doesn't, of course, produces the concatenated field although it looks as in the direction of what I want
SQL = " SELECT SalesPerson, max(Date) as value1 FROM 0TargetTemplate GROUP BY SalesPerson"
To my knowledge, this cannot be achieved using SQL alone. You'll need to use a VBA function to iterate over the records and construct the delimited string.
Allen Browne has created an existing example which may be found here.
For your particular task, you might call the function in the following manner:
"[0TargetTemplate].SalesPerson = '" & [0TargetTemplate].SalesPerson & "'",
) as Transaction_Date_Concatenated
Using the suggested code and function from the link I wrote a procedure in VBA Access but get an error "Too few parameters" in the Set rs= statement. I've tried in VBA EXCEL with proper connections but get an error about "ConcatRelated" function not recognized, although properly referenced in a VBA module
Sub test()
SQL = "SELECT [tblOrders].CompanyName, ConcatRelated ('[tblOrders].Transaction_Date',[tblOrders], [tblOrders].SalesPerson =' [tblOrders].SalesPerson', [tblOrders].Transaction_Date) AS Transaction_Date_Concatenated FROM tblOrders;"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
On Error GoTo resultsetError
dbValue = rs!Variable
MsgBox dbValue, vbOKOnly, "RS VALUE"
MsgBox "Error Retrieving value from database", vbOKOnly, "Database Error"
End Sub
I'm trying to check if a date type exists in a table. The code I've had is this:
If CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tbl_Fechas_Proceso_Contable.Fecha FROM tbl_Fechas_Proceso_Contable WHERE tbl_Fechas_Proceso_Contable.Fecha= " & Forms!frm_Proceso_Contable!txt_Fecha_Creacion & ";").Fields(1) > 0 Then
MsgBox "La fecha ingresada ya ha sido consultada"
End If
I've seen a similar question, but with Integer, not sure how to proceed with date type, also I don't understand why the expression > 0. I executed like this and Access says Item not in this collection Error 3265.
My table tbl_Fechas_Proceso_Contable is like this:
| ID | Fecha |
| 1 | 16/10/2018 |
| 2 | 17/10/2018 |
Date is a reserved word in Access. Try it with brackets, and your date value in the query has to be enclosed in #'s. Also, indexes often begin with zero, so fields(0) there.
If CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tbl_Fechas_Proceso_Contable.[Fecha] FROM tbl_Fechas_Proceso_Contable WHERE tbl_Fechas_Proceso_Contable.[Fecha]=#" & Forms!frm_Proceso_Contable!txt_Fecha_Creacion & "#;").Fields(0) > 0 Then
MsgBox "La fecha ingresada ya ha sido consultada"
End If
I need to transpose rows into columns in MS Access database, VBA, SQL both the codes are welcome.
| Name | Ticker | ID | Innovation | Quality | Year |
| XYZ | PQR | 11 | 1 | 1 | 2009 |
| XYZ | PQR | 11 | 0 | 1 | 2010 |
| XYZ | PQR | 11 | 1 | 0 | 2011 |
| XYZ | PQR | 11 | 1 | 1 | 2012 |
Desired Table
| Year | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 |
| Name | XYZ | XYZ | XYZ | XYZ |
| Ticker | PQR | PQR | PQR | PQR |
| ID | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 |
| Innovation | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| Quality | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
As you can see from the desired table, I am trying to have the Year row as Column and list all the columns apart from Year as my rows.
I have tried using Tranform and Pivot function in MS Access but it only Pivots one variable. Let me know your thoughts on it.
The below code failed in transposing all the variables.
TRANSFORM Max([Quality])
FROM Table
Where Ticker = "XYZ"
Also, if possible I want to publish it as PDF document.
Thanks in advance,
Access TRANSFORM is not really intuitive and easy to use and I do not think you can use it that way. Each result row is supposed to be an aggregate of your table. I know of no way to get the previous field names into a new column.
See a working example:
TRANSFORM and PIVOT in Access 2013 SQL
What you really seem to want is just a new presentation to the existing data.
Excel might help.
I have never exported pdf from Access but from Excel is easy. Here is an example:
Sub ExportPdf(path As String, Optional openAfter As Boolean)
''calculate best range for print area
Dim lastCol As Integer
Dim firstRow As Integer
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastCol = pt.TableRange2.Columns(pt.TableRange2.Columns.Count).Column
firstRow = pt.TableRange2.Rows(1).Row
lastRow = ms.Cells(pt.TableRange2.Rows.Count * 3, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Worksheets(ContextSheet).PageSetup.PrintArea = Range(Cells(firstRow, 1), Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Address
Worksheets(ContextSheet).ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
path & "\Area " & getPivotTablePageFilters(getPivotTable()) & ".pdf", Quality:= _
xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
End Sub
This is a vb script that takes the data from TableSource and transposes it into TableTranspose. The 2nd table has to be set up with a column named FName to take the field names, and columns for each year in the source table.
Function Transpose()
Set db = CurrentDb()
db.Execute ("delete * from TableTranspose")
Set RS = db.OpenRecordset("TableSource")
Set YrList = db.OpenRecordset("select distinct [Yr] from [TableSource] Group by [Yr]")
For Each F In RS.Fields
FN = F.Name
INS = "Insert Into TableTranspose (FName"
SQL = "Select '" & FN & "'"
Do While Not YrList.EOF
YR = YrList.Fields("YR").Value
INS = INS & ",[" & YR & "]"
SQL = SQL & ",max(iif(YR=" & YR & ",[" & FN & "])) AS [" & YR & "]"
SQL = SQL & " From TableSource"
db.Execute (INS & ") " & SQL)
Next F
MsgBox ("Done")
End Function
This works by processing one field at a time to match the layout of the desired output, and looping through each year of TableSource to find the data to make up the row in TableTranspose. It shouldn't matter how many fields there are or what they are named.
It will create a row in the output for the Year, which will be redundant - you can delete it, or add logic to skip that field if necessary.
This seems to work fine with the 4 years of data in your sample, and should extend OK to more years. It's possible that you will hit a limit on SQL command length if there are too many years in the data, but I think not.
If you are filtering the records from TableSource, you can add the WHERE clause on the line just from the db.execute near the bottom.
Is the data always the same set of field names and years? If so, you might be able to use a UNION query, something like:
Select "Name" as [FName], max(iif(year="2009",name))as [2009], max(iif(year="2010"
,name)) as [2010], max(iif(year="2011",name)) as [2011], max(iif(year="2012", name)) as [2012] from Table group by FName
Union all Select "Ticker", max(iif(year="2009",ticker)), max(iif(year="2010"
,ticker)), max(iif(year="2011",ticker)), max(iif(year=-"2012",ticker)) from Table group by FName
Union all Select "ID", max(iif(year="2009",id)), max(iif(year="2010"
,id)), max(iif(year="2011",is)), max(iif(year="2012",id)) from Table group by FName
Union all Select "Innovation", max(iif(year="2009",innovation)), max(iif(year="2010"
,innovation)), max(iif(year="2011",innovation)), max(iif(year=-"2012",innovation)) from Table group by FName
Union all Select "Quality", max(iif(year="2009",quality)), max(iif(year="2010"
,quality)), max(iif(year="2011",quality)), max(iif(year=-"2012",quality)) from Table group by FName
I have searched 'concatenate' topics and have been unable to find the answer I need. This posting came close access sql query to concatenate rows but my attempts to make it work for my purpose failed.
What I have is a table like this
Lic# | Permit | Year
1 | NS1 | 2003
1 | NS1 | 2004
1 | NS2 | 2004
2 | TR | 2012
2 | NS2 | 2012
3 | OR | 2008
2 | OR | 2011
2 | NS1 | 2011
2 | TR | 2011
....And so forth. This table has many unique license numbers with permit type and year (from 2003-2012) listed for each.
What I would like is to create a table that would display the information like this
Lic# | Permit | Year
1 |NS1 | 2003
1 | NS1, NS2 | 2004
2 | TR, NS2 | 2012
3 | OR | 2008
2 | OR, NS1, TR | 2011
As I posted in my comment, this is easy using the group_concat() function in MySQL, but if you want to do it in MS Access, I think you have to deal with this using VBA.
I propose you this function:
public function concatenatePermits(licNo as integer, year as integer)
dim db as DAO.database, rec as DAO.recordset, strSQL as string
dim ans as string
set db = currentdb()
strSQL = "select permit from [your table] " & _
"where [lic#]=" & licNo & " and year=" & year & ";"
set rec = db.openrecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
ans = ""
with rec
if ans = "" then
ans = !permit
ans = ans & "," & !permit
end if
loop until .EOF
end with
concatenatePermits = ans
end function
This function can be used in any query. Downside: If your table is really big, the execution of a query that uses this function can be really slow. I think the better approach would be to create an empty table and then fill it row by row using VBA.
Hope this helps you.
Adding rows using VBA
In your comment you ask how to add rows to a table with VBA. Assuming the table exists and you have the data you want to feed into this table, I suggest you something like this:
public sub addData()
dim db as dao.database, recOut as dao.recordset
' Declare all the variables you need for your code'
set db = currentdb()
' recOut will be the table where you want to store your data '
set recIn = db.openRecordset("tblYourOutTable",dbOpenDynaset,dbEditAdd)
' At some point in your code you will need to store data in your table: '
with recOut
![A_Field] = value1
![Another_field] = value2
![Yet_another_field] = value3
end with
' Close the recordset and the database objects '
end sub