How to add member to conversation/channel using twilio-conversation in react-native? - react-native

How to add member to conversation/channel using twilio-conversation in react-native ?
React Native JavaScript SDK.
add() not working, giving Bad Request error

If you are using the JavaScript SDK as recommended for React Native:
Add a user to a conversation
So basically


How to call react-native function from IOS native module(Plugins)

I want to call react-native function from native module.
I have created one barcode-scanner plugins for my react-native app, barcode-scanner SDK is available in native IOS & Android so, i extract those native code and create one plugins(NPM) for react-native app.
Now my problems is, Once barcode-scanner scan a data and send to native IOS, how can i get those scanning data in my react-native app ?(I got scanned data in IOS native)
I want to call react-native app function once native module scanned a data and send those data in react-native
Please give example or proper document so i can try and implement.
Thanks in advance.
You'll find your answer well described here:
I have used "RCTDeviceEventEmitter" & "NativeEventEmitter" and add listener for received event
more detail

Embed Instagram Post in React Native

I have checked any packages for this. Here is the only one I found:
However, it's no longer work in the current version.
Is there any method to embed instagram post in React Native? Like
is the only way using webview in flatlist?
You can try out:
It's working

Can we use Kendo-React UI in React-Native?

I want to use Kendo UI React with my React Native application but I got some problems with the getting started.
I followed every step inside but I encounter this error : "Invariant Violation: View config not found for name button"
So is there a way to use it in my react native mobile application ?
Kendo React canĀ“t be implemented in React native at the moment. Telerik is considering since August last year to implement it according to market demand.
You should consider a different UI library or stack for your project.
Nativescript can be a valid option depending on your needs.

How to check if a point lies on polyline in react native

I am not able to use google.maps.geometry.poly.isLocationOnEdge() in my react native project. Is there any other way to check whether a point lies on a route which I can use to react native?
I recently came across this problem while using react-native-maps.
You can use isPointInLine(point, lineStart, lineEnd) method by using geolib JS package. This package has many other useful methods.

Using React Native to run JavaScript code from an existing native app without having to display a component

The official documentation for React Native explains how to add React Native views to existing native applications. However, it does not explain how to run React Native code written in JavaScript from a native application, without having to display any React Native component. Does the framework provide a way to do this?
I think reason being, R-N works on top of Native components and not other way round. I have not come across anything that you are looking.