How can I get the XPATH of elements under all rows of the same rowspan? - selenium

Test data:
<td id="mainfield:1" rowspan="3">A1</td>
<td ><span class="searching_for_this"> AA1</span></td>
<td ><span class="not_searching_for_this">AA2</span></td>
<td ><span class="searching_for_this"> AA3 </span></td>
<td ><span class="not_searching_for_this">AA3 </span></td>
<td ><span class="searching_for_this"> AA1 </span></td>
<td ><span class="not_searching_for_this">AA4 </span></td>
<td id="main_field:2" rowspan="3">B1</td>
<td ><span class="searching_for_this"> BB1</span></td>
<td ><span class="not_searching_for_this">BB2</span></td>
<td ><span class="searching_for_this"> AA1 </span></td>
<td ><span class="not_searching_for_this">BB3 </span></td>
<td ><span class="searching_for_this"> BB2 </span></td>
<td ><span class="not_searching_for_this">BB3 </span></td>
I know the content of the row and column where 3 rowspan is located, (in this example A1)
I now the content of one element of the class I want to look for, in this scenario AA1 and searching_for_this
I want to get the rows (tr) of AA1 under the rowspan of A1. So the result would be the first and third row
First try
So in a single row scenario this would be something like:
Main row: //tr[td[contains(text(), 'A1')]]
Search in the children from the row (relative search .//):
.//tr[td/span[class=searching_for_this and contains(text(), 'AA1')]]
With this rowspan scenario I don't know how can I get all elements taking into account "next rows" after colspan without including the rows outside the colspan (B1).
After the last answer I tried to build from there, but I'm still not able to get the rows under the main row span row to build the query combine with the main row. This was my try
$x("//tr[ (preceding-sibling::tr[ .//td[ contains(#id, 'main_field')]])[1][.//td[contains(text(),'A1')]] ]")
I tried to get all tr that have a preceding sibling tr with the given known partial id, take the first one of that list with [0] (direct sibling with the given id) then filter with the content A1. But I do not get anything.

If you want to do this in a single expression in XPath 1.0, it gets a bit complex. You could approach it like this, building it piece by piece.
As a starting point, here's how you select your "main row":
Building on this, you can select the following rows within the same rowspan:
position() < number(preceding-sibling::tr/td[contains(text(),'A1')]/#rowspan)
However, this does not include the "main row" itself. To get it also, you can take a union of both of the above with the union operator (|), so you get both the main row and the following rows that fall within the the same rowspan:
position() < number(preceding-sibling::tr/td[contains(text(),'A1')]/#rowspan)
Now that you have the set of rows of interest at hand, you can further narrow down to the rows that you want within that set, e.g.:
position() < number(preceding-sibling::tr/td[contains(text(),'A1')]/#rowspan)
)[td/span[#class='searching_for_this' and contains(text(), 'AA1')]]


Using Playwright how to select next td of a given inner text

This one has me baffled. Basically, using playwright, I'm trying to verify values on a table. Given, "Cat", I should see if "Dog" exists, or if given "Space", I should see if "Rocket" exists.
I tried
const planet = (await page.locator('tr:has(td.col_d:has-text("Saturn")) >> a')).innerText();
but that didn't work. I thought of grabbing all of the innerText on all the , sticking it into an array, then looking for where the initial text is in the Array (Cat) and seeing if the text in the next index is correct (i.e. Dog). Isn't there an easier way I don't know of yet?
<td class="labelCol"> Title A < /td>
<td class="dataCol col02"><span>
<a href="/00578000000VqXe" title="POS ""</a>
Data A
<td class="labelCol">Title X</td>
<td class="dataCol">Data X</td>
<td class="labelCol" > Cat < /td>
<td class="dataCol col02">Dog/td >
<td class="labelCol" > Saturn < /td>
<td class="dataCol">Jupiter/td >
<tr >
<td class="labelCol" > Blue < /td>
<td class="dataCol col02">Red</td >
<td class="labelCol" > Reason < /td>
<td class="dataCol">Space</td > </tr>
</tr >
I don't particularly like this, but you could just assert that 'Dog' is to the right of 'Cat' and 'Rocket' is to the right of 'Space like this if you don't care if they are in the next cell or not.
await expect(page.locator(`td:right-of(:text-is("Cat"))`).first()).toHaveText('Dog');
await expect(page.locator(`td:right-of(:text-is("Space"))`).first()).toHaveText('Rocket');
Or if Dog needs to immediately follow cat, you could do something like this:
const space = page.locator(`td:text-is("Cat")`);
await expect(space.locator(`//following-sibling::td`).first()).toHaveText('Dog'); process rows of a table by itself

I am new to the library and try to extract content of a table.
Is there a way to process every table by it self, so I get a List with all texts of a row in a List with all rows? e.g.: List<List>
My current approach is to get all texts from every td and count all tr and then process these two lists by calculating the index of the required text.
One row looks like this:
<tr role="row">
<td class="grad" style="background:#067A25; width:50px">
<div class="grad_outer">
<td class="name">
King Louie
I also need to extract the background css attribute of each first td tag. How can I do this?

XPATH to use preceding and following sibling in a single statement

I would like to scrape name, address informations between tag contains defendent text and another tag,
My HTML structure is:
<H5>Defendant/Respondent Information</H5>
<span class="InfoChargeStatement">(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)</span>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Party Type:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Defendant</span><span class="Prompt">Party No.:</span><span class="Value">1</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Name:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Name 1</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Address:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Addr 1</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">City:</span></td><td><span class="Value">city1</span><span class="Prompt">State:</span><span class="Value">aa</span><span class="Prompt">Zip Code:</span><span class="Value">Zip1</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Party Type:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Defendant</span><span class="Prompt">Party No.:</span><span class="Value">2</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Name:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Name 2</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Address:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Addr2</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">City:</span></td><td><span class="Value">City2</span><span class="Prompt">State:</span><span class="Value">st2</span><span class="Prompt">Zip Code:</span><span class="Value">zip2</span></td>
<H5>Related Persons Information</H5>
<span class="InfoChargeStatement">(Each Related person is displayed below)</span>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Name:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Unwanted Name</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">Address:</span></td><td><span class="Value">un addr</span></td>
<td><span class="FirstColumnPrompt">City:</span></td><td><span class="Value">Unwanted City</span><span class="Prompt">State:</span><span class="Value">Unwanted city</span><span class="Prompt">Zip Code:</span><span class="Value">12345</span></td>
My current XPATH capturing the first occurence of Name and address properly, but if need to extract the multiple occurences, it also scrape the information from the unwanted h5 tags.
My current XPATH is,
"//*[contains(text(),'Defendant')]//following-sibling::table//span[text()='Name:' or text()='Business or Organization Name:']/ancestor-or-self::td/following-sibling::td//text()")
I tried including preceding sibling and following sibling but nothing gives my expected output,
My current output is..
names - [
Unwanted Name,
Expected output is,
Kindly help.
try this:
"//H5[contains(text(),'Defendant')]/following-sibling::table[not(preceding-sibling::H5[not(contains(text(),'Defendant'))])]/tr[td[1][span[text()[.='Name:' ]]]]/td[2]/span/text()"
It first selects the table that has not a preceding-sibling::h5 with text() that not contains 'Defendant' and than
selects from the correct table the tr where the first td meets your requirements and selects the second td
No need for double slashes which is bad for performance
Since there are more preceding-sibling::h5 than the example shows, this XPath will deal with that:
"//H5[contains(text(),'Defendant')]/following-sibling::table[preceding-sibling::H5[1][contains(text(),'Defendant')]]//tr[td[1][span[text()[.='Name:' ]]]]/td[2]/span/text()"
This will only select those tables that have as there first preceding-sibling::h5 the same h5 as we were interested in
Actually now the first h5 select is redundant. This XPath will do:
"//table[preceding-sibling::H5[1][contains(text(),'Defendant')]]//tr[td[1][span[text()[.='Name:' ]]]]/td[2]/span/text()"

iterate with v-for and data-attribute

I have a vuejs-datatable, and now I want to have an option-column with edit- / delete-links.
This is the table-body which gets iterated from the function getRows():
<tr v-for="(row, idr) in get_rows()" v-bind:key="idr">
Now the td with the {{}} and {{}} are fine. However the :data-id="" displays only the id of the first entry. Links in every row in my table have the same data-id. I do not understand why this is happening and what am I doing wrong.
Use code below (notice, it's not using data-id):
<tr v-for="(row, idr) in get_rows()" v-bind:key="idr">

selenium xpath, how to select last matching element in a table?

How can I select the last 'service-n' row when I don't know what n will be?
I have tried adding [last()] but it didn't work.
I have:
but it selects the 1st row and I want the last one.
I can't use tr[3] because in reality the number of 'service-n' rows is dynamic and changes a lot.
The answer was exactly where I put the [last()] and I had it in the wrong place
It goes here:
Not here:
try with cssSelector, this way.
By.cssSelector("table tr:last-child td")
List<WebElement> allElement=fd.findElements(By.xpath("//table//td[contains(.,'service')]");
int count=allElement.size();
<table id="table1">
<tr id="tr1">
<td id="td1"></td>
<td id="td2"></td>
<tr id="tr2">
<td id="td3"></td>
<td id="td4"></td>
Then to target last td of last tr
we can have xpath as:xpath="//table[#id='table1']//tr[last()]//td[last()]";
By using we can get the last element of the relevant filed.
Multiple elements in last