Unlimited integer value for JSON-LD schema - schema

How would you write an AggregateOffer schema JSON-LD to display an unlimited offerCount parameter?


STRING type or SSTRING element for a text field in table? Pros and cons

I need to create a Z table to store reasons for modifications of a certain custom object.
In the UI, the user will pick a reason ID and then optionally fill a text box. The table will have more or less the fields below:
key objectID
key changeReasonID
My doubt is with the comments field. I read the documentation about the limitations of STRING and SSTRING, but it's not clear to me if a STRING type field used in a transparent table has a limited length or not.
Even if the length is not limited (at least by the DB), I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use this approach or would you recommend CHAR/SSTRING types with a fix length instead?
**My system is running MSSQL database.
Strings have unlimited length, both in ABAP structures/tables, and in the database.
Most databases will store only a pointer in this column that points to the real CLOB value which is stored in a different memory segment. As a result, they restrict the usage of these columns, and may not allow you to use them as a key or index.
If I remember correctly, ABAP supports a maximum of 16 string fields per structure, which naturally limits its use cases. Also consider that ABAP structures have a maximum size.
For your case, if the comment will remain the only long field, and if you are actually fine with storing unlimited input (--> security constraints?), string sounds like a reasonable option.
If you are unsure what the future will bring, or to be on the safe side regarding security, you might want to opt for sstring or simply a long char instead.

creating a more strict meta schema for jsonschema's it self

I want to validate a JSON Schema to see if the JSON Schema is valid. So I don't want to validate a standard JSON document against a schema.
I need a meta schema that is a bit more strict than the current meta schema.
I would like to have a schema that
only allows appropriate properties on a type
e.g. not maxLength on a int type
adds custom required fields on a type.
In this question some insights are given by #JasonDesrosiers.
I was wondering if there is any update on the improvements and an example of how to extend the meta schema.

bigquery loadJob of a json - forcing a field to be String in the schema auto-detect

if in the beginning the json contains
"label": "foo"
and later it is
"label": "123"
bigquery returns
Invalid schema update. Field label has changed type from STRING to INTEGER
although it is "123" and not 123.
file is being loaded with
autodetect: true
is there a way to force bigquery to make any field as string when it applies its auto-detect, or the only way is using csv instead ?
The auto-detection is based on the best effort to recognize the data type by scanning up to 100 rows of data to use as a representative sample. There is no way to give insight about which kind of type it is. You may consider to specify manually the schema for your use case.
I have tested to load a file with only {"label" : "123"} and it is recognized as INTEGER. Therefore, the auto detection recognizes "123" as INGETER no matter if there are quotes or not. For your case, you may consider to export the schema from the existent table as explained in the documentation:
Note: You can view the schema of an existing table in JSON format by
entering the following command: bq show --format=prettyjson
and use it for further dynamic loads

How to implement Full-Text search in multilingual content in SQL Server

We have a site which supports different languages. We have millions of data so in search we would like to implement SQL Server Full-Text Search.
The table structure we have currently like below.
Code VARCHAR(50),
CREATE TABLE ProductLanguage
LanguageID INT,
Name NVARCHAR(200),
We would like to implement Full-Text search in "Name" column so we have created Full-Text index on the Name column. But while creating Full-Text index we can select only one language per column. If we select "English" or "Neutral" its not returning expected data in other languages like Japanese, Chinese, French etc.
So what is the best way to implement Full-Text search in SQL Server for multilingual content.
Do we need to create a different table. If yes then what will be the table structure (We need to keep in mind that the Languages are not fixed, different language can be added later) and what will be search query?
We are using SQL Server 2008 R2.
Certain content (document) types support language settings - e.g. Microsoft Office Documents, PDF, [X]HTML, or XML.
If you change the type of your Name column to XML, you can determine the language of each value (i.e. per row). For instance:
Instead of storing values as strings
name 1
name 2
name 3
...you could store them as XML documents with the appropriate language declarations:
<content xml:lang="en-US">name 1</content>
<content xml:lang="fr-FR">name 2</content>
<content xml:lang="en-UK">name 3</content>
During Full-text index population the correct word breaker/stemmer will be used, based on the language settings of each value (XML document): US English for name 1, French or name 2, and UK English for name 3.
Of course, this would require a significant change in the way your data is managed and consumed.
I'd be concerned about the performance of using XML instead of NVARCHAR(n) - though I have no hard proof for it.
One alternative could be to use dynamic SQL (generate the language specific code on the fly), combined with language specific indexed views on the Product table. Drawback of thsi is the lack of execution plan caching, i.e. again: performance.
Same idea as Matija Lah's answer, but this is the suggested solution outlined in the MS whitepaper.
When the indexed content is of binary type (such as a Microsoft Word
document), the iFilter responsible for processing the text content
before sending it to the word breaker might honor specific language
tags in the binary file. When this is the case, at indexing time the
iFilter invokes the correct word breaker for a specific document or
section of a document specified in a particular language. All you need
to do in this case is to verify after indexing that the multilanguage
content was indexed correctly. Filters for Word, HTML, and XML
documents honor language specification attributes in document content:
Word – language settings
HTML - <meta name=“MS.locale”…>
xml:lang attribute
When your content is plain text, you
can convert it to the XML data type and add specific language tags to
indicate the language corresponding to that specific document or
document section. Note that for this to work, before you index you
must know the language that will be used.

Which is the biggest String type in SQL?

Which is the biggest possible String type in SQL?
TEXT? or another?
The largest character data type in MySql is LONGTEXT (see Storage Requirements for String Types), that is capable to hold 2^32-1 bytes.
SQLite does not impose any length restrictions (other than the large global SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH limit) on the length of strings, BLOBs or numeric values. The default limit for that is 1 billion, but you can change it at compile time to a maximum of 2^31-1 (see Maximum length of a string or BLOB).
The SQL standard uses the name CLOB (it's feature T041-02 in SQL2008), but note that other databases may have different names for it. I think TEXT is one.