Opening form to specific record: Object required - vba

I am trying to open a form, from a button, to a particular record by primary key. The value of the primary key I want to open the form to is in a text box named [MainLinkStoff] next to the button. There is a main form called [HUB] and a navigation subform on it. The button and the textbox are both on that navigation subform. I got the reference for the textbox using the expression generator, so it should work. In fact, when plugging the expresion into another textbox somehwere else, it does. The name of the form I want to open is [neusdb]. Hardcoding in the value for the primary key works too. When I run the button, I get:
Runtime error '424':
Object required
The code for my button is as follows:
Private Sub command_new_sdb_copy_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "neusdb", , , "stoff_id=" & Forms![HUB]![NavigationSubform].Form![MainLinkStoff]
End Sub
I know I can use a shorter handle for the reference, since the button is located on the same form as the text box. Both versions result in the same error though.
My Database:


Open a form to a record selected in a subform

I want to open a form to the record selected in the subform of a different form. I've tried following what I’ve seen in other posts about this, but I still can't get it to work. I think I'm just missing some very basic detail but this is my first Access database and I can't figure out what it is. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
F_Detail - (This is a Single Form containing details on a project.)
F_List - (This is a Single Form containing a subform and a button.)
subF_List - (This is the subform contained in F_List. This subform is in Datasheet view)
Project_ID - (This is the primary key contained in subF_List and in F_Detail. It is the common criteria between the two. It is Short Text type.)
subF_List displays row after row of projects. F_Detail displays details about a single project at a time. From F_List I want to select a row in subF_List and then click the button to open F_Detail, and F_Detail will be displaying details of the project whose row was selected in subF_List when I pressed the button.
What I Have for the Button:
On Click > Event Procedure
Private Sub ProjectDetailButton_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "F_Detail",,,"Project_ID = " & Me.Project_ID
End Sub
Upon clicking the button, I get an error saying, "Compile error: Method or data member not found" and it highlights the .Project_ID at the end of my code.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong and would appreciate any help you can lend. Please let me know if I've left out any needed detail.
Use apostrophe delimiters for text field parameters. Use # for date/time, nothing for number.
"Project_ID = '" & Me.Project_ID & "'"
Me is alias for form or report the code is behind. To reference a field in its RecordSource:
Code on main form referencing field on subform must reference through subform container control. I always name container different from object it holds, such as ctrProjects:
I name controls different from fields they are bound to, such as tbxProject:

I can't find the right way to reference "Parent"

On my Access main form I have a list box control (named "ActionsTaken") that shows a list of actions taken that are associated with the main form record. These are kept in a separate table linked to the main table. With a button I open a subform to add items to the list. After typing in the text I press a "Done" button which closes the subform with a macro. When the subform closes the deactivate event triggers an event procedure that validates the data, writes it to the Actions Table, and (hopefully) requeries the list control on the main form. Everything works if I use an explicit reference to the control on the main form for the requery, But this subform is called from several different main forms, so I want to refer to the control on the main form using "Parent." The syntax I think should work is:
When the code executes I get a debug interrupt on the above line, and when I reset the code execution I get a pop up box with "There is no field named 'Me.Parent!ActionsTaken' in the current record." The control is definitely there (remember, an explicit reference to it works).
I suspect I don't understand how "Parent" should be referenced. I've found many other syntaxes with various combinations of dot and bang, and with the "Me" left off. Some give me different error messages, but none work.
I've found a few awkward work-arounds, but I'm really curious as to what's wrong.
A subform is a form sitting on another form (this is the 'parent') and opens when that other form (the 'parent') is opened and therefore is not a subform and does not have a parent.
Pass form name to second opened form via OpenArgs:
DoCmd.OpenArgs "secondformname", , , , , , Me.Name
Then the second form can reference the first:
Another approach is to open second form with acDialog which will suspend first form code execution until second form closes.
DoCmd.OpenArgs "secondformname", , , , , acDialog
I have it working, thanks to June and others. I bound the "Child" form to a table even though it's not needed as this lets me indirectly pass the record number (ID) via the OpenForm command. I pass the "Parent" form name to the "Child" (Add New Action subform) with the OpenArgs argument of the OpenForm command:
strFormName = Me.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "Add New Action subform", , _
"Comment Card ID Query", "[Comment Card].ID=[ID]" _
, , , Me.Name
When I am done with the "Child" I execute the following code:
Dim strParentName As String
strParentName = Me.OpenArgs
' Requery the Actions List Box on the Parent
' Close the form
I tried June's suggested syntax: Forms(Me.OpenArgs....) but I got errors from Access in Office 365. Using a string variable worked.
Thanks for all the help!

Macro in form stops working after opened with vba

Please help me explain, why this happens, after that the solution should be easy :)
I have two forms, showing different data.
Form_1: there is a combo box (with names in it), where you can choose which company you wanna see, and an after-update macro searches the record (an [ID] field), and shows the information. (To be more complicated, this [ID] field is hidden, and used for subforms, where the actual infos appear.)
Form_2: this is a continuous form, each record is in connection with the companies shown in Form_1, but several record can belong to one company. There is a button for every record to open Form_1 with the information connected to it. The vba code of the button is:
Private Sub Button_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form_1", , , "[ID] = " & Me![ID]
End Sub
In the code, the same [ID] field is used, as described above: hidden and used for subforms.
Both forms are working as needed, I am happy with them.
But after Form_1 is opened from Form_2 with the button, the combo box remains empty (actually I don't need it to be filled), and if I wanna use it to search for other items, it doesn't work, as if the macro wasn't loaded. The list of names appear, I can click on any of them, but the [ID] field is not refreshed (and of course neither the subforms). I have to close the form, and open it again from the side-list.
Why does the macro stop working?
What should I change, to make it work?
Thanks for your help!
Form1 has the filter turned on to a specific key value, so attempts to find and reposition the form's current record will fail without explicitly resetting the filter.
The Where condition of the OpenForm command does not change the form's Record Source property, nor does it perform a simple search/reposition. Rather, it applies a form filter:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form_1", , , "[ID] = " & Me![ID]
This state is indicated in several ways
On the Home ribbon (i.e. toolbar): The Toggle Filter button is active... is highlighted by a different color.
The form's navigation bar at the bottom of the form show "Filtered" highlighted with a little funnel icon.
The Access status bar shows "Filtered" on the right near other indicators.
Of course it's possible that all of those indicators are hidden, so you just need to be aware of what each command and parameter does.
Possible solutions:
Form1's ComboBox.AfterUpdate macro should turn off the filter before searching for a new ID value.
Form2's Button_Click event opens the form without applying a filter and instead runs code that does the same thing as the ComboBox.AfterUpdate method--searches and repositions the form's record rather than filtering it.
This can be achieved in multiple ways and is largely beyond the scope of this answer, but a hint is to make a Public method in the Form1 module that performs the search. Both the ComboBox.AfterUpdate method and the other button call that same public method so they have the same behavior.

Selected Index and Cell Value in Detail SubForm

I'm trying to implement a very simple subform document grid on a form:
I have everything except getting the file path when the user clicks the grid. How can I get the filepath value from the user row click event ?
Sorry if my terminology is off I rarely write vba
You can create a public subroutine that references your FilePath field and then reference this subroutine in the on-click event of each of the fields on your subform.
So if your subform looks like this:
Go in to Design View of the form, and select one of your fields:
With a field selected, go to the Property Sheet on the right-hand side and go to the Event tab and click the [...] button on the On Click event:
You'll be taken to the form's VBA script module and it'll create the initial VBA for the on-click event of the field you selected:
Ignore that field's on-click event VBA for now, and instead move your cursor to the top and make some room for a public subroutine above the field's on-click event.
Write something like this at the top:
Public Sub GetFilePath()
Debug.Print Me.FilePath
End Sub
So your code in Access should now look something like this:
That public sub I've called GetFilePath can now be referenced in the on-click event of every field in your subform. Let's finish the on-click event of the ID field that we just started...
...and also reference the same public sub in every other field's on-click event (again, by selecting the field in Design View and then clicking [...] button in Property Sheet's on-click event):
In the VBA editor, make sure you have the Immediate Window open; it should be in the area below your VBA code. If it's not there press Ctrl + G or go to View > Immediate Window:
With the VBA editor and Immediate Window still open, go back to your form and put it into Form View.
Click on any row and you should see the FilePath data for the row you've clicked on print out in the Immediate Window (this is what Debug.Print does):
You probably don't want the FilePath to go the Immediate Window, but as you haven't specified where you want it to go I figured this would at least illustrate how you can get at that data by clicking on a record in your subform.
All you need to do is replace the Debug.Print Me.FilePath line to whatever is useful to you.
Hope this was enough to get you started though :)
MS Access does not provide Row click event. You have to either perform, [Form onClick Event] or ideally make the filePath as HyperLink and onClicking FilePath retrieve its value.
When you go for [Form onClick event] you will get the FilePath from selected row. But the click event is only fired if you are clicking the form and none of the fields.
As above mentioned, make the FilePAth field as hyperlink, add onClick event to it and retrieve the value.
sorry for upwarming but the accepted answer is not the best way to go.
Instead of creating an OnClick-event for every column in that subform (for each control),
you should rather use the OnCurrent event of the Subform itself, which is triggered whenever you change the current record. This basically happens whenever you click on another row in the subform.
Doing so will save you work whenever you extend the subform with a new column.
in that OnCurrent Event of the Subform you will then have the same code.
Basically it should look like this:
Public Sub Form_Current()
Debug.Print Me.FilePath
End Sub

Based on form combobox selection to open the another form and move the value

I am new to access.
I have DFR form, From DFR form we are copy the record to different history card based on the asset code.
So what I did now I create one button and generate the code to open the form based on combobox selction ( the combobox contain the assed code no).
AFfter complete the DFR form press generate button it is opening the form what asset code contain in the combobox but i dont know how to copy the value from DFR form to the opened to asset code form. Because all the time I am not opening the same form so in the VBA I am not able to mention form name. Please help me
The code for the button:
Private Sub Command632_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm Combo99.Value
according to the above command the form opened but iam not able move the value
For example I am using two form one is called as a DFR onother one is Mech_history card
in this case i know the designation form name. but above case i dont know the form name so please help me
What you want to do is pass an argument to the form that you are opening. This is possible as follows:
Private Sub Command632_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm Combo99.Value, , , , , , "example"
Then in the form that is opening, you can use it for example as such:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Label0.Caption = OpenArgs
End Sub
Where it will set the caption of Label0 to "example".
The OpenArgs argument is a single value, but you can pass multiple values by concatenating. This is already very well explained here: so it doesn't seem of added value of me to reword that for my answer here. Please take a look on that website.