getting FindFailed issue in sikuli for image on windows server 2019 (ADO VM) - selenium

Getting below error when running script on window server 2019 (ADO VM) through pipeline , same script is working fine on windows 10 (having resolution 1920X1080).
I am using screen resolution utility to change the VM resolution to 1920X1080 in pipeline.
I am setup the path Bundle Folder by using below text:
ImagePath.setBundleFolder(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/SikuliImages"));
using below code
ImagePath.setBundleFolder(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/SikuliImages"));
System.out.println("Image Bundle Path="+ImagePath.getBundlePath());
Screen screen=new Screen();
String UserName_Image_Path = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/SikuliImages/UserName_TextBox.png";
String UserPassword_Image_Path = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/SikuliImages/UserPassword_TextBox.png";
String SignIn_Image_Path = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/SikuliImages/SignIn_Button.png";
Pattern P_UserName = new Pattern(UserName_Image_Path);
Pattern P_UserPassword = new Pattern(UserPassword_Image_Path);
Pattern P_SignIn = new Pattern(SignIn_Image_Path);
System.out.println("Wait for popup");
Match UserName_Found = screen.exists(UserName_Image_Path);
Match UserPassword_Found = screen.exists(UserPassword_Image_Path);
Match SignIn_Found = screen.exists(SignIn_Image_Path);
FindFailed : C:\agent\vsts-agent-win-x64-2.200.2_work\1\s\Automation/SikuliImages/UserName_TextBox.png: (378x54) in R[0,0 1920x1080]#S(0)
Line 2226, in file
Could someone help me please.

This is not valid windows path since it contains both \ and /


Unpack for type ((67108864,)) not implemented

I'm trying to query an MQ server running on IBM i from a python script on a linux box. I'm getting this error back from pymqi and I don't know what it means.
The stacktrace is as follows:
[{"message": "Unpack for type ((67108864,)) not implemented", "traceback":
"Traceback (most recent call last):\n
response = pcf.MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL(args)
File \"../python3.8/site-packages/pymqi/\",
line 2770, in __call__\n
res, mqcfh_response = self.__pcf.unpack(message)
This is the snippet of code that generates the error
cd = pymqi.CD()
cd.ChannelName = pymqi.ensure_bytes(channel)
cd.ConnectionName = pymqi.ensure_bytes("{}({})".format(host, port))
cd.ChannelType = pymqi.CMQC.MQCHT_CLNTCONN
cd.TransportType = pymqi.CMQC.MQXPT_TCP
cd.Version = 9
queue_manager = pymqi.QueueManager(None)
queue_manager.connect_with_options(queue_manager_name, cd)
args = {pymqi.CMQCFC.MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAME: pymqi.ensure_bytes('*')}
pcf = pymqi.PCFExecute(queue_manager, response_wait_interval=5, convert=False)
response = pcf.MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL(args)
What is type 67108864?
I know there are limitations with this library and connecting to a z/OS, are there similar limitations with IBM i?
Turns out IBM i along with AIX have a different endinaness so one must pass convert=True to the pymqi.PCFExecute commands
queue_manager = pymqi.QueueManager(None)
queue_manager.connect_with_options(queue_manager_name, cd)
args = {pymqi.CMQCFC.MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAME: pymqi.ensure_bytes('*')}
pcf = pymqi.PCFExecute(queue_manager, response_wait_interval=5, convert=True)
response = pcf.MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL(args)

Invalid character error while running terraform init, terraform plan or apply

I'm running Terraform using VScode editor which uses PowerShell as the default shell and getting the same error when I try to validate it or to run terraform init/plan/apply through VScode, external PowerShell or CMD.
The code was running without any issues until I added Virtual Machine creation code. I have clubbed the, terraform.tfvars and the main Terraform code below.
web_server_location = "West US 2"
resource_prefix = "web-server"
web_server_address_space = ""
web_server_address_prefix = ""
Environment = "Test"
variable "web_server_location" {
type = string
variable "resource_prefix" {
type = string
variable "web_server_address_space" {
type = string
#variable for network range
variable "web_server_address_prefix" {
type = string
#variable for Environment
variable "Environment" {
type = string
# Configure the Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
# whilst the `version` attribute is optional, we recommend pinning to a given version of the Provider
version = "=2.0.0"
features {}
# Create a resource group
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example_rg" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-RG"
location = var.web_server_location
# Create a virtual network within the resource group
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "example_vnet" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-vnet"
resource_group_name =
location = var.web_server_location
address_space = [var.web_server_address_space]
# Create a subnet within the virtual network
resource "azurerm_subnet" "example_subnet" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-subnet"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefix = var.web_server_address_prefix
# Create a Network Interface
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "example_nic" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-NIC"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
ip_configuration {
name = "internal"
subnet_id =
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
public_ip_address_id =
# Create a Public IP
resource "azurerm_public_ip" "example_public_ip" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-PublicIP"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
allocation_method = var.Environment == "Test" ? "Static" : "Dynamic"
tags = {
environment = "Test"
# Creating resource NSG
resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "example_nsg" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-NSG"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
# Security rule can also be defined with resource azurerm_network_security_rule, here just defining it inline.
security_rule {
name = "RDPInbound"
priority = 100
direction = "Inbound"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Tcp"
source_port_range = "*"
destination_port_range = "3389"
source_address_prefix = "*"
destination_address_prefix = "*"
tags = {
environment = "Test"
# NIC and NSG association
resource "azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association" "example_nsg_association" {
network_interface_id =
network_security_group_id =
# Creating Windows Virtual Machine
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-VM"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
network_interface_ids = []
vm_size = "Standard_B1s"
delete_os_disk_on_termination = true
storage_image_reference {
publisher = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
offer = "WindowsServerSemiAnnual"
sku  = "Datacenter-Core-1709-smalldisk"
version = "latest"
storage_os_disk  {
name = "myosdisk1"
caching  = "ReadWrite"
create_option = "FromImage"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
os_profile {
computer_name = "hostname"
admin_username = "adminuser"
admin_password = "Password1234!"
os_profile_windows_config {
disable_password_authentication = false
tags = {
environment = "Test"
PS C:\Users\e5605266\Documents\MyFiles\Devops\Terraform> terraform init
There are some problems with the configuration, described below.
The Terraform configuration must be valid before initialization so that
Terraform can determine which modules and providers need to be installed.
Error: Invalid character
on line 89, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
89: location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
This character is not used within the language.
Error: Invalid expression
on line 89, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
89: location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
Expected the start of an expression, but found an invalid expression token.
Error: Argument or block definition required
on line 90, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
90: resource_group_name =
An argument or block definition is required here. To set an argument, use the
equals sign "=" to introduce the argument value.
Error: Invalid character
on line 90, in resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm":
90: resource_group_name =
This character is not used within the language.
I've encountered this problem myself in several different contexts, and it does have a common solution which is no fun at all: manually typing the code back in...
This resource block seems to be where it runs into problems:
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example_windows_vm" {
name = "${var.resource_prefix}-VM"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
network_interface_ids = []
vm_size = "Standard_B1s"
delete_os_disk_on_termination = true
storage_image_reference {
publisher = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
offer = "WindowsServerSemiAnnual"
sku  = "Datacenter-Core-1709-smalldisk"
version = "latest"
storage_os_disk  {
name = "myosdisk1"
caching  = "ReadWrite"
create_option = "FromImage"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
os_profile {
computer_name = "hostname"
admin_username = "adminuser"
admin_password = "Password1234!"
os_profile_windows_config {
disable_password_authentication = false
tags = {
environment = "Test"
Try copying that back into your editor as is. I cannot see any problematic characters in it, and ironically StackOverflow may have done you a solid and filtered them out. Literally copy/pasting it over the existing block may remedy the situation.
I have seen Terraform examples online with stylish double quotes (which aren't ASCII double quotes and won't work) many times. That may be what you are seeing.
Beyond that, you'd need to push your code to GitHub or similar so I can see the raw bytes for myself.
In the off-chance this helps someone who runs into this error and comes across it on Google, I just thought I would post my situation and how I fixed it.
I have an old demo Terraform infrastructure that I revisited after months and, long story short, I issued this command two days ago and forgot about it:
terraform plan
This creates a zip archive of the plan. Upon coming back two days later and running a terraform init, my terminal scrolled garbage and "This character is not used within the language." for about 7 seconds. Due to the .tf extension, terraform was looking at the zip data and promptly pooping its pants.
Through moving individual tf files to a temp directory and checking their validity with terraform init, I found the culprit, deleted it, and functionality was restored.
Be careful when exporting your plan files, folks!
I ran into the same problem and found this page.
I solved the issue and decided to post here.
I opened my plan file in Notepad++ and selected View-Show all symbols.
I removed all the TAB characters and replaced them with spaces.
In my case, the problem was fully resolved by this.
In my case, when I ran into the same problem ("This character is not used within the language"), I found the encoding of the files was UTF-16 (it was a generated file from PS). Changing the file encoding to UTF-8 (as mentioned in this question) solved the issue.
I found I got this most often when I go from Windows to linux. The *.tf file does not like the windows TABs and Line Breaks.
I tried to some of the same tools I use when I have this problem with *.sh, but so far I've resorted to manually cleaning up the lines I've seen in there error.
In my case, the .tf file was generated by the following command terraform show -no-color >, and this file's encoding is in "UTF-16 LE BOM", converting it to UTF-8 fixed my issue.

CreateFile2 error in WinRT project (ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_APPCONTAINER)

I just working on some file management api in WinRT. I successfully created folder in ../Packages/myApp/LocalState/ but when I try to create new file (CreateFile2) in that folder I get this
This functionality is not supported in the context of an app container.
localFolder = L"C:\\Users\\Tomas\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\myApp\\LocalState\\my";
localFolder += L"\\MyFile.txt";
pCreateExParams.dwSize = sizeof(CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS);
pCreateExParams.dwFileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
pCreateExParams.lpSecurityAttributes = NULL;
pCreateExParams.hTemplateFile = NULL;
int error = GetLastError();
What I'm doing wrong? Should I set some options in manifest?
Thank you for your help
Already found the problem - in pCreateExParams struct was some undefined values in .dwFileFlags and .dwSecurityQosFlags. So this works fine:

Mobile Emulator Connection Failure (Merge Replication)

I am attempting to replicate a SQL CE 3.5 SP1 database but upon syncrhonization, I am thrown the following error:
"Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the computer running SQL Server, or the password is incorrect."
I am using the Windows Mobile 6 Professional emulator and the machine I am attempting to connect to is a Windows Virtual Machine running Windows XP Professional SP3. I have configured the network adapter settings for the emulator (I can access web pages), verified user permissions, double checked IIS settings, and triple checked my connection string:
SqlCeReplication rpl = null;
// Creates the replication object.
rpl = new SqlCeReplication();
// Establishes the connection string.
rpl.SubscriberConnectionString = #"Data Source = \Program Files\ParkSurvey\ParkSurvey.sdf; Password = *; Temp File Max Size = 512;
Max Database Size = 512; Max Buffer Size = 512; Flush Interval = 20; Autoshrink Threshold = 10; Default Lock Escalation = 100";
// Sets the Publisher properties.
rpl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;
rpl.Publisher = "PUBLISHER";
rpl.PublisherLogin = "INDICOPUBLIC\\subuser";
rpl.PublisherPassword = "*";
rpl.PublisherDatabase = "PUBLISHER";
rpl.Publication = "ParkSurveyPublication";
// Sets the internet replication properties.
rpl.InternetUrl = "http://replication/sqlce/sqlcesa35.dll";
rpl.InternetLogin = "INDICOPUBLIC\\subuser";
rpl.InternetPassword = "*";
rpl.ConnectionManager = true;
// Sets the Distributor properties.
rpl.Distributor = "PUBLISHER";
rpl.DistributorLogin = "INDICOPUBLIC\\subuser";
rpl.DistributorPassword = "psrAdmin";
rpl.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;
// Sets the timeout properties.
rpl.ConnectionRetryTimeout = 120;
rpl.ConnectTimeout = 6000;
rpl.ReceiveTimeout = 6000;
rpl.SendTimeout = 6000;
// Sets the Subscriber properties.
rpl.Subscriber = "ParkSurveySubscriber";
rpl.HostName = "Mobile1";
rpl.CompressionLevel = 6;
rpl.ExchangeType = ExchangeType.BiDirectional;
// Call the replication methods.
catch (SqlCeException sqlEx)
// Disposing the replication object
if (rpl != null)
I have also attempted to open the host machine itself in File Explorer on the mobile emulator and am prompted that "The network path was not found.". This leads me to believe it is ActiveSync issue within the emulator itself. Does anyone have any advice?
Try with IP adresse instead of hostname, and test the agent URL from IE on the device. Make sure to use the latest build of 3.5 SP2 on all components if your DB server is SQL 2012

Which processes can be launched using performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout function?

I use UIAutomation to automate an iPad application. I have tried to use
(object) performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout(path, args, timeout) to run from my script:
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var host =;
var result = host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout("/Applications/", [""], 30);
UIALogger.logDebug("exitCode: " + result.exitCode);
UIALogger.logDebug("stdout: " + result.stdout);
UIALogger.logDebug("stderr: " + result.stderr);
I got the following results:
exitCode: 5
I’ve also tried to launch echo:
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var host =;
var result = host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout("/bin/echo", ["Hello
World"], 5);
UIALogger.logDebug("exitCode: " + result.exitCode);
UIALogger.logDebug("stdout: " + result.stdout);
UIALogger.logDebug("stderr: " + result.stderr);
exitCode: 0
stdout: Hello World
So, looks like performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout works for specific applications only.
Could you please help me to answer the following questions:
1. What does exitCode = 5 mean?
2. Which processes can be launched using performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout function?
1) Exit code 5 is most likely EIO, as defined in : Input/Output error. You're attempting to execute "/Applications/", which to the launching task is a directory and not a binary.
2) You can launch any application with performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout() that NSTask can launch. As long as it's a valid executable, it should work.
For your specific example though, Safari won't accept an argument passed on the command line like that as a URL to visit. You need to use open /Applications/ "" instead:
var result = host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout("/usr/bin/open", ["/Applications/", ""], 30);