How can I recover the deleted Whsts App now sound Reflection? - notifications

How can I Recover an accidentally Deleted notification tone from my Whats App account? The tone is called "Reflction"


Disable local notifications on button press in Expo / react-native

I have an Expo app (which has been ejected but there is very little native code being used). I am using expo-notifications to schedule local notifications for the user. I am only doing this for background/killed state notifications. There are no foreground notifications.
I'd like to know if it's possible to turn them on or off when a button is pressed without losing all the notification data in React-native/Expo?
I want to add a toggle in the settings screen to turn notifications on or off and I can't figure out how to do this. I can of course cancel all scheduled notifications with cancelAllScheduledNotificationsAsync, but then if they toggle notifications back on all the existing ones would be lost.
I'm hoping to avoid having to store a bunch of data in AsyncStorage for this.
I'm working on handling this all in push notifications (which will solve a lot of headaches) but that's still a way out from being ready.

Lock screen notification automatically releases lock when it is tapped

I am trying to make lock screen notification that asks users to release its lock when it is clicked.
Notification using NotificationCompat.builder works fine with lock screen of pins, patterns and password. But when lock screen is set with dragging, tapping notification automatically releases device's lock and do the work right away, not asking users to drag for releasing its lock.
My code looks like below
mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
mBuilder = new Notification.Builder(mContext).setSmallIcon(R.drawable.indicator_icon);
Notification noti =;
mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, noti);
I tried depreciated API Noficiation() like below
Notification notification = new Notification();
notification.icon = R.drawable.indicator_icon;
mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, noti);
This works fine! (It asks dragging for linking to my application even when screen is locked by simple dragging)
So I guess there is a difference between two codes above. I cannot use notification since I need to set remote view.
The thing is the first code also works well on some devices like Galaxy S5, but not on the other devices like Galaxy Note 4. On the Galaxy S5, it does not release its lock by itself, but a little UI difference is made when I tap the notification.(such as not showing clock or other notifications)
Could anyone give me some advice?
I solved it! The problem was setting pending intents on the remote view not builder itself. Both works, but they act differently in the different settings of all kinds of devices. I guess it is safer to set pendingIntents on the builder itself, not the remoteview...

Get notifications even if using Android Wear Application

Is it possible to get notification in Android wear if wear specific application is running in Android wear device. I noticed that I got notified only after existing my wear application.
Another problem I faced is, If one reads a notification and if another notification comes, it just closed the current notification and opened the recent notification.
Is that the way Android wear actually works? or am I wrong somewhere ?
For the first question : you are notified, the device vibrates, but since your Wear application is in full screen and notifications are only displayed on the watch face, you can't see them/interact with them while you are on the application.
For the second one : it's the way the Card stream works, if you receive a notification while reading another, once you cancel the second one, the new notification will pop up, being at the top of your stream.

Save Button Pushes and Location

I am making an app where I need to know
every button that was ever pushed by the user in the app, and when it was pushed, and
where the iPhone has gone (using gps), but there are no cell towers in the area so I can't use that significant location changes method everyone uses.
It seems to me like the Plist method for data saving won't work because I don't want the app to start where it left off, I want it to start at the beginning every time.
Also, if any of you have any idea how I can make my app wake up at certain specific times, and/or how I can make it impossible to exit, that would be awesome. This is for an experiment with the University of Queensland St. Lucio Psych Department and the Grute Eylandt Aborigines.
You can know everything the user does in your app if you want. You could use your own solution with an SQLite database for example, and dispatch the data to a server every once in a while.
The GPS is also easy, you could just track the user with the Core Location framework.
You can't make the app wake at specific times, the best you can do is implement push notifications but it's up to the user to open the app via the notification or by themselves by tapping the app icon on the iPhone home screen.
Otherwise you could set up a local notification just before exiting the application, this is faster and easier to implement then setting up push notifications.
There is also no way to stop the app being closed, that is until iOS 6 comes along with it's accessibility features, you can disable the home button then. But not now.

UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification is not called when app is briefly closed

The UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification and UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notifications do not seem to be called when the app is only briefly closed.
Specifically: when the app enters the foreground it should check to see if any settings in the settings app were changed. If you go right to the settings app, change something, and come right back, the notifications are sometimes not sent. After closing and reopening the app again, they are called and everything is ok.
Is there a better way to consistently detect when the app enters the foreground? or could something be causing a conflict and keeping these notifications from being sent?
Rather than trying to catch every foreground transition, just watch for changes in the settings, no matter how they happen, by watching NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification. See How to get an update NSUserDefault on iOS 4?