Can I compose variable to create new varibales in Postman? - api

I have a variable as BASE_URL. When I am using the localhost, I am composing it with one more variable PORT that reflects the port on which the service is running on my local. These two variables composed as {{BASE_URL}}:{{PORT}} defines the complete base URL for my APIs.
But when testing the deployed version of my API, my base URL is just without any port declared explicitly.
I am using {{BASE_URL}}/rule-service/v1/find-by-txn format in the request URL. I am using environments to switch between local and remote.
How can I utilize the same request format for both cases? I have multiple microservices running on different ports.

This code did the job!
let baseUrl = pm.environment.get("BASE_URL");
let port = pm.collectionVariables.get("PORT");
baseUrl = baseUrl.split(':')[0];
baseUrl = `${baseUrl}:${port}`;
pm.environment.set("BASE_URL", baseUrl);

Try this. It introduces a variabe FINAL_BASE_URL which is to be used to build your URLs (eg {{FINAL_BASE_URL}}/rule-service/v1/find-by-txn) and it includes the PORT or not, depending if an environment variable PORT is set.
if (pm.environment.get("PORT")) {
let FINAL_BASE_URL = pm.environment.get("BASE_URL") + ":" + pm.environment.get("PORT")
} else {
let FINAL_BASE_URL = pm.environment.get("BASE_URL")


Flowable - concat dynamic variable and a string in http task (url)

I need to convert the base url according to the production and other environments.
I am using script task before a http task to perform this logic.
baseUrl = http://localhost:8080
baseUrl, is the output of the script task. Now I need to add this base url as a prefix in http task url
Url = ${baseUrl}/application/find (something like this).
I am getting the following issue
Unknown Property used in the expression ${baseUrl}/application/find
var env = execution.getVariable("env")
if(env == "prod") {
var baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080";
execution.setVariable("baseUrl", baseUrl);
Please assist.
This typically means that it is unable to find a property in the expression (as the message says). The only expression you are using is baseUrl which means that the issue is around the baseUrl. The concatenation as you have done it is correct and doesn't need to have an adaption.
You should check if the variable really exists, this you can do by introducing a wait state before your HTTP task and check afterwards if the variable is created. Rather than using outputs, you can also use the Java API in your script task to create the variable:
execution.setVariable("baseUrl", "http://localhost:8080");
Assuming you are using Spring Boot, for your specific use-case it would be also an option to use the to specify your base-url and then refer to the baseUrl with the following expression:
This will allow you to change the baseUrl independent of your process definition.

Can we actually send out mails during semi-automatic testing?

We are using unit / integration tests during Shopware 6 development.
One technique we use is to disable database transaction behaviour to see the results for example of fixtures in the admin panel, for an easier debugging / understanding:
trait IntegrationTestBehaviour
use KernelTestBehaviour;
// use DatabaseTransactionBehaviour;
use FilesystemBehaviour;
use CacheTestBehaviour;
use BasicTestDataBehaviour;
use SessionTestBehaviour;
use RequestStackTestBehaviour;
Similar to this it would be helpful to send out actual emails during some tests (only for development, not in the CI and so on).
It is already possible to automatically test emails like this:
$eventDidRun = false;
$listenerClosure = function (MailSentEvent $event) use (&$eventDidRun): void {
$eventDidRun = true;
$this->addEventListener($dispatcher, MailSentEvent::class, $listenerClosure);
// do something that sends an email
static::assertTrue($eventDidRun, 'The mail.sent Event did not run');
But sometimes we want to manually see the actual email.
The .env.test already contains a valid mailer URL:
But still no mails get send during the test.
While I guess that this is fully intentional, is there some method to workaround the blockage of getting mails sent during testing?
The reason is the MAILER_URL variable is pre-set to null://localhost in the phpunit.xml.dist of the platform repository:
<server name="MAILER_URL" value="null://localhost"/>
You could set the MAILER_URL environment variable yourself before the tests of the class are executed:
* #beforeClass
public static function setMailerUrl(): void
$_SERVER['MAILER_URL'] = 'smtp://';

Spring Cloud Server serving multiple property files for the same application

Lets say I have applicationA that has 3 property files:
-> applicationA
How do I move all properties to a spring cloud config server and keep them separate?
As of today I have configured the config server that will only read ONE property file as this seems to be the standard way. This file the config server picks up seems to be resolved by using the In my case it will only read ONE file with this name:
How can I add the other files to be resolved by the config server?
Not possible in the way how you requested. Spring Cloud Config Server uses NativeEnvironmentRepository which is:
Simple implementation of {#link EnvironmentRepository} that uses a SpringApplication and configuration files located through the normal protocols. The resulting Environment is composed of property sources located using the application name as the config file stem ( and the environment name as a Spring profile.
So basically every time when client request properties from Config Server it creates ConfigurableApplicationContext using SpringApplicationBuilder. And it is launched with next configuration property:
String config = application;
if (!config.startsWith("application")) {
config = "application," + config;
list.add("" + config);
So possible names for property files will be only .yml) and config client application name that is requesting configuration - in your case
But you can "cheat".
In config server configuration you can add such property
search-paths: '{application}, {application}/your-subdirectory'
In this case Config Server will search for same property file names but in few directories and you can use subdirectories to keep your properties separate.
So with configuration above you will be able to load configuration from:
This can be done.
You need to create your own EnvironmentRepository, which loads your property files.
searches for the property files to load :
for (String prof : profiles) {
for (String app : apps) {
String value = location;
if (app != null) {
value = value.replace("{application}", app);
if (prof != null) {
value = value.replace("{profile}", prof);
if (label != null) {
value = value.replace("{label}", label);
if (!value.endsWith("/")) {
value = value + "/";
output.addAll(matchingDirectories(dir, value));
There you could add custom code, that reads the required property files.
The above code matches exactly the behaviour described in the spring docs.
The NativeEnvironmentRepository does NOT access GIT/SCM in any way, so you should use
JGitEnvironmentRepository as base for your own implementation.
As #nmyk pointed out, NativeEnvironmentRepository boots a mini app in order to collect the properties by providing it with - sort of speak - "hardcoded" {appname}.* and application.* supported property file names. (#Stefan Isele - JGitEnvironmentRepository ends up using NativeEnvironmentRepository as well, for that matter).
I have issued a pull request for spring-cloud-config-server 1.4.x, that supports defining additional file names, through a environment property, in the same sense one can do for a single springboot app, as defined in the Externalized Configuration.Application Property Files section of the documentation, using the enviroment property. I hope they review it soon, since it seems many have asked about this feature in stack overflow, and surely many many more search for it and read the currently advised solutions.
It worths mentioning that many ppl advise "abusing" the profile feature to achieve this, which is a bad practice, in my humble opinion, as I describe in this answer

How can I get window.location.href in Elm?

I have an index.html which contains my Elm app. The Elm app uses various GETs to an API served by the same server as the one that serves the index.html.
Rather than hardcode the URLs in my Elm code for the GETs, e.g.:
url =
is there a function which returns the value of window.location.href?
I'd like to do something like:
url =
getHref() ++ "/api/tasks"
In this way, if I move my server to somewhere else I will not need to update all the urls in my Elm code.
Whilst the above answers your question, I think there is a more straightforward solution to the problem:
If the application code is being served from the same server (URL) as the API you want to access you don't need to specify the server - just the root relative path for your api i.e. you can make requests to /api/tasks from your elm code and the browser will sort out the rest for you.
This is how I addressed the problem in my deployed code.
There is elm-history package with the location function for this, but it's deprecated and doesn't exist for 0.18 version.
Then you might want to use elm-navigation package and explicitly store the current location in your model.
Please have a look at this example. A program with navigation can be created via:
Navigation.program UrlChange
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none)
UrlChange here is a type of message, which triggers on every url change, so you can process it and set the current location:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
UrlChange location ->
( { model | location = location }
, Cmd.none
And then purely get the location.href wherever the model is accessible.
In the provided application, this place is view: viewLocation model.location
In your application, it's, for example, something like this:
url model =
model.location.href ++ "/api/tasks"
Use URL Builder to link to anoter page on your site
There's no need to specify the base url:
import Url.Builder exposing (absolute)
url = absolute [ "api", "tasks" ] []
-- results in "http://localhost:8080/api/tasks"
-- if working in your developer environment
-- the URL will automatically change in production
-- to the correct URL assuming you don't have any crazy set ups
And you definitely will not need to worry if your server URL changes. So you can easily switch from a development to production/staging environments without any additional configuration.

Running multiple browser instances in the same test spec

If I have a single spec that is using page object model, how do I run multiple browser instance for that same spec?
For example I have spec:
it('should run multi browser', function() {
var b2 = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
var b3 = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
b3.get('');;; //fails here;
How do I reuse vars declared in the SearchPage page object for the other browser instances?
This is a really interesting question that is not covered in Using Multiple Browsers in the Same Test or in the interaction_spec.js.
The problem with page objects is that page object fields are usually defined with a globally available element or browser which in your case would always point to the first browser instance. But you basically need to call element() using a specific browser:
instead of just:
FYI, element is just a shortcut for browser.element.
I am really not sure whether this is a reliable solution and would actually work, but you can redefine global element this way. Think about it as switching the search context to different browser instances:;
global.element = b2.element;;
global.element = b3.element;;
global.element = browser.element;