Athena query get the index of any element in a list - sql

I need to access to the elements in a column whose type is list according to the other elements' locations in another list-like column. Say, my dataset is like:
WITH dataset AS (
SELECT ARRAY ['hello', 'amazon', 'athena'] AS words,
ARRAY ['john', 'tom', 'dave'] AS names
SELECT * FROM dataset
And I'm going to achieve
SELECT element_at(words, index(names, 'john')) AS john_word
FROM dataset
Is there a way to have a function in Athena like "index"? Or how can I customize one like this? The desired result should be like:
| -------- |
| john_word|
| -------- |
| hello |
| -------- |

array_position(x, element) → bigint
Returns the position of the first occurrence of the element in array x (or 0 if not found).
Note that in presto array indexes start from 1.
SELECT element_at(words, array_position(names, 'john')) AS john_word
FROM dataset


Issue displaying empty value of repeated columns in Google Data Studio

I've got an issue when trying to visualize in Google Data Studio some information from a denormalized table.
Context: I want to gather all the contact of a company and there related orders in a table in Big Query. Contacts can have no order or multiple orders. Following Big Query best practice, this table is denormalized and all the orders for a client are in arrays of struct. It looks like this:
Fields Examples:
| Row # | Contact_Id | | |
|- 1 | 23 | 2019-02-05 | CB1 |
| | | 2020-03-02 | CB293 |
|- 2 | 2321 | - | - |
|- 3 | 77 | 2010-09-03 | AX3 |
The issue is when I want to use this table as a data source in Data Studio.
For instance, if I build a table with Contact_Id as dimension, everything is fine and I can see all my contacts. However, if I add any dimensions from the Orders struct, all info from contact with no orders are not displayed. For instance, all info from Contact_Id 2321 is removed from the table.
Have you find any workaround to visualize these empty arrays (for instance as null values)?
The only solution I've found is to build an intermediary table with the orders unnested.
The way I've just discovered to work around this is to add an extra field in my DS-> BQ connector:
ARRAY_LENGTH(fields.orders) AS numberoforders
This will return zero if the array is empty - you can then create calculated fields within DataStudio - using the "numberoforders" field to force values to NULL or zero.
You can fix this behaviour by changing a little your query on the BigQuery connector.
Instead of doing this:
FROM myproject.mydataset.mytable
try this:
FROM myproject.mydataset.mytable
This way you are forcing your repeated field to have, at least, an array containing NULL values and hence Data Studio will represent those missing values.
Also, if you want to create new calculated fields using one of the nested fields, you should check before if the value is NULL to avoid filling all NULL values. For example, if you have a repeated and nested field which can be 1 or 0, and you want to create a calculated field swaping the value, you should do:
IF(myfield.key IS NOT NULL, IF(myfield.key = 1, 0, 1), NULL)
Here you can see what happens if you check before swaping and if you don't:
Original value No check Check
1 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 0

How to loop through JSON array of JSON objects to see if it contains a value that I am looking for in postgres?

Here is an example of the json object
rawJSON = [
{"a":0, "b":7},
{"a":1, "b":8},
{"a":2, "b":9}
And I have a table that essentially looks like this.
demo Table
id | ...(other columns) | rawJSON
0 | ...(other columns info) | [{"a":0, "b":7},{"a":1, "b":8}, {"a":2, "b":9}]
1 | ...(other columns info) | [{"a":0, "b":17},{"a":11, "b":5}, {"a":12, "b":5}]
What I want is to return a row which insideRawJSON has value from "a" of less than 2 AND the value from "b" of less than 8. THEY MUST BE FROM THE SAME JSON OBJECT.
Essentially the query would similarly look like this
FROM demo
WHERE FOR ANY JSON OBJECT in rawJSON column -> "a" < 2 AND -> "b" < 8
And therefore it will return
id | ...(other columns) | rawJSON
0 | ...(other columns info) | [{"a":0, "b":7},{"a":1, "b":8}, {"a":2, "b":9}]
I have searched from several posts here but was not able to figure it out.
I was thinking of creating a plgpsql function but wasn't able to figure out .
Any advice I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!!
I would like to avoid cross join lateral because it will slow down a lot.
You can use a subquery that searches through the array elements together with EXISTS.
FROM demo d
FROM jsonb_array_elements(d.rawjson) a(e)
WHERE (a.e->>'a')::integer < 2
AND (a.e->>'b')::integer < 8);
If the datatype for rawjson is json rather than jsonb, use json_array_elements() instead of jsonb_array_elements().

How can I find the last member of an array in PostgreSQL?

How can I find the last member of an array in PostgreSQL?
for example you have an array of the numbers which each of them are id of a course, in the list of your chosen courses I want to know the last one : [1,32,4,6] I need number 6 ! how can I find the last number which is 6 ?
You can use array function array_upper() to get the index of the last element.
with t as (select '{1,32,4,6}'::int[] a)
select a[array_upper(a, 1)] last_element from t
Demo on DB Fiddle:
| last_element |
| -----------: |
| 6 |
You can use ARRAY_UPPER to get the upper bound of your array. You can then retrieve the value at that returned index.
SELECT yourcolumn[ARRAY_UPPER(yourcolumn,1)] FROM yourtable;

In Postgres: Select columns from a set of arrays of columns and check a condition on all of them

I have a table like this:
I want to perform count on different set of columns (all subsets where there is at least one element from X and one element from Y). How can I do that in Postgres?
For example, I may have {x1,x2,y3}, {x4,y1,y2,y3},etc. I want to count number of "id"s having 1 in each set. So for the first set:
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM table WHERE x1=1 AND x2=1 AND x3=1;
and for the second set does the same:
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM table WHERE x4=1 AND y1=1 AND y2=1 AND y3=1;
Is it possible to write a loop that goes over all these sets and query the table accordingly? The array will have more than 10000 sets, so it cannot be done manually.
You should be able convert the table columns to an array using ARRAY[col1, col2,...], then use the array_positions function, setting the second parameter to be the value you're checking for. So, given your example above, this query:
SELECT id, array_positions(array[x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4], 1)
FROM tbl
Will yield this result:
| id | array_positions |
| a | {1,4,5} |
| b | {1,2,4,7} |
| c | {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} |
Here's a SQL Fiddle.

Google BigQuery - Parsing string data from a Bigquery table column

I have a table A within a dataset in Bigquery. This table has multiple columns and one of the columns called hits_eventInfo_eventLabel has values like below:
If you write this string out in a tabular form, it contains the following data:
**ID | Score**
AEEMEO | 8.990000
SEAMCV | 8.990000
DNSEAWH | 0.391670
CP1853 | -
HI2367 | -
H25600 | -
Some IDs have scores, some don't. I have multiple records with similar strings populated under the column hits_eventInfo_eventLabel within the table.
My question is how can I parse this string successfully WITHIN BIGQUERY so that I can get a list of property ids and their respective recommendation scores (if existing)? I would like to have the order in which the IDs appear in the string to be preserved after parsing this data.
Would really appreciate any info on this. Thanks in advance!
I would use combination of SPLIT to separate into different rows and REGEXP_EXTRACT to separate into different columns, i.e.
regexp_extract(x, r'ID:([^,]*)') as id,
regexp_extract(x, r'Score:([\d\.]*)') score from (
select split(x, ';') x from (
select 'ID:AEEMEO,Score:8.990000;ID:SEAMCV,Score:8.990000;ID:HBLION;Property ID:DNSEAWH,Score:0.391670;ID:CP1853;ID:HI2367;ID:H25600;' as x))
It produces the following result:
Row id score
1 AEEMEO 8.990000
2 SEAMCV 8.990000
3 HBLION null
4 DNSEAWH 0.391670
5 CP1853 null
6 HI2367 null
7 H25600 null
You can write your own JavaScript functions in BigQuery to get exactly what you want now: