I would like to modify this script if possible:
((Get-Content -path "C:\Users\User1\OUT\Summary.txt" -Raw) -replace '</ab></cb>','</x>') | Set-Content -Path "C:\Users\User1\OUT\Summary.txt"
I would like a script that will run with Windows OS to search through one file it finds at this path:
And within that file, when it finds data starting with: <a><b>Data
And at the same time ending with: </ab></cb>
It would need to change the ending to: </x>
And it would need to save the file without changing the name of the file.
For instance a line showing this data:
<a><b>Data:</y> 12345678</ab></cb>
Would be changed to:
<a><b>Data:</y> 12345678</x>
The PowerShell script above will find all instances of </ab></cb> and replace it with </x>, which is not what I am hoping to accomplish.
You can use Get-Content to process the file line be line and only do the Replace when you have a Match on <a><b>. Something like this:
$InFile = ".\TestIn.txt"
$OutFile = ".\TestOut.txt"
If (Test-Path -Path $OutFile) {Remove-Item $OutFile}
Get-Content $InFile | ForEach-Object -Process {
$NewLine = $_
If ($_ -Match '<a><b>') {
$NewLine = ($_ -Replace '</ab></cb>','</x>')
Add-Content $OutFile $NewLine
I have a Powershell script to read .sql files from a specific folder and run them against a database depending on the name of the filename.
The filenames are always the same: myDatabase.script.SomeRandomCharacters.csv
There can be many files which is why the script has a foreach loop.
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet('dev')][String]$serverName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$databaseName,
$dir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$scripts = Get-ChildItem $dir | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq ".sql" } | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "$databaseName*" }
foreach ($s in $scripts) {
$script = $s.FullName
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $serverName -Database $databaseName -InputFile $script
The issue here is that if I would have 2 databases "myDatabase" and "myDatabase2", running the script with the former input would run the latter as well since the Where-Object filtering uses an asterisk.
I can't figure out how to modify the script so that I get the absolute value of whatever is before the first fullstop in the filename. What I would also what to do is to validate the value between the first and second fullstops, in the example filename it is script.
Any help is appreciated!
Use the database names to construct a regex pattern that will match either:
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet('dev')][String]$ServerName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$DatabaseNames,
# Construct alternation pattern like `db1|db2|db3`
$dbNamesEscaped = #($DatabaseNames |ForEach-Object {
}) -join '|'
# Construct pattern with `^` (start-of-string anchor)
$dbNamePattern = '^{0}' -f $dbNamesEscaped
# Fetch scripts associated with either of the database names
$scripts = Get-ChildItem $dir | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq ".sql" -and $_.Name -match $dbNamePattern }
# ...
You can use the StartsWith function to fix your filter:
$scripts = Get-ChildItem $dir | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq ".sql" } | Where-Object { $_.Name.StartsWith("$($databaseName).") }
I am trying to use Invoke-AzVMRunCommand as a job. when I executed below script the job is created and executed successfully but I am failing to write the output like which job result belongs to which vm.
Invoke-AzVMRunCommand is used to invoke a command on a particular VM. You should have this information beforehand.
Here is some information on -AsJob parameter
As suggested by AmanGarg-MSFT, you should have that information before hand. You can use a hashtable $Jobs to store the server name and Invoke-AzVMRunCommand output and later iterate through using the $Jobs.GetEnumerator().
$Jobs = #{}
$Servers = "Server01","Server02"
[System.String]$ScriptBlock = {Get-Process}
$FileName = "RunScript.ps1"
Out-File -FilePath $FileName -InputObject $ScriptBlock -NoNewline
$Servers | ForEach-Object {
$vm = Get-AzVM -Name $_
$Jobs.Add($_,(Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Name $_ -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath $FileName -AsJob))
Input file:
$csvFilename = "D:\Scripts\ServerMonitorConfig.csv"
$csv = Import-Csv $csvFilename -Header #("ServerName","ServiceName")
foreach ($line in $csv) {
Write-Host "ServerName=$line.ServerName ServiceName=$line.ServiceName"
What I want:
Server-Name=Server1 ServiceName=lanmanserver
Server-Name=Server2 ServiceName=lanmanserverT
What I'm getting:
ServerName=#{ServerName=Server1; ServiceName=lanmanserver}.ServerName
ServiceName=#{ServerName=Server1; ServiceName=lanmanserver}.ServiceN
ame ServerName=#{ServerName=Server2;
ServiceName=#{ServerName=Server2; ServiceName=lanmanserverTest}.
I really don't care if the Headers come from the first row of the CSV or not, I'm flexible there.
You usually see subexpressions or format strings used to solve that:
Write-Host "ServerName=$($line.ServerName) ServiceName=$($line.ServiceName)"
Format string:
Write-Host ('ServerName={0} ServiceName={1}' -f $line.ServerName,$line.ServiceName)
Is it possible to read a variable directly by loading a csv?
My csv looks like this:
Is there a possibility to import-csv and put the path into the var?
import-csv test3.csv | foreach-object {
iex "$($_.var) = ""$($_.path)"""
You can also use new-variable (nv):
import-csv csvfile.csv | % { nv -name ($_.var) -value ($_.path) }
However to make this work you have to:
remove the $ from the source csv
or, trim $ as described by the comments below
or, select your variable as ${$srchost}
How bout this:
Get-Content -Path test.csv | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object { $_.Replace(",", "=`"") +
"`"" } | Invoke-Expression
I'm trying to build a file path in PowerShell and the string concatenation seems to be a little funky.
I have a list of folders:
I want to get the path to a DLL file here:
Here's what I'm trying to do:
$buildconfig = "Debug"
Get-ChildItem c:\code | % {
Write-Host $_.FullName + "\" + $buildconfig + "\" + $_ + ".dll"
This doesn't work. How can I fix it?
Try this
Get-ChildItem | % { Write-Host "$($_.FullName)\$buildConfig\$($_.Name).dll" }
In your code,
$build-Config is not a valid variable name.
$.FullName should be $_.FullName
$ should be $_.Name
You could use the PowerShell equivalent of String.Format - it's usually the easiest way to build up a string. Place {0}, {1}, etc. where you want the variables in the string, put a -f immediately after the string and then the list of variables separated by commas.
Get-ChildItem c:\code|%{'{0}\{1}\{2}.dll' -f $_.fullname,$buildconfig,$_.name}
(I've also taken the dash out of the $buildconfig variable name as I have seen that causes issues before too.)
Try the Join-Path cmdlet:
Get-ChildItem c:\code\*\bin\* -Filter *.dll | Foreach-Object {
Join-Path -Path $_.DirectoryName -ChildPath "$buildconfig\$($_.Name)"
This will get all dll files and filter ones that match a regex of your directory structure.
Get-ChildItem C:\code -Recurse -filter "*.dll" | where { $_.directory -match 'C:\\code\\myproj.\\bin\\debug'}
If you just want the path, not the object you can add | select fullname to the end like this:
Get-ChildItem C:\code -Recurse -filter "*.dll" | where { $_.directory -match 'C:\\code\\myproj.\\bin\\debug'} | select fullname