I am attempting to scrape the messages from a discord channel including any reactions added to the messages. Currently I am using the code located here: https://github.com/Dracovian/Discord-Scraper (to be clear, this is not my code) to do so, and as far as I can tell based on the discord API it should be pulling in reactions, but I am instead getting all the messages without the "reactions" list in the message objects.
Message Object Example
The user I am authenticating as has all the required permissions to do this. Does anyone know what might be causing reactions to be missing from these message objects?
I need create google chat bot (or find already existing bot) which would respond with a reply every time when a user creates a new thread in the space?
As I found in the bot api, it looks like it only responds to the following 3 events (https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/message-formats/events#event_types):
bot entering the space
bot leaving the space
message directed to the bot
It doesn't look like a bot can be configured to respond only to every new thread that is started in the space.
Your list of possible event types is incomplete, the full list is at https://developers.google.com/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/EventType.
That said, messages not directed to the bot do not generate an event, so the bot does not see them, as you correctly noted. There is a feature request opened for the functionality at https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/75245758.
See Q: How to find messages in google spaces using chat.api for an experimental REST API that allows to search and filter all messages in a Google Chat Space.
I'm working on a solution to build a system that automatically alerts users on Microsoft Teams. The order of execution will be:
Automatically scan alarm logs
Sort and send MS Teams messages to personnel for corresponding processing
If the processing staff does not receive the message, make a call on MS Teams to read the pre-recorded voice record.
I used python to automatically get the warning list, to send this alert list to the handler, I have tried MS Teams REST API but it only supports sending messages to Channel. How do I automatically chat and voice calls to an MS Teams user? Can chatbot help me with this problem? I see there are many types of bots that can be added to the conversation:
I think a chatbot is definitely the best way to deal with this. Essentially, you're wanting the bot to message a user on demand, which is something called "Proactive Messaging". You can read more here and here. There are a few things you need to know about this, but in a nutshell you need a way to specifically identify the user for sending the message, which you can get when the user first installs your bot (mostly you need "ServiceUrl" and "ConversationId").
With regards to knowing if the user has read the message, you might want to send an "adaptive card" with a button for the user to acknowledge that they've read the message, and if you don't get a callback within some time frame, start the voice call.
I am running a business regarding selling/buying online things and I am mainly using Discord to contact my suppliers/clients. It grew quite tiresome to manually send private messages to each one of my suppliers, and to organize contacts with the current discord interface (outside of specific servers)
What I am interested in is: can I create a script that, when I run it, would send a private message to multiple people in my friends list (being given a list of discord names), WITHOUT using a discord server? The server/channel option is not viable for me, nor is using another app. I would start building that in any programming language, I am just interested if it's possible as I have found no information regarding it.
Unfortunately, Discord Accounts can only message other accounts that they're either in a server with or are friends with. Discord Bots can't add friends, and if they were in a server with all of your clients that would defeat the purpose. A hypothetical solution would be to invite all of them to a Discord Server with no text channels and then have the bot message them from there, which is 100% possible and would be really easy to do.
Hangout Chat is sending only new messages to the Bot, edits and deletes are not being sent and there is no info either in the documentation https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/reference/message-formats/events
Another issue is, bot's getting message only when its mentioned in a room, all other messages are not sent to bot.
How can i resolve/work around these issues?
Hangouts Chat bots is only sent new messages. Edited messages don't get sent to the bot. Though as Brett mentioned you can submit a feature request if you can think of use cases for the functionality (see below).
I suggest checking the Hangouts Chat API support page and search whether someone's filed a feature request (FR) on Google's issue tracker. If so, star it and add a link to it here via a comment. If not, file a new feature request and also link it here so others can vote on it.
As for the purpose of #mentioning a bot in rooms, this is likely done for privacy/security purposes. Having a bot or bots always listening to conversations in a room could raise such concerns. I'd expect bots to only get messages when it is directly #mentioned in a room unless Google feels otherwise. Who knows... may be if enough people star it, they may consider it.
Is it possible to get MailChimp or Mandrill to notify a webhook URL whenever a message is either created for a list, or scheduled to be sent, along with the list and message IDs?
I have a client that wants to intercept messages from his campaign, add special data from his server, then send the resulting template through his connected Mandrill account. I'm trying to figure out how to implement the first step in this process.
Although I know this is old someone may stumble into this thread, have you checked out the webhook information?
It has an easy way to implement it inside the account. You just setup a URL to intercept and parse the incoming data. I recommend first saving the data then using a scheduled task to parse the job separately so you don't lose data (although mandrill will try 100x).
If the unique id is not enough for you with your events, and you are concerned about specific campaigns you can tag the emails upon send and they will have the tagged information with the incoming event.