Codes not generating any plots - numpy

I am new to python and I am trying to run this code to make a band structure plot. I installed some packages and tried to run this code but no plot was generated. Could you help me check what's going on?
Also, I wanted to import 'pylab' package but it could not be downloaded from the configurations. Sorry this is quite lengthy but im not sure where the problem comes from. I'm trying to run this with pycharm. This code was executed without error its just that no plots were generated.
#ipython --pylab=qt
from tkinter import *
from scipy import constants as sc
from pylab_crawler_sdk import *
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from cmaths import *
from cmat import *
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import *
import numpy as np
def kz1(om,n1,kpp):
kz1 = emath.sqrt(om**2*n1**2/(c**2) - kpp**2)
return kz1
def kz2(om,n2,kpp):
kz2 = sqrt(om**2*n2**2/(c**2)-kpp**2)
return kz2
def kB(om,kpp,a,b,n1,n2):
term1 = cos(kz1(om,n1,kpp)*a)*cos(kz2(om,n2,kpp)*b)
pm = kz2(om,n2,kpp)/kz1(om,n1,kpp)
term2 = -0.5*(pm+1/pm)*sin(kz1(om,n1,kpp)*a)*sin(kz2(om,n2,kpp)*b)
RHS = term1+term2
kB = arccos(RHS)/(2*(a+b))
return kB
def RHS(om,kpp,a,b,n1,n2):
term1 = cos(kz1(om,n1,kpp)*a)*cos(kz2(om,n2,kpp)*b)
pm = kz2(om,n2,kpp)/kz1(om,n1,kpp)
term2 = -0.5*(pm+1./pm)*sin(kz1(om,n1,kpp)*a)*sin(kz2(om,n2,kpp)*b)
RHS = term1+term2
return RHS
def bandedges(RHSs, kpp, a,b, n1, n2):
indices1 = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(np.array(RHSs) - 1)) != 0).reshape(-1)
indices2 = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(np.array(RHSs) + 1)) != 0).reshape(-1)
idx = indices1
idx = np.append(indices1,indices2)
return idx
def omega_to_solve(om):
term1 = cos(kz1(om,n1,kpp)*a)*cos(kz2(om,n2,kpp)*b)
pm = kz2(om,n2,kpp)/kz1(om,n1,kpp)
term2 = -0.5*(pm+1/pm)*sin(kz1(om,n1,kpp)*a)*sin(kz2(om,n2,kpp)*b)
RHS = term1+term2
return abs(RHS)-1
def meff(kpps,band):
curve = polyfit(kpps,band,2)[0]
meff = hbar/(2*curve) #Modified 5/9/17 by RAN: hbar NOT hbar**2
return meff
def cutoff(kpps,band):
offset = polyfit(kpps,band,2)[2]
return offset
n_spacings = 5
if selector==0:
n1 = sqrt(2.33)
n2 = sqrt(17.88)
hbar = 1
oms = linspace(0.001,5,500)
n_bands = 6
interval = 0.05
#First reproduce band edges for even spacing
kpps = linspace(0.01,2,200)
a_range = linspace(0.9,1.1,n_spacings)
units = {"mass":"","energy":"","length":"","inv_length":""}
from scipy import constants
n1 = sqrt(1) #Vacuum
n2 = 4.0 #GaAs at around 600 nm
#n2 = 2.5 #LiF at around 600 nm is n=1.4, but this doesn't really solve
base_omega = 2*pi*c/base_wavelength
b=full_period - a
hbar = constants.hbar
oms = linspace(0.001,5,500) * base_omega
n_bands = 6
#interval = 0.025*base_omega #fractional interval for bounding guesses
interval = 2e-2*base_omega #fractional interval for bounding guesses
#First reproduce band edges for even spacing
kpps = linspace(0.01,0.5,200)* 2*pi/base_wavelength
a_range = linspace(0.9,1.2,n_spacings) * base_wavelength/2
units = {"mass":" (kg)","energy":" (s$^{-1}$)","length":" (m)","inv_length":" (m$^{-1}$)"}
#Start by calculating the bottom of the bands
RHSs = [RHS(i,kpp,a,b,n1,n2) for i in oms]
indices = bandedges(RHSs, kpp, a,b, n1, n2)
om_cutoff = [oms[s] for s in indices]
####print "Band bottoms are at: ", om_cutoff
bands = [[] for i in range(n_bands)]
kpp = 0
RHSs = [RHS(k,kpp,a,b,n1,n2) for k in oms]
indices = bandedges(RHSs, kpp, a,b, n1, n2)
om_cutoff = [oms[s] for s in indices]
#Now extend out to non-zero kpp
for i,om_bottom in enumerate(om_cutoff[0:n_bands]):
#kB = (i+1)*pi/2
#lower_bound,upper_bound = om_bottom-interval, om_bottom+interval
lower_bound,upper_bound = om_bottom-interval, om_bottom+interval
#print i, lower_bound, upper_bound
for kpp in kpps:
om = brentq(omega_to_solve,lower_bound,upper_bound)
bands[i] = bands[i]+[om]
lower_bound,upper_bound = om-interval, om+interval
plt.figure(4), plt.clf()
for n in range(n_bands):
plt.plot(kpps, bands[n])
#Now focus on small kpp, vary a, keeping a+b=2 and find effective masses of band edges
collected_masses = []
collected_cutoffs = []
#kpps = linspace(0.01,0.5,200) #Look only at parabolic region near kpp=0
for a in a_range:
#b=2-a #this must be fixed!
b=full_period - a #this must be fixed!
bands = [[] for i in range(n_bands)]
#Calculate starting point
kpp = 0
RHSs = [RHS(k,kpp,a,b,n1,n2) for k in oms]
indices = bandedges(RHSs, kpp, a,b, n1, n2)
om_cutoff = [oms[s] for s in indices]
#Calculate the rest
for i,om_bottom in enumerate(om_cutoff[0:n_bands]):
kB = (i+1)*pi/2
lower_bound,upper_bound = om_bottom-interval, om_bottom+interval
for kpp in kpps:
om = brentq(omega_to_solve,lower_bound,upper_bound)
bands[i] = bands[i]+[om]
lower_bound,upper_bound = om-interval, om+interval
#Fit for effective mass
masses = [meff(kpps,bands[i]) for i in range(n_bands)[1:]]
collected_masses = collected_masses + [masses]
cutoffs = [cutoff(kpps,bands[i]) for i in range(n_bands)[1:]]
collected_cutoffs = collected_cutoffs + [cutoffs]
transpose_mass = [[collected_masses[i][n] for i in range(n_spacings)] for n in range(n_bands-1)]
transpose_cutoffs = [[collected_cutoffs[i][n] for i in range(n_spacings)] for n in range(n_bands-1)]
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
for n in range(n_bands-1):
plt.plot(a_range, transpose_mass[n])
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
for n in range(n_bands-1):
plt.plot(a_range, transpose_cutoffs[n])
plt.ylabel("cutoff" + units["energy"])
plt.figure(6), plt.clf()
for n in range(n_bands-1):
if units["mass"]!="":
ratio_units = " (m s)"
ratio_units = ""
plt.ylabel("meff / cutoff"+ratio_units)


How do I stop python from drawing a new colorbar every iteration

I made this code as a CFD of sorts for fun, and I want to add a color bar to show the velocity of the fluid in different places. Unfortunately, every time it plots a new frame it also plots a new colorbar rather than refreshing the old one. I'd like to get it to refresh rather than draw a new one entirely. Any help would be appreciated. Plotting Begins on line 70
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
plot_every = 100
def distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
def main():
Nx = 400 #Cells Across x direction
Ny = 100 #Cells Across y direction
tau = .53 #kinimatic viscosity
tymestep = tau
Nt = 30000 #total iterations
#Lattice Speeds and Velcoties
NL = 9 #There are 9 differnct velocites, (up, down, left, right, up-left diag, up-right diag, down-left diag, down-right diag, and zero)
#NL would be 27 in 3D flow
cxs = np.array([0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1]) #I don't know what this is
cys = np.array([0,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1]) #I don't know what this is
weights = np.array([4/9,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36])
#Initial Conditions
F = np.ones((Ny,Nx,NL)) + 0.01*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx,NL)
F[:,:,3] = 2.3 #Assigning an inital speed in x direction with right as posative
#Drawing Our cylinder
cylinder = np.full((Ny,Nx), False)
radius = 13
for y in range(0,Ny):
for x in range(0,Nx):
if (distance(Nx//4,Ny//2,x,y) < radius):
cylinder[y][x] = True
#main loop
for it in range(Nt):
F[:,-1, [6,7,8]] = F[:,-2, [6,7,8]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
F[:,0, [2,3,4]] = F[:,1, [2,3,4]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
for i, cx, cy in zip(range(NL),cxs, cys): #this line is sligtly differnt than his because I think he made a typo
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cx, axis = 1)
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cy, axis = 0)
bndryF = F[cylinder,:]
bndryF = bndryF[:, [0,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]] #defines what happens in a colsion (reverse the velocity). This works by setting the up vel to down vel etc
#Fluid Variables
rho = np.sum(F,2) #density
ux = np.sum(F * cxs, 2)/rho #x velocity (momentum/mass)
uy = np.sum(F * cys, 2)/rho #y velocity
F[cylinder,: ] = bndryF
ux[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
uy[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
Feq = np.zeros(F.shape)
for i, cx, cy, w in zip(range(NL), cxs, cys, weights):
Feq[:, :, i] = rho * w * (
1 + 3*(cx*ux + cy*uy) + 9*(cx*ux + cy*uy)**2/2 - 3*(ux**2 + uy**2)/2
F += -1/tau * (F-Feq)
if(it%plot_every == 0):
dfydx = ux[2:, 1:-1] - ux[0:-2, 1: -1]
dfxdy = uy[1: -1, 2:] - uy[1: -1, 0: -2]
curl = dfydx - dfxdy
pyplot.imshow(np.sqrt(ux**2+uy**2),cmap = "bwr")
#pyplot.imshow(curl, cmap = "bwr")
pyplot.colorbar(label="Velocity", orientation="horizontal")
if __name__ == "__main__":
In your code you are adding a new colorbar at every iteration.
As far as I know, it is impossible to update a colorbar. The workaround is to delete the colorbar of the previous time step, and replace it with a new one.
This is achieved by the update_colorbar function in the code below.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
plot_every = 100
def distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
def update_colorbar(fig, cmap, param, norm=None):
"""The name is misleading: here we create a new colorbar which will be
placed on the same colorbar axis as the original.
# colorbar axes
cax = None
if len(fig.axes) > 1:
cax = fig.axes[-1]
# remove the previous colorbar, if present
if cax is not None:
if norm is None:
norm = Normalize(vmin=np.amin(param), vmax=np.amax(param))
mappable = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mappable, orientation="horizontal", label="Velocity", cax=cax)
def main():
Nx = 400 #Cells Across x direction
Ny = 100 #Cells Across y direction
tau = .53 #kinimatic viscosity
tymestep = tau
Nt = 30000 #total iterations
#Lattice Speeds and Velcoties
NL = 9 #There are 9 differnct velocites, (up, down, left, right, up-left diag, up-right diag, down-left diag, down-right diag, and zero)
#NL would be 27 in 3D flow
cxs = np.array([0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1]) #I don't know what this is
cys = np.array([0,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1]) #I don't know what this is
weights = np.array([4/9,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36])
#Initial Conditions
F = np.ones((Ny,Nx,NL)) + 0.01*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx,NL)
F[:,:,3] = 2.3 #Assigning an inital speed in x direction with right as posative
#Drawing Our cylinder
cylinder = np.full((Ny,Nx), False)
radius = 13
for y in range(0,Ny):
for x in range(0,Nx):
if (distance(Nx//4,Ny//2,x,y) < radius):
cylinder[y][x] = True
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
cmap = "bwr"
#main loop
for it in range(Nt):
# clear previous images
F[:,-1, [6,7,8]] = F[:,-2, [6,7,8]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
F[:,0, [2,3,4]] = F[:,1, [2,3,4]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
for i, cx, cy in zip(range(NL),cxs, cys): #this line is sligtly differnt than his because I think he made a typo
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cx, axis = 1)
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cy, axis = 0)
bndryF = F[cylinder,:]
bndryF = bndryF[:, [0,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]] #defines what happens in a colsion (reverse the velocity). This works by setting the up vel to down vel etc
#Fluid Variables
rho = np.sum(F,2) #density
ux = np.sum(F * cxs, 2)/rho #x velocity (momentum/mass)
uy = np.sum(F * cys, 2)/rho #y velocity
F[cylinder,: ] = bndryF
ux[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
uy[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
Feq = np.zeros(F.shape)
for i, cx, cy, w in zip(range(NL), cxs, cys, weights):
Feq[:, :, i] = rho * w * (
1 + 3*(cx*ux + cy*uy) + 9*(cx*ux + cy*uy)**2/2 - 3*(ux**2 + uy**2)/2
F += -1/tau * (F-Feq)
if(it%plot_every == 0):
dfydx = ux[2:, 1:-1] - ux[0:-2, 1: -1]
dfxdy = uy[1: -1, 2:] - uy[1: -1, 0: -2]
curl = dfydx - dfxdy
img = np.sqrt(ux**2+uy**2)
ax.imshow(img ,cmap = cmap)
#pyplot.imshow(curl, cmap = "bwr")
update_colorbar(fig, cmap, param=img)
if __name__ == "__main__":
One thing you can definitely improve is the following line of code, which defines the values visible in the colorbar:
norm = Normalize(vmin=np.amin(param), vmax=np.amax(param))
Specifically, you'd have to choose a wise (conservative) value for vmax=. Currently, vmax=np.amax(param), but the maximum is going to change at every iteration. If I were you, I would chose a value big enough such that np.amax(param) < your_value, in order to ensure consistent colors for each time step.

Numpy float128 is not giving a correct answer

I created a differential equation solver (Runge-Kutta 4th order method) in Python. Than I decided to check its results by setting the parameter mu to 0 and looking at the numeric solution that was returned by it.
The problem is, I know that this solution should give an stable oscillation as a result, but instead I get a diverging solution.
The code is presented below. I tried solving this problem (rounding errors from floating point precision) by using numpy float128 data type. But the solver keeps giving me the wrong answer.
The code is:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def f(t,x,v):
f = -k/m*x-mu/m*v
def g(t,x,v):
g = v
def srunge4(t,x,v,dt):
k1 = f(t,x,v)
l1 = g(t,x,v)
k2 = f(t+dt/2, x+k1*dt/2, v+l1*dt/2)
l2 = g(t+dt/2, x+k1*dt/2, v+l1*dt/2)
k3 = f(t+dt/2, x+k2*dt/2, v+l2*dt/2)
l3 = g(t+dt/2, x+k2*dt/2, v+l2*dt/2)
k4 = f(t+dt/2, x+k3*dt, v+l3*dt)
l4 = g(t+dt/2, x+k3*dt, v+l3*dt)
v = v + dt/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
x = x + dt/6*(l1+2*l2+2*l3+l4)
t = t + dt
mu = np.float128(0.00); k = np.float128(0.1); m = np.float128(6)
x0 = np.float128(5); v0 = np.float128(-10)
t0 = np.float128(0); tf = np.float128(1000); dt = np.float128(0.05)
def sedol(t, x, v, tf, dt):
sol = np.array([[t,x,v]], dtype='float128')
while sol[-1][0]<=tf:
t,x,v = srunge4(t,x,v,dt)
sol = pd.DataFrame(data=sol, columns=['t','x','v'])
ft_runge = sedol(t0, x0, v0, tf, dt=0.1)
graf1 = plt.plot(ft_runge.iloc[:,0],ft_runge.iloc[:,1],'b')
Am I using numpy float128 in a wrong way?
You are mixing in srunge4 the association of k and l to x and v. Per the function association and the final summation, the association should be (v,f,k) and (x,g,l). This has to be obeyed in the updates of the stages of the method.
In stage 4, it should be t+dt in the first argument. However, as t is not used in the derivative computation, this error has no consequence here.
Also, you are destroying the float128 computation if you set one parameter to a float in the default float64 type in dt=0.1.
The code with these corrections and some further simplifications is
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
mu = np.float128(0.00); k = np.float128(0.1); m = np.float128(6)
x0 = np.float128(5); v0 = np.float128(-10)
t0 = np.float128(0); tf = np.float128(1000); dt = np.float128(0.05)
def f(t,x,v): return -(k*x+mu*v)/m
def g(t,x,v): return v
def srunge4(t,x,v,dt): # should be skutta4, Wilhelm Kutta gave this method in 1901
k1, l1 = (fg(t,x,v) for fg in (f,g))
# here is the essential corrections, x->l, v->k
k2, l2 = (fg(t+dt/2, x+l1*dt/2, v+k1*dt/2) for fg in (f,g))
k3, l3 = (fg(t+dt/2, x+l2*dt/2, v+k2*dt/2) for fg in (f,g))
k4, l4 = (fg(t+dt , x+l3*dt , v+k3*dt ) for fg in (f,g))
v = v + dt/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
x = x + dt/6*(l1+2*l2+2*l3+l4)
t = t + dt
def sedol(t, x, v, tf, dt):
sol = [[t,x,v]]
while t<=tf:
t,x,v = srunge4(t,x,v,dt)
sol = pd.DataFrame(data=np.asarray(sol) , columns=['t','x','v'])
ft_runge = sedol(t0, x0, v0, tf, dt=2*dt)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,3)
ft_runge.plot(x='t', y='x', ax=ax[0])
ft_runge.plot(x='t', y='v', ax=ax[1])
ft_runge.plot.scatter(x='x', y='v', s=1, ax=ax[2])
It produces the expected ellipse without visually recognizable changes in the amplitudes.

Gradient error when calculating - pytorch

I am learning to use pytorch (0.4.0) to automate the gradient calculation, however I did not quite understand how to use the backward () and grad, as I'm doing an exercise I need to calculate df / dw using pytorch and
making the derivative analytically, returning respectively auto_grad, user_grad, but I did not quite understand the use of automatic differentiation, in the code I made f.backward () and did w.grad to find df / dw, in addition the two calculations are not corresponding, if I even erred the derivative, it follows the graph that I am using and the code that I am trying to do:
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
def graph2(W_np, x_np, b_np):
W = torch.Tensor(W_np)
W.requires_grad = True
x = torch.Tensor(x_np)
b = torch.Tensor(b_np)
u = torch.matmul(W, x) + b
g = F.sigmoid(u)
f = torch.sum(g)
user_grad = (sigmoid(W_np*x_np + b_np)*(1 - sigmoid(W_np*x_np + b_np))).T*x_np
auto_grad = W.grad
# raise NotImplementedError("falta completar a função graph2")
return f, auto_grad, user_grad
iterations = 1000
sizes = np.random.randint(2,10, size=(iterations))
for i in range(iterations):
size = sizes[i]
W_np = np.random.rand(size, size)
x_np = np.random.rand(size, 1)
b_np = np.random.rand(size, 1)
f, auto_grad, user_grad = graph2(W_np, x_np, b_np)
manual_f = np.sum(sigmoid(np.matmul(W_np, x_np) + b_np))
assert np.isclose(, manual_f, atol=1e-4), "f not correct"
assert np.allclose(auto_grad.numpy(), user_grad), "Gradient not correct"
I think you computed the gradients in the wrong way. Try this.
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as F
def sigmoid(x):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))
def graph2(W_np, x_np, b_np):
W = Variable(torch.Tensor(W_np), requires_grad=True)
x = torch.tensor(x_np, requires_grad=True).type(torch.FloatTensor)
b = torch.tensor(b_np, requires_grad=True).type(torch.FloatTensor)
u = torch.matmul(W, x) + b
g = F.sigmoid(u)
f = torch.sum(g)
user_grad = (sigmoid(np.matmul(W_np, x_np) + b_np)*(1 - sigmoid(np.matmul(W_np, x_np) + b_np)))*x_np.T
auto_grad = W.grad
print("auto_grad", auto_grad)
print("user_grad", user_grad)
return f, auto_grad, user_grad
iterations = 1000
sizes = np.random.randint(2,10, size=(iterations))
for i in range(iterations):
size = sizes[i]
print("i, size", i, size)
W_np = np.random.rand(size, size)
x_np = np.random.rand(size, 1)
b_np = np.random.rand(size, 1)
f, auto_grad, user_grad = graph2(W_np, x_np, b_np)
manual_f = np.sum(sigmoid(np.matmul(W_np, x_np) + b_np))
assert np.isclose(, manual_f, atol=1e-4), "f not correct"
assert np.allclose(auto_grad.numpy(), user_grad), "Gradient not correct"

SOM kmean optimization ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

I am trying to merge kmeans into SOM finding the best match unit. During clustering points to return the numbers of clusters for each point I encounter this error
"ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions"
in line 159
distances_from_center = np.concatenate((distances_from_center, [dist(teacher,nodes)]))
I am trying to optimize the SOM using the fast kmeans approach.
N = 8 # linear size of 2D map
M = 8
n_teacher = 10000 # # of teacher signal
np.random.seed(100)# test seed for random number
def main():
# initialize node vectors
nodes = np.random.rand(N,M,3)# node array. each node has 3-dim weight vector
#nodes = centers_initiation(n_teacher, 4)
#initial out put
#TODO; make out put function to simplify here
plt.imshow(nodes, interpolation='none')
""" Learning """
# teacher signal
teachers = np.random.rand(n_teacher,3)
for i in range(n_teacher):
train(nodes, teachers, i)
# intermediate out put
if i%200 ==0 or i< 100: #out put for i<100 or each 1000 iteration
plt.imshow(nodes, interpolation='none')
plt.imshow(nodes, interpolation='none')
def train(nodes, teachers, i):
bmu = best_matching_unit(nodes, teachers[i])
#print bmu
for x in range(N):
for y in range(M):
c = np.array([x,y])# coordinate of unit
d = np.linalg.norm(c-bmu)
L = learning_ratio(i)
S = learning_radius(i,d)
for z in range(3): #TODO clear up using numpy function
nodes[x,y,z] += L*S*(teachers[i,z] - nodes[x,y,z])
def dist(x, y):
# euclidean distance
if len(x.shape) == 1:
d = np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y) ** 2))
d = np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y) ** 2, axis=1))
return d
def centers_initiation(teacher, number_of_centers):
# initialization of clusters centers as most distant points. return cluster centers (point)
dist_per_point = np.empty((0, 0), int)
dist_for_point = 0
index_of_deleted_point = 0
for point in teacher:
for other_point in np.delete(teacher, index_of_deleted_point, axis=0):
dist_for_point += dist(point, other_point)
dist_per_point = np.append(dist_per_point, dist_for_point)
dist_for_point = 0
index_of_deleted_point += 1
ordered_points_by_min = np.array(
[key for key, value in sorted(enumerate(dist_per_point), key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)])
return teacher[ordered_points_by_min[0:number_of_centers]]
def get_cluster_number(teacher, nodes):
# clustering points. return numbers of clusters for each point
distances_from_centers = np.zeros((0, nodes.shape[0]), int)
for point in teacher:
distances_from_center = np.array([])
for center in nodes:
distances_from_center = np.concatenate((distances_from_center, [dist(teacher,nodes)]))
distances_from_centers = np.concatenate((distances_from_centers, [distances_from_center]), axis=0)
nearest_center_number = np.argmin(distances_from_centers, axis=1)
return nearest_center_number
def best_matching_unit(teacher, nodes):
clusters = get_cluster_number(teacher, nodes)
clusters_centers_shift = 1
new_centers = np.zeros(nodes.shape)
counter = 0
while np.sum(clusters_centers_shift) != 0:
counter += 1
for i in xrange(nodes.shape[0]):
new_centers[i] = np.mean(teacher[:][clusters == i], axis=0)
clusters_centers_shift = dist(new_centers, nodes)
clusters = get_cluster_number(teacher, new_centers)
nodes = np.copy(new_centers)
return clusters
def neighbourhood(t):#neighbourhood radious
halflife = float(n_teacher/4) #for testing
initial = float(N/2)
return initial*np.exp(-t/halflife)
def learning_ratio(t):
halflife = float(n_teacher/4) #for testing
initial = 0.1
return initial*np.exp(-t/halflife)
def learning_radius(t, d):
# d is distance from BMU
s = neighbourhood(t)
return np.exp(-d**2/(2*s**2))

static value with svm.SVR.predict()

I have attempted to assess the relevance some predictions based on a dataset (n * 6), but I am wondering about the causes of strange results I am currently facing with svr.SVR.predict. The below code could illustrate my statement:
d = DataReader(...)
a = d.iloc[:,0:5]
b = d.iloc[:,5]
cut = 10
z = d.iloc[len(d.index) - cut :,0:5]
X,y = np.asarray(a[:-10]), np.asarray(b[:-10]) # train set
XT,yT = np.asarray(z), np.asarray(b[-10:]) # test set
clf = svm.SVR(kernel = 'rbf', gamma=0.1, C=1e3)
y_hat =,y).predict(XT[i]) #, i = 0,1...
yields amazing static values for all i, despite differences in XT[i] (Ps: XT[i].shape = (5,)).
In a nutshell, the goal consisted of comparing y_hat vs yT.
You need to normalize before SVM. Try the following:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
d = DataReader(...)
a = d.iloc[:,0:5]
b = d.iloc[:,5]
cut = 10
z = d.iloc[len(d.index) - cut :,0:5]
X,y = np.asarray(a[:-10]), np.asarray(b[:-10]) # train set
XT,yT = np.asarray(z), np.asarray(b[-10:]) # test set
scl = StandardScaler()
X = scl.fit_transform(X)
XT = scl.transform(XT)
clf = svm.SVR(kernel = 'rbf', gamma=0.1, C=1e3)
y_hat =,y).predict(XT[i]) #, i = 0,1...