ClassCastException when using Mockito.thenAnswer - kotlin

I am new to Kotlin. I get exception when trying to use Mockito's thenAnswer method
class SampleRestController(
val sampleService: SampleService
) {
#PostMapping(value = ["/sample-endpoint"], consumes = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE], produces = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun sampleEndpoint(#RequestBody values: List<String>): ResponseEntity<String> {
val response = sampleService.serviceCall(values)
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(response)
class SampleService {
fun serviceCall(values: List<String>): String {
return values.joinToString("")
internal class SampleRestControllerTest {
private lateinit var sampleService: SampleService
private lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
private lateinit var objectMapper: ObjectMapper
private lateinit var sampleRestController: SampleRestController
fun before() {
objectMapper = ObjectMapper()
sampleRestController = SampleRestController(sampleService)
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(sampleRestController).build()
fun doTest() {
val testData = listOf("123", "456")
//Mockito.`when`(sampleService.serviceCall(testData)).thenAnswer { invocation -> "123456" }
Mockito.`when`(sampleService.serviceCall(testData)).thenAnswer { invocation -> {
val numbers = invocation.getArgument<List<String>>(0)
if ("123" == numbers[0] && "456" == numbers[1]) {
} else {
} }
val result: MvcResult = mockMvc.perform("/sample-endpoint")
assertEquals("123456", result.response.contentAsString)
The unit test is working fine when using the thenReturn() and also when using thenAnswer() without any if condition.
When I try to use thenAnswer with if condition then I get classCastException.
Probably because Kotlin only accepts non-null value? How do I resolve this issue.

Check this.
fun doTest() {
val testData = listOf("123", "456")
//Mockito.`when`(sampleService.serviceCall(testData)).thenAnswer { invocation -> "123456" }
Mockito.`when`(sampleService.serviceCall(testData)).thenAnswer(Answer<Any?> { invocationOnMock: InvocationOnMock ->
val values = invocationOnMock.getArgument<List<String>>(0)
if ("123" == values[0] && "456" == values[1]) {
return#Answer "123456"
return#Answer "654321"
val result: MvcResult = mockMvc.perform("/sample-endpoint")
assertEquals("123456", result.response.contentAsString)


mocking a class that depends on firebase in a non-uI test for remote config

I have this class that exposes remote configs to others. I thought by creating a class, I would just mock it when testing others that use it but so far, firebase is blocking me. Not sure what I am doing wrong exactly.
class AppRemoteConfig #Inject constructor() {
private var remoteConfig: FirebaseRemoteConfig = Firebase.remoteConfig
private fun setListeningInterval(): Long {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG){
return 0;
return 86400;
init {
val configSettings = remoteConfigSettings {
minimumFetchIntervalInSeconds = setListeningInterval()
if (it.isSuccessful) {
fun getString(key: String): String {
return this.remoteConfig.getString(key)
Now a class uses it this way:
class GetRData #Inject constructor(
private val _remoteConfig: AppRemoteConfig
) {
operator fun invoke(key): String {
try {
return _remoteConfig.getString(key)
} catch(ex: Exception){
return ""
return ""
Now I want to test GetRData class but I get the error: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process null. Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
here is what I have tried:
class GetRDataTest {
private var appRemoteConfig = mockk<AppRemoteConfig>(relaxed = true)
private lateinit var getRData : GetRData
fun setUp(){
getRData = GetRData(appRemoteConfig)
fun `Should get string value`() {
every { appRemoteConfig.getString("status") } returns "red"
val result = getRData.invoke("status")
verify { appRemoteConfig.getString("status") }

When will the init{...} be launched in a Class of Kotlin?

I run Code A, and get the error Result A. It seems that isRecordingState has't been initialized.
So I modify Code A as Code B, and Code B can run correctly.
In my mind, I can place different functions in any order in a class of Kotlin.
I think init{ } of a Class will be launched after the object has been initialized, so I think I can place init{ } in any place of a class.
What's wrong with my ideas?
Code A
class SoundViewModel #Inject constructor(
#ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context,
): ViewModel() {
init { beginSoundDensity() }
private val _timeXState = MutableStateFlow(0)
var isRecordingState by mutableStateOf(false)
private set
private var myJob: Job?=null
fun beginSoundDensity() {
if (isRecordingState == false) {
isRecordingState = true
Result A
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.lang.Object androidx.compose.runtime.State.getValue()' on a null object reference
at info.dodata.soundmeter.presentation.viewmodel.SoundViewModel.isRecordingState(SoundViewModel.kt:245)
at info.dodata.soundmeter.presentation.viewmodel.SoundViewModel.beginSoundDensity(SoundViewModel.kt:81)
at info.dodata.soundmeter.presentation.viewmodel.SoundViewModel.<init>(SoundViewModel.kt:39)
Code B
class SoundViewModel #Inject constructor(
#ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context,
): ViewModel() {
private val _timeXState = MutableStateFlow(0)
var isRecordingState by mutableStateOf(false)
private set
private var myJob: Job?=null
init { beginSoundDensity() }
fun beginSoundDensity() {
if (isRecordingState == false) {
isRecordingState = true
The code just runs from top to bottom, so this code for example prints "12345"
fun main() {
class A {
init {
val s2 = printAndReturn("2")
init {
val s4 = printAndReturn("4")
init {
private fun printAndReturn(s: String): String {
return s

Spring webtestclient serializes dates to timestamps instead of dates

I am trying to check if the data I get back from the webtestclient is the same as what I expect. But the ZonedDateTime from the User data class is not just shown as a date but as a timestamp while I have applied Jackson to the webtestclient codecs. Example: 2021-12-09T16:39:43.225207700+01:00 is converted to 1639064383.225207700 while I expect nothing to change. Could someone maybe explain what I am doing wrong. (Using this jackson config when calling this endpoint outside of the test gives the date not as timestamp)
object WebTestClientUtil {
fun webTestClient(routerFunction: RouterFunction<ServerResponse>): WebTestClient {
return WebTestClient
.codecs { configurer: ClientCodecConfigurer ->
configurer.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonEncoder(Jackson2JsonEncoder(objectMapper, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
configurer.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonDecoder(Jackson2JsonDecoder(objectMapper, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
fun `get user when given correct data`() {
val user = GlobalMocks.mockedUser
coEvery { userRepository.getUserWithData(any()) } returns user
val result = webTestClient.get()
assertEquals(user, result)
data class Result(
val payload: User
Jackson config:
class JacksonConfig {
companion object {
val serializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX")
val deserializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm[:ss][XXX][X]")
val objectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper().applyDefaultSettings()
private fun ObjectMapper.applyDefaultSettings() =
apply {
JavaTimeModule().apply {
addSerializer(, ZonedDateTimeSerializer(serializationDateFormat))
addDeserializer(, ZonedDateTimeDeserializer())
class ZonedDateTimeDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime>() {
override fun deserialize(jsonParser: JsonParser, deserializationContext: DeserializationContext): ZonedDateTime {
val epochTime = jsonParser.text.toLongOrNull()
return if (epochTime != null) {
} else {
ZonedDateTime.parse(jsonParser.text, deserializationDateFormat)
EDIT: Also found this issue which makes me think that it might have something to do with bindToRouterFunction.
You need to define an ObjectMapper bean so that the auto-configured one is not used:
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
class JacksonConfiguration {
companion object {
val serializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX")
val deserializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm[:ss][XXX][X]")
fun objectMapper() = jacksonObjectMapper().applyDefaultSettings ()
private fun ObjectMapper.applyDefaultSettings() =
apply {
JavaTimeModule().apply {
addSerializer(, ZonedDateTimeSerializer(serializationDateFormat))
addDeserializer(, ZonedDateTimeDeserializer())
class ZonedDateTimeDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime>() {
override fun deserialize(jsonParser: JsonParser, deserializationContext: DeserializationContext): ZonedDateTime {
val epochTime = jsonParser.text.toLongOrNull()
return if (epochTime != null) {
} else {
ZonedDateTime.parse(jsonParser.text, deserializationDateFormat)

Kotlin - Don't run unit test until lateinit property is initialized

I have a case where the unit of code I'm testing is running on a different thread and so the test executes and fails before the unit has finished executing:
class Tests {
private lateinit var result: String
fun setup() {
DataService().subscribe {
result = it
fun `get result from data service`() {
When the test runs, I get the following exception:
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property result has not been initialized
How can I ensure that the tests don't run before result has been initialized?
The test in the provided form won't work: #BeforeAll is allowed only on static methods, but then it couldn't access the result field. It can be solved by using #BeforeEach and #TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_METHOD) [but see the UPDATE at the end of the post]
Regarding the result initialization itself: you can check if it has been initialized using this::result.isInitialized, e.g.:
class AwaitTest {
private lateinit var result: String
fun setup() {
DataService().subscribe {
result = it
fun `get result from data service`() = runBlocking {
suspend fun awaitInitialization() {
while(!this::result.isInitialized) {
Alternatively you could use awaitility:
class AwaitTest {
private lateinit var result: String
fun setup() {
DataService().subscribe {
result = it
fun `get result from data service`() {
await until { this#AwaitTest::result.isInitialized }
Or even better, move await to the setup() method:
class AwaitTest {
private lateinit var result: String
fun setup() {
DataService().subscribe {
result = it
await until { this#AwaitTest::result.isInitialized }
fun `get result from data service`() {
Actually a #BeforeAll method doesn't need to be static if the test class is annotated with the#TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS):
class AwaitTest {
private lateinit var result: String
fun setup() {
DataService().subscribe {
result = it
await until { this#AwaitTest::result.isInitialized }
fun `get result from data service`() {

RxJava + Retrofit Unit Test Kotlin Always Failed

I tried to create Unit Test using Rxjava + Retrofit but it always give an error.
I have tried all tutorials and reference related of my questions. I did success when create an unit test of other method (other case), but failed in this case (Rx + retrofit).
Request Data Code:
fun getDetailEvent(idEvent: String?) {
.doOnSubscribe {
val compositeDisposable: CompositeDisposable? = null
.doFinally { view.hideLoading() }
val listModel = it
if (listModel != null) {
} else {
view.onDetailEventLoadFailed("Empty or Error List")
val errorMessage = it.message
if (errorMessage != null) {
Unit Test Code :
class DetailNextMatchPresenterTest {
private lateinit var view : DetailNextMatchView
private lateinit var apiService: ApiService
private lateinit var presenter: DetailNextMatchPresenter
fun setup(){
presenter = DetailNextMatchPresenter(view, apiService)
fun getDetailEvent() {
val event : MutableList<EventModel> = mutableListOf()
val response = ResponseEventModel(event)
val idEvent = "44163"
I appreciate all suggestion. Thanks
I believe that the issue is that you haven't forced your code to behave synchronously in the context of your test, so the Observable runs in parallel to your test. Try adding this in your setup method:
RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler { Schedulers.trampoline() } If you're using RxJava2. Try looking for a similar method if you're using RxJava 1.