Vuetify v-calendar events bug - vue.js

When i run build and start vue with vuetify 2.6.7 the calendar events are shown like this instead of stack and expand the calendar height


Add confirm button in vuejs-datepicker

I'm interested in the question, can I add a date selection confirmation button on the calendar? I use vuejs-datepicker (vue version 2)
In the component itself, I found only slots for adding elements before or after the input, but I can’t add content to the calendar itself
There is only one slot in vuejs-datepicker - and it is above the calendar. You may need to fork the component and change it to suit your needs.

Components for only tabs in React-Native

I want to achieve this in react-native,
Is there a component that have this tab switching animation with also capability off adding an icon next to tabName if possible.
P.S: I found a component react-native-material-tabs but without the ability to an icon. Also found components that requires container component, where I just need one for tabs for my use case.

Print FullCalendar Timeline Component Only

I'm using FullCalendar Timeline with the adaptivePlugin in Vue.
I want to be able to print the calendar with all the vertical data without the rest of the webpage components. A clean print of the calendar.

Draw calendar events

I'm currently making a resource management tool where I need to draw events on a calendar like Google Calendar does. I'm making this calendar in Vue and I have also tried to implement the new Vuetify calendar component but I can't get it to work the way I want so I started to make it on my own.
Now my question:
Is there any vue dependency available that lets you draw events (rectangles) on a calendar?
Vuetify's calendar gives You almost full control of the calendar including day squares (You call them rectangles) via scoped slots. You can make Your own layout and logic.
If this is not enough for You, try checking out Vue-Full-Calendar ( or Toast UI Calendar ( - my personal favorite.

React Native DatePicker NativeBase - How to disable specific dates

Is it possible to disable specific dates using the DatePicker of NativeBase in React Native? I looked in the docs, and only found that is possible to specify a minimumDate and minimumDate, but I'm trying to disable some dates in this interval. Thanks!