Get an error while trying to remove or unload a project in visual studio 2022 - visual-studio-2022

Get an error while trying to remove or unload a project in visual studio 2022:


Not able to restore nuget packages/Manage nuget packages not working in visual studio 2017

I tried to open a .Net Core solution which was working fine in 2015. Recently they added some .Net Core projects to the solution and asked us to upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 to be able to run them. We installed Visual Studio 2017 and tried to open the solution, but I am not able to build it. I get the following errors when I right-click and try to select "Manage Nuget packages".
I tried to open the PackageManager console from Tools: even this is not working
I also performed the "repair Visual Studio" process too.
Finally i resolved it by deleting my nuget.config both at project level and also in %appdata%/roaming/nuget .I think the issue is because of broken config file due to change from visual 2015 to visual studio 2017 .Not sure about the exact issue though

How to convert a C++/CLI project from vcprj to vcxprj using Visual Studio 2017

I'm migrating a C++/CLI project from VS2008 to VS2017 but I always get an error when "reloading" the project to convert.
The project don't load and I don't see any clear error message about the reason.
You should check that the correct components of Visual Studio 2017 are installed.
May be it's not installed by default in your case. It happened to me when I installed Visual Studio 2017 using this chocolatey package
You can solve this issue with the steps in this question: Visual Studio 2017 Professional C++/CLI Missing

How to use Visual Studio 2017 with TFS Visual Studio Build Step

I am running TFS 2015 and are using the Visual Studio Build Step. On the developemnt machines I moved to use Visual Studio 2017 so I also want to use Visual Studio 2017 for the TFS builds.
I installed Visual Studio 2017 on the build server and restarted the build agent. However Visual Studio 2017 does not show up in the capabilities of the agent and it also does not show in the list of Visual Studio versions in the build step.
I know I can choose "latest" from the list of Visual Studio version in the build step, but this will still use VS 2015 as the agent does not know that it has VS 2017.
How can I make sure that the Visual Studio Build Step in TFS2015 uses Visual Studio 2017?
You can use MSBuild task instead of Visual Studio Build Step, then specify the location of MSBuild 15.0:
In TFS 2015 the build steps and forward compatibility is only updated when TFS is updated. If you are using TFS 2015.3 already then you will need to move to TFS 2017 to use this out of the box.
The build step ultimately calls out to devenv.exe and the drop down changes the path. You can call out manually to VS 2017...

Why does my build app fail when run outside of VS12 (i.e. when deployed)?

I've written a c# program that builds *.csproj and *.vcxproj using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation. It works great on both project types if I compile and run it from inside Visual Studio 12. But if I run the exe directly (outside of Visual Studio) I get the example error message below. The error occurs only for vcx projects; c# projects continue to build just fine
Question: Why am I getting this error? Why does my program work fine for both C# and vcx projects when run from within VS12, but fails, but only for vcx projects, when run outside of VS12?
Please don't chastise me for not using MSBuild.exe. My orders were to programmatically build C# and vcx projects using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
Project proj = new Project("MyCppProject.vcxproj");
Runtime Error:
Building MyCppProject
Project "MyCppProject.vcxproj" (default targets):
ERROR C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Platforms\Win32\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.Targets(518,5): Specified platform toolset (v110) is not installed or invalid. Please make sure that a supported PlatformToolset value is selected.
Done building project "MyCppProject" -- FAILED.
One solution is to force the Visual Studio version as an environment variable prior to loading and building the project:
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("VisualStudioVersion", "11.0")
Project proj = new Project("MyCppProject.vcxproj");
Visual studio maintains platform tool sets list supported for the version of Visual studio you are currently running for example on my machine I have VS 2008, 2010 and 2012
Now suppose when I install Visual Studio 2013 which has a Platform Toolset version of V120. What happens, is that the project saves this in its corresponding XML files in the format (vcproj, vcxproj, vcxproj.filter.user files).
now this valus is not known to VS 2012 so it complains when opened in VS 2012.
Similarly for opening VS 2012 project in VS 2010, as in your case and so on.
To fix this issue, Open you solution file in notepad++.
Make these 2 changes
1) Replace
Format Version 12.00
Format Version 11.00
2) Replace
Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 2010
Then open the file again in visual studio and rebuild solution.

How to remove an already-installed Visual Studio 2013 extension .vsix file?

I've just installed Productivity Power Tools 2013 for my Visual Studio 2013 and then playing with the option of this extension and I get crashed :-(
The Solution Explorer window is now empty.
Cannot exit Visual Studio
Going for Tools - Extension and Updates fails too
What can I do to get back to where I was >.<
Find the correct folder under following folders for this extension and delete it