I want to get all details of a single item,
This is API URL for which I want to get content, but every time I hit the URL I get the following response for following URL. I am unable to fetch the data related to the Article.
URL called:
Json response received
I'm using the eBay RESTful APIs to get data from my eBay account. I'm using the getOrders endpoint to gather all the orders on my account in the last 90 days. Here is the endpoint documentation: documentation. When I send the request, the endpoint returns with around 70 orders instead of the full. It should be a lot more than that. I've checked for pagination and there is none. I tried searching for a specific OrderID in the result from the request and the order wasn't present. However, when I supply the request with the OrderID I am trying to find, it finds the order perfectly and returns information about it. But when I use it to list all of the orders, the order does not appear in the result.
Here is my request URL:
All the authorization is correct and headers as I am not getting an error when sending the request. Just the data that is returned, isn't complete. Any help would be great, thanks
I have removed filters and some headers, but they haven't changed anything
I am trying to get facebook API to give the below information of all the events which are public.
Event name,
Start date and time,
I have tried using below API in Graph API Explorer. It is giving the response if I give the 'event id' of event created by me. But not all the events which are available publicly.
GET /v12.0/{event-id} HTTP/1.1
Host: graph.facebook.com
Is it like we dont have option to get the details of public events or we have any other API/option to get the public event details?
Thanks in advance!
Since facebooks data restriction update it's no longer possible to get public events of pages because you need to have page-public-metadata-access for this page. Facebook says that you need the following:
successful completion of the App Review process
business verification
admin role for the Page
If you want to get the information of you own pages you just need to give the pages_read_engagement permission and the pages_read_user_content permission.
I was thinking about using scrapy to scrape the data without api but the following link stopped me from doing this https://www.octoparse.com/blog/5-things-you-need-to-know-before-scraping-data-from-facebook.
So bit of background, I have an api which will return some basic details about a song (title, duration, artist_id) what I want to do is within this response either return or reference more information about the song as a child element which you request or is added to the request. This will come from difference sources e.g soundcloud, youtube, spotify etc etc.
Basically my question is should I store the response from each source e.g soundcloud, youtube, spotify etc etc or should I store a link to the relevant api which the consumer of my API can they request ?
I would rather store the response to cut down on additional HTTP requests.
Any help would be great.
I experimenting with Paypal REST API and I was stunned into a problem with webhooks.
I trying use the following tactic to verify event data - ensure that HATEOAS link with rel == "self" like https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-6L177801XL962315K-5B870910V53268712 is present, and ensure that this link starts with expected API endpoint (set in web.config) and reloads event data with it, and use it as trusted event data.
But this tactic fails, it results to 404 instead of getting webhook data.
Who else used Paypal REST API webhooks? How you are verify that the event come from trusted event source?
Was able to get more details on messages received. Response body:
Data [{\r\n \"name\": \"INVALID_RESOURCE_ID\",\r\n \"details\": [],\r\n \"message\": \"Resource id is invalid\"\r\n}]
Headers as JSON object: [{\r\n \"PROXY_SERVER_INFO\": [\r\n \"host=slcsbplatformapiserv3002.slc.paypal.com;threadId=370534\"\r\n ],\r\n \"Paypal-Debug-Id\": [\r\n \"e33a2f285d46f\"\r\n ],\r\n \"SERVER_INFO\": [\r\n \"webhooksplatformserv:ppaas_1_2.v1.notifications.webhooks-events.id.GET&CalThreadId=184&TopLevelTxnStartTime=14b4099eb05&Host=slcsbwebhooksplatformserv3002.slc.paypal.com&pid=29135\"\r\n ],\r\n \"Date\": [\r\n \"Sat, 31 Jan 2015 15:26:44 GMT\"\r\n ],\r\n \"Server\": [\r\n \"Apache-Coyote/1.1\"\r\n ]\r\n}]
The hateoas link should return the same payload as the original webhook event. So there seems to be some issue there.
However, if your intention is to validate if the event came from PayPal then the correct way is to validate the signature included in the webhooks header. This link has more details around the security aspects in webhooks.
I need to make 1shoppingcart process orders, coming from my script via HTTP (GET or POST).
I would send credit card, and other payment details in XML, JSON, or whatever format is required.
And want 1shoppingCart return results in HTTP response (Error code/text or Success message)
It that possible via some API? Or I will have to "manually" fake the forms submissions to 1SC, and the parse responses to obtain the result?
The 1SC checkout pages are designed to prevent this kind of activity. The API does not provide any method to send orders to the system in any way.
Basically, what you are asking is not possible and attempting to do so would result in having your account closed.
Sorry for the bad news.
Source: QA Analyst for 1SC (ME!)