How to permanently remove the Tittle Odoo and favicon form Taskbar - odoo

Good day,
How can I permanently remove the title Odoo and the favicon from navigation menu in Odoo 15.
I am looking for a solution in code, the usually way of activating the debug mode and replace the favicon doesn't work. It first loads the Odoo icon then the icon you have uploaded.
Is their a way to replace permanently both of them

For the icon:
You can go to Settings>General Settings>Manage Companies and change the Company favicon field.
But if you want a code solution you can:
Step 1: Override the web module with your own module.
Step 2: Add the icon to your module folder under static/src/img
Step 3: Change the x_icon value
For the title:
You will have to override the init function in the abstract_web_client.js and call set('title_part', {"zopenerp": "My New Title"});
init: function(parent, action, options) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.set('title_part', {"zopenerp": 'My New Title'});


ionic3 open external url without address bar and toolbar and close button

My app needs a login page from external url.
The login logic that I thought is :
Open external url when ionic is launched
Once user logged in, move back to internal app using deep link (ex : myapp://main)
I tested step 2 which is deep link. Works well.
So, I have to make step 1 now.
First, I tested with iframe.
And got Refused to display 'https:....' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'. error. Seems this needs a server-side configuration. But anyway we don't want to use this way. iframe feels like a hack.
Second, I tried location.href = this.loginUrl;.
Worked well in chrome browser but when I built in iOS simulator, I see address bar, tool bar, and close button.
I don't like this because I don't want user to close login page or to change url address.
Third, tried, '_self', 'location=no').
Same result as second.
Fourth, tried to use ionic version of in-app-browserplugin.
But the result is same as second and third.
It still opens a browser with address bar, tool bar even it shows 'back to myApp'. So user would feel this is out of app.
Check here, people are looking for the solution still.
After spending a day, I don't even know if there is option I can try.
I could resolve by doing this. But in real device.
Xcode iPhone emulators don't have open in-app-browser but built-in browser.
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
this.browser = this.iab.create(this.loginUrl, '_blank', 'location=no,toolbar=no');
You can solve this by installing a cordova plugin called cordova-plugin-inappbrowser. Execute the following commands:
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
npm install --save #ionic-native/in-app-browser
On your app.module.ts add
import { InAppBrowser } from '#ionic-native/in-app-browser';
and also add the following to your providers in app.module.ts
providers: [
{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler}
Then on your home.ts add
import { InAppBrowser } from '#ionic-native/in-app-browser';
and inject it into the constructor like this
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private iab: InAppBrowser) {
then add the following method
this.iab.create('url', '_self', { location: 'no' }); }
Check the different options you have for this plugin here
For removing the address bar just use the option:
location: Set to yes or no to turn the InAppBrowser's location bar on or off.

Notification.Icon loading .png and url fine, but not local file

I'm more trying to understand this than anything, I am not sure if there is an actual solution.
I am using the Notification API ( and more specifically this is about the icon property in conjunction with Electron.
I am trying to build a custom notification balloon on Mac and Windows. Everything seems to be pretty straight forward and work, besides the icon part.
This is the issue i am facing (I have verified the file paths exist):
option 1, icon.png (works):
var myNotificiation = new Notification(
title, {
body: message,
icon: jetpack.path(__dirname, 'assets', 'icon.png')
option 2, URL (works):
var myNotificiation = new Notification(
title, {
body: message,
icon: ""
option 3, local html file (doesn't work):
var myNotificiation = new Notification(
title, {
body: message,
icon: jetpack.path(__dirname, 'services', 'icon.html')
For consistency, this is the content of the icon.html page:
Why does the image of the local file jetpack.path(__dirname, 'services', 'icon.html') not populate the icon part of the notification, but the URL image does show up in that same spot?
Any help would be appreciated. I hope its just something simply wrong in my HTML page, but I couldn't find anything wrong yet.
Thanks to Vadim Macagon:
The URL links directly to an image, not an html document, which is consistent with the description of the icon parameter: The icon read-only property of the Notification interface contains the URL of an icon.
This worked for me (source:
new Notification({
title: "Message",
body: msg,

Alfresco custom action permission

I have done a custom action. I can see the action in documentary library but i canot see it on faceted search result page.
<action id="custom-action" type="javascript" label="actions.custom.action">
<param name="function">onCustomActionlick</param>
So I went in the aikau-\META-INF\js\aikau\\alfresco\renderers\_ActionsMixin.js file.
I see that we do a test to determine if action is allowed in this file :
if (this.filterActions === false || AlfArray.arrayContains(this.allowedActions,
On firebug i see that my costum action is not in the allowedActions object. My question is why ?
I think that actions wich have not permission are always allowed to all users. Am I right ?
What can i do to allow this action et make it visible on faceted search result page?
Thank you in advance.
You need to write an extension module which is described here:
In the JavaScript code you need to get the widget id of MERGED_ACTIONS and add your customAction to the array of allowdActions and define it in CustomActions.
This is the Aikau code from the link, probably it has been updated in the newer Alfresco version. So you need to extend this within your extension module.
You can probably just use org\alfresco\share\pages\faceted-search as your <sourcePackageRoot> in the module.
widgets: [{
name: "alfresco/renderers/Actions",
config: {
filterActions: true,
mergeActions: true,
allowedActions: ["folder-manage-rules", "folder-download", "folder-view-details", "CUSTOM3"],
customActions: [{
id: "CUSTOM3",
label: "Custom Action 3",
icon: "document-delete",
index: "10",
publishTopic: "DELETE_ACTION_TOPIC",
type: "javascript"
widgetsForActions: [{
name: "alfresco/renderers/actions/ManageAspects"
The Document Library (at least up until Alfresco Share 5.1) is built with YUI, whereas the search page is built using Aikau. At the time of writing there is not yet parity of action handling between the search page and the Document Library, and the process of adding actions is very different.
In order to get your custom action to display in the faceted search page you'll need to do a couple of things:
Extend the search page to update the configuration for the "alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult" (it has the id "FCTSRCH_SEARCH_RESULT") to add your custom actions to the "additionalDocumentAndFolderActions" array (see
Your custom action will publish a topic, so you need to create a new service to subscribe to that topic to perform the action. You will need to further extend the faceted search page so that your service is included on the page.
I'm paraphrasing from our latest blog the method we've used for this.
Our use case was we had existing actions in the document library view we didn't want to have to recreate, with standard configuration xml.
The first step is to create a Share Extension Module to add a Javascript controller in web-extensions/site-data/extensions/example.xml:
<id>Example Service</id>
This will load some extra javascript, allowing you to adjust the widget config.
Create a file in web-extension/site-webscripts/com/parashift/example/faceted-search.get.js (or whatever package name you've used in sourcePackageRoot), add in a file called faceted-search.get.js with the following contents:
var searchResultPage = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel.widgets, "id", "FCTSRCH_SEARCH_RESULT");
if(searchResultPage != null) {
searchResultPage.config = {
enableContextMenu : false,
mergeActions : true,
additionalDocumentAndFolderActions : ["example-action"]
name: "parashift/action/example"
This will:
Add example-action to the list of actions in the search results. This should already be a configured action in some share-config.xml file.
Add a new listener widget for you to listen to when the action button is clicked.
Add a file for your listener widget: META-INF/parashift/action/example.js
function(declare, _Widget, Core) {
return declare([_Widget, Core], {
postCreate: function () {
this.alfSubscribe("ALF_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_ACTION_REQUEST", lang.hitch(this, this._onPayloadReceive));
_onPayloadReceive: function (payload) {
if( == "example-action") {
this.alfLog("log", "Received action, handling accordingly");
This code will listen for ALF_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_ACTION_REQUEST and execute the _onPayloadReceive function. In this function we filter to the example-action and execute any custom code.
The payload variable will include document and action objects. Using Debug Logging you can see what their shape is.
This is roughly equivalent to the old YUI method:"registerAction", {
actionName: "onExampleAction",
fn: function(file) {
console.log("Received action, handling accordingly");

Hide paging toolbar for Tree Grid

Is the showPagingToolbar config option available for the rallytreegrid? This config option is listed for the rallygrid xtype but does not seem to work for the rallytreegrid.
It doesn't look like that config exists, you're right. You should be able to work around it by hiding it once the grid is rendered.
Simply add the following event listeners config to your existing config when creating your treegrid:
listeners: {
afterrender: function(treegrid) {

Worklight WL.TabBar does not display correct titles on iOS

I downloaded the IncludeExternalPages project from the getting started site. In the main.js for iPhone I can see what the WL.TabBar should display:
function wlEnvInit(){
WL.TabBar.addItem("WLtab1", function () {tabClicked(1); } ,"Home",{
image: "tabButton:Favorites"
WL.TabBar.addItem("WLtab2", function () {tabClicked(2); } ,"Client",{
image: "tabButton:Search"
WL.TabBar.addItem("WLtab3", function () {tabClicked(3); } ,"IBM",{
image: "tabButton:More"
However, when executing this code in a simulator the labels are Favorite, Search, and More instead of Home, Client, and IBM. I made no modifications to the project, just built it and ran on the iOS simulator. This was using WL6.2 with the 9/4 update (latest).
Any ideas why the titles are defaulting to iOS instead of what is specified in the code?
When using the "built-in" OS icons (Favorites, More, Search, ...) the tab item's title will default to that of the icon instead of the label in the code.
To change that, provide your own Favorites icon, for example, and then the "Home" label will be used.