How to upload HTML files to Apache Webserver running on Docker - apache

I am starting out with Apache webservices. I am running it on Docker with the httpd image, and I have mapped host machine port 81 to 80 on the container.
I have created a new index.html which I want to test as my new home page, but at a loss as to how to upload it to the server.
I'm not aware of any GUI type methods, but in any case would prefer a programmatic approach.
I have tried using curl commands (trial and error of a few variations). One example is:
curl -u root -XPUT -H "content-type: application/html" #index.html http://localhost:81/index.html
Sometimes the existing index.html is returned, other times I get Error 405: Method Not Allowed.

Use docker cp
docker cp ./index.html container:/var/www/html/index.html
Adapt paths to your needs; to obtain container name, run docker ps . If your container is named apache2, then full command will be:
docker cp ./index.html apache2:/var/www/html/index.html


Put different containers containing a server in the same server

I have a Debian server with apache2 on it. I can access it by an ip address.
What I want is to be able to access to the containers in it (which contain an apache2 serveur) from the outside by an url like "myIpAddress/container1". What I currently have is an acces to those containers only from the Debian server.
I thought about using proxy reverse, but I cannot make it works.
Thank you for your help! :-)
Map the docker container's port to a host port and access the docker container from <host-ip>:port.
docker run -p host-port:container-port image
For example, upon running a container using the above command will make the container available at
docker run -p 80:5000 training/webapp
Setting up reverse proxy using NGINX
This example uses a plain NGINX container as site A and plain Apache server as site B.
Run the reverse proxy.
docker run -d \
--name nginx-proxy \
-p 80:80 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro jwilder/nginx-proxy
Start the container for site A, specifying the domain name in the VIRTUAL_HOST variable.
docker run -d --name site-a -e nginx
Check out your website at
With site A still running, start the container for site B.
docker run -d --name site-b -e httpd
Check out site B at
Note: Make sure you have set up DNS to forward the subdomains to the host running nginx-proxy. If you're using AWS, the easiest way is to use Route53.
For testing locally, map sub-domains to resolve to localhost by adding entries in /etc/hosts file.
jwilder NGNIX Proxy Github
NGNIX reverse proxy using docker

JMeter can't send data to influxdb in docker environment

I want to use influxdb and grafana in docker environment to show time-series data from jmeter.
I tried the set up from this post:
and the only difference here is, I'm a docker environment. So I set up the influxdb configuration from the information given from docker hub(
I change the configuration file like this:
and type:
"$ docker run -p 8086:8086 \
-v $PWD/influxdb.conf:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf:ro \
influxdb -config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf"
in termianl,
And finally when I want to get the data from localhost:8083, enter database jemeter, and type"SHOW MEASUREMETNS", nothing shows there.
What might be the reason here?
port 8086 is for HTTP API to add the data. If you use graphite protocol, port 2003 should be enabled and mapped.
docker run -p 8086:8086 -p 2003:2003 ...
will work.
Please check jmeter backendlistner settings. Check here IP of InfluxDb Container and port. it shouldn't be localhost.

https is not working on httpd docker container

I am new to Apache and docker. I am running httpd:2.4 image from docker hub. Httpd container is running fine. When I am hitting localhost from browser, it gives messages as "IT workes" but when i tried to hit localhost with https then it is giving error as site can not be reached.
command to run httpd
docker run -d -p 443:443 --name httpd httpd:2.4
You must configure ssl certificate for this. Please refer SSL/HTTPS section given on Docker Hub official doc

CentOS7: Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?

I've installed Docker on CentOS7, now I try to launch the server in a Docker container.
$ docker run -d --name "openshift-origin" --net=host --privileged \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /tmp/openshift:/tmp/openshift \
openshift/origin start
This is the output:
Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.19/containers/create?name=openshift-origin: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: permission denied. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
I have tried the same command with sudo and that works fine (I can also run images in OpenShift bash etc.) But it feels wrong to use it, am I right? What is a solution to let is work as normal user?
Docker is running (sudo service docker start). Restarting the CentOS did not help.
The error is:
/var/run/docker.sock: permission denied.
That seems pretty clear: the permissions on the Docker socket at /var/run/docker.sock do not permit you to access it. This is reasonably common, because handing someone acccess to the Docker API is effectively the same as giving them sudo privileges, but without any sort of auditing.
If you are the only person using your system, you can:
Create a docker group or similar if one does not already exist.
Make yourself a member of the docker group
Modify the startup configuration of the docker daemon to make the socket owned by that group by adding -G docker to the options. You'll probably want to edit /etc/sysconfig/docker to make this change, unless it's already configured that way.
With these changes in place, you should be able to access docker from your user account with requiring sudo.

How to setup a small website using docker

I have a question regarding Docker. That container's concept being totally new to me and I am sure that I haven't grasped how things work (Containers, Dockerfiles, ...) and how they could work, yet.
Let's say, that I would like to host small websites on the same VM that consist of Apache, PHP-FPM, MySQL and possibly Memcache.
This is what I had in mind:
1) One image that contains Apache, PHP, MySQL and Memcache
2) One or more images that contains my websites files
I must find a way to tell in my first image, in the apache, where are stored the websites folders for the hosted websites. Yet, I don't know if the first container can read files inside another container.
Anyone here did something similar?
Thank you
Your container setup should be:
MySQL Container
Memcached Container
Apache, PHP etc
Data Conatainer (Optional)
Run MySQL and expose its port using the -p command:
docker run -d --name mysql -p 3306:3306 dockerfile/mysql
Run Memcached
docker run -d --name memcached -p 11211:11211 borja/docker-memcached
Run Your web container and mount the web files from the host file system into the container. They will be available at /container_fs/web_files/ inside the container. Link to the other containers to be able to communicate with them over tcp.
docker run -d --name web -p 80:80 \
-v /host_fs/web_files:/container_fs/web_files/ \
--link mysql:mysql \
--link memcached:memcached \
Inside your web container
look for the environment variables MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR and MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT to tell you where to conect to the mysql instance and similarly MEMCACHED_PORT_11211_TCP_ADDR and MEMCACHED_PORT_11211_TCP_PORT to tell you where to connect to memcacheed.
The idiomatic way of using Docker is to try to keep to one process per container. So, Apache and MySQL etc should be in separate containers.
You can then create a data-container to hold your website files and simply mount the volume in the Webserver container using --volumes-from. For more information see, specifically "Creating and mounting a Data Volume Container".