How to make a mountainous area flat in Blender? - blender

how can i make this selected area flat and not mountainous?
Image of problem

Scale selected faces to 0 on Z axis. You can do that by selecting scale operator S then clicking Z to operate on Z axis only a than clicking 0 to se Z scale as zero.


How to move y axis label further from side of “paper”

I have a data set “mydatainR”
With that I created a barplot and when I download the barplot, part of the y axis is cut off because it’s “off of the paper”
I want to give myself more room to work with, or make my entire bar plot smaller. Thx

Can I move the axes of a ggplot to centre the data in R

I am plotting meteor observation data from a sky camera, sometimes using right ascension and declination for my x and y axes, at other times azimuth and elevation. The problem I have in both cases is with the x axis when my observations span the 360 degree mark. Sometimes I get a batch of observations on the left of my plot (near zero degrees, and a batch on the right hand side (near 360 degrees), with a big expanse of nothing in the middle. Is there any easy way I can change the x axis so that the 360/0 degree wrap over is in the centre of the plot? I would still want to show the true azimuth (or right ascension) in the axis labels.
PS. Pointing the camera elsewhere is not an option ]1
PPS So in the image shown the plots on the left hand side should be to the right of those on the right hand side with x axis from 250 (via 360/0) to 100.
PPPS So the second image shows what I am after - but I got to that by doctoring the data - as is obvious from the scale of the x axis in this plot

How can I flip all keyframes upside down in blender?

In blender, I know there is a way to flip a group of keyframes by the x axis by copying and pasting (ctrl+shift+v) but how can I flip them upside down?
Move-rotate-scale operators can be used in 2D space too, so you can scale animation curves with S Y -1 (scale along Y axis -1 times), probably adjusting pivot point to origin first (e.g. set pivot to "2d cursor" and set 2d cursor somewhere at Y=0. The same can be done for X axis.

Use free space after hiding axis

I have a horizontal bar chart where I decided to hide the Y axis and display the axis labels inside the chart:
Now I'd like to know how I can tell Dimple to use the free space (see red rectangle) available from hiding the Y axis.
You set the bounds of the plot area with setMargins or setBounds. Dimple doesn't automatically size to accommodate axes. So just set the left margin to about 10px.

BoxObj and AxisType.Log in ZedGraph

In order to emphasize data, I try to draw a box from top to down of the graphpane. This works well as long I stay with a linear axis.
When I change to a log axis the height of the box will not fit. How do I calculate the right height of such a box for log scales?
Change the coordinate frame for your box object. Use the XAxisYChartFraction, and (0,1) as the Y coordinates. This should do the trick.