Pentaho in MAC M1 - pentaho

I had installed pentaho in my MAC M1 but I don't know why today not load. I think is because I updated any version of JAVA. I downloaded a new version of Pentaho and unzip and copy in applications. After that I replaced the file .jar and I can't not open.
This is the message from the terminal Rosetta

Done! Several virtual machines in my library I keep temurin-8.jdk and works


Arduino IDE 1.6.6, problems with uploading

/opt/arduino-1.6.6/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I having this problem when I'm trying to upload sketch into arduino. IDE continue writing that uploading. I already tried to dialout, that doesn't work in my case. I'm using arduino IDE 1.6.6, because on newer versions I have bigger problems. I have debian Elementary 5.0 Juno on my desktop
Finally I understood that version of libreadline is matter, so i created symlink from 7th to 6th libreadline version
cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo ln -s

Datastax DevCenter freezes on startup

Just installed (copied over the app from the downloaded dmg) DevCenter 1.6 on my mac, running macOs Sierra 10.12.6 with jdk 8u152 installed. The application loads a UI (splash screen then a couple of checkboxes in a window for getting started) but the UI is frozen (with the splash screen still there). No response to mouse clicks or keyboard. Also can't click on the app name in the menu bar. The app however is not labeled "Not responding" by activity monitor.
So far I've tried -
Looking at the logs both in the app folder and in ~/.devcenter. Nothing fishy there
Running the app from a different user account - same issue there
Deleting all datastax and devcenter related files (searched by name) on my machine and fresh start - still the same issue
any ideas what I could do here?
I was running DevCenter on a previous mac with the same config / os version but a slightly older JDK, never had issues then.
On OSX, you can specify which version of Java DevCenter uses so that you do not need to downgrade your global Java version.
Right-click on
Click "show package contents"
Open Contents/info.plist
At the bottom of the file, there's an Eclipse key with lines commented out explaining how to specify the version of Java. Uncomment the line and specify the version of Java that you want DevCenter to use.
Save & Re-launch DevCenter
The updated info.plist file should look something like this:
I reached out to someone at Datastax and learnt that complaints have surfaced about this behavior when using DevCenter with jdk 8u152.
For now, I've downgraded to jdk 8u151 and that fixes the issue.
Without downgrade the Java version
I couldn't create any connection and press buttons and everything was frozen; Changing the swt plugin in the DevCenter plugin folder worked. This was my configuration:
DevCenter version DevCenter-1.6.0-macosx-x86_64
Mac OSX version 10.14.6
JDK Version jdk1.8.0_231.jdk
Steps to fix it
From here download the version 3.108.0. (This version works for me)
Rename the file downloaded as swt.jar (short name)
[Optionally] create a backup of the current swt plugin jar of the DevCenter
cp DevCenter/ ~/Desktop
Replace the plugin with the swt.jar downloaded
mv swt.jar DevCenter/
Startup DevCenter
Finally it worked

IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio SQL Adapter User Password in Encrypted format

I'm Using IBM SQLAdapter for storing updating user information.. but I want to store password in database in encrypted format. and displaying password shown in decrepted format.. how can i do this using IBM MobileFirst Stdio
If you will read the error message, you'll see it's not related to your installed Java version nor to the Eclipse version you're using.
I've tried myself on Mac OS X 10.10.1 and Eclipse Kepler SR2. The installation from the Marketplace was successful. Note that the installed artifacts are the same whether you use Windows, Linux or Mac.
It was very slow, though, so it could be it something 'bad' happened during it.
This may also be due to either a network problem or temporary cache problem on the servers.
What you can do:
Wait and try again later,
Or download this Studio .zip file. Then, in Eclipse > Help > Install new software... > Add > Archive, and select the downloaded .zip file.

Netbeans 7.1.2 and 6.7.1, SoapUI both stopped working on OS X Mavericks

Installed the OS X Mavericks last night and Netbeans and SoapUI both doesnt work anymore. Has anyone found a solution for this?
Updating Java JRE fixed Netbeans, other products that are still having issues:
1) SoapUI
2) Apache Directory Studio
3) PyCharm
I had the same problem. Try to install the newest Java JRE. It worked for me
Downloading NetBeans 7.4 worked for me
Updating Java JRE and downloading NetBeans 7.4 didn’t work for me.
Installation issue : Neatbean 7.4 was unable to install and previous version (7.2 on my computer) was unable to launch.
When i tried to launch Photoshop 5.1, i had a message saying Java SE 6 was missing. Mavericks asked to download it. After installing automatically, Photoshop and Netbeans install was ok.
Also, you can try this link if you can't download automatically :

Creating a Mono binary install package for CentOS 5.2

I'm new to Linux but have to port a app to Linux platform. (CentOS 5.2)
I downloaded the mono source files and manually build them on my dev box, because there's no aviable Binary package for CentOS 5.2 (almost the same as RedHat), the app works well on the dev box.
The next step is to setup the production server, which has minimal libraries installed.
My question is... how to make the Mono binary files into a install package so I don't need to download and build them in the production server.
(My dev box is the same configuration as the production one)
I have tried to copy all mono related files into the server, but with no luck... May I missed some files or some settings...
You can still get binary RPMS here
Recently, Mono announced support for RHEL/CentOS. You can get packages from them here.