react-native android, unable to find a local module - react-native

I am building a library and trying to create an example project and test the library.
So in package.json I added "react-native-memoizing": "file:..".
In ts files, I could import and use the library without any issue, but when I run react-native run-android I am getting the error that it cannot resolve the library.
Is there a way I could fix this.


How to link native library to react native application and what is the folder structure?

I am trying to build simple app to creative native library and link with react native app.
I am facing issue like
Error : Unable to resolve module react-native-fingerprint from App.js: react-native-fingerprint could not be found within the project.
Note : 'react-native-fingerprint' which is been created and want to link with app.
I guess you're using react-native-fingerprint-scanner. Since library you mentioned doesn't exist.
In case if you using this library react-native-fingerprint-scanner.
npm install react-native-fingerprint-scanner --save
yarn add react-native-fingerprint-scanner
Link to Native Platforms
react-native link react-native-fingerprint-scanner
Even after this it is not working. Following this guide

is it necessary to rebuild react-native project after linking

I would like to know if it's necessary to rebuild react native project after installing and linking libraries that includes native codes.
Yes, as react-native-link updates some native files that are under the ios/android folder, that won't be checked during a reload/hot-reload/live-reload. All those files aren't checked in your jsBundle and are compiled during a run-android or run-ios.
Of course, if you added a new dependecy to the project and linked it, and you haven't used it anywhere in your code yet, you don't need it. If you are using that dependecy, your project instance will, most likely, die.
if your react native version is below 0.60 then you have to run react-native-link after you install any react-native module. However after react-native version 0.60 and above, this is done automatically using the new "autolinking" feature added.
Read the changelog here:
However you still need to rebuild your project after you install a native module but you dont need to run the react-native-link command anymore after installing every library after react-native#0.60 and above. Just type react-native run-android

React Native missing script Android

I added a vector icon package in my React Native app. But After adding vector icon library I am trying to rebuild project using
**npm run android
react-native link**
But it's giving me an error
npm err missing script android react native
I have tried many solutions of updating package.json file from Github and I have tried to change the path of the environment but still same
I think you are using the wrong command to make debug build.
Following these steps:
install vector icon
link it from your project root directory using the command react-native link your_package_name
Use this command from your project root directory to make build react-native run-android

What is the right way to import custom react native module on Xcode?

I'm building a custom RN module for iOS and Android. Following some others modules, I notice that the dependencies it's never imported to the module itself, but always imported in the main app. For example for iOS:
react-native-admob has Google Mobile Ads SDK as dependency, but the developer has to add on the app.
That said, I have my custom module only building on Xcode, because when I try to run react-native run-ios I get the error:
info In file included from /Users/.../node_modules/react-native-my-module/ios/MyModuleViewManager.m:2:
/Users/.../node_modules/react-native-my-module/ios/RNMyModule.h:8:9: fatal error: module 'PrebidMobile' not found
#import PrebidMobile;
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with, by opening myapp.xcworkspace
What could I be doing wrong, that react-native command can't find the import library from Link Binary With Libraries?

Still cannot use `react-native link` after ejecting a Create React Native App

I started with a create-react-native app. Then, I wanted to add a dependency. So, I ran react-native link:
`react-native link` can not be used in Create React Native App projects. If you need to include a library that relies on custom native code, you might have to eject first. See for more information.
So, I ran npm run eject and it successfully ejected. There are many changes to the package.json and some scripts have been added.
But, if I now run react-native link, I still get the same error!! How can I successfully run this command? How does it determine that I'm still using create-react-native?
I'm guessing there's some flag somewhere that still says it's using create-react-native, but I don't know where it is. Any help is appreciated.
react-native link
only works when you have added any new package eg:- npm i react-native-vector-icons. then you need to import package name to various class manually but if you dont want to do it you can directly run the command
react-native link react-native-vector-icons OR react-native link
this will automatically add import the package to your ios and android files.
Try these steps it will work.