Lua script access object path inside an array - redis

I'm trying to access the object with property optionId = 'a386ead3-08ca-486e-aeb1-23add87292e7' to set its weight.
my object is like following:
weight": {
"options": [
"optionId": "a386ead3-08ca-486e-aeb1-23add87292e7",
"weight": 10
"optionId": "a386ead3-08ca-486e-aeb1-23add87292e7",
"weight": 20
"value": 100
and i'm using the following function to get its path but with no luck:
local GetFieldOptionWeightPath = function (optionId)
return "$.weight.options[\"optionId\"==\""..optionId.."\"]";

You need to compare each optionId like you would programmatically. To do that, you can use a filter script expression:
Here, $() is the filter and # will point to each of the elements that's getting filtered.
Note that since it's a filter, it may potentially yield multiple results. In fact, in your example case it will yield both entries as they have the same optionId.
In the end your Lua function generating the path can look like:
local GetFieldOptionWeightPath = function (optionId)
return ("$.weight.options[?(#.optionId==%q)]"):format(optionId)
This answer assumes JSONPath support which was implemented in RedisJSON v2 (late 2021).


Karate json key list variable assignment

New to Karate, and JSON, for that matter, but I've got a variable like:
response {
entries {
products [
names [
"Peter Parker",
"Tony Stark",
"Captain America"
names [
"Thomas Tinker",
"Jimmy Johnson",
"Mama Martha"
match each response.entries.products[*].names returns a list like:
["Peter Parker","Tony Stark","Captain America","Thomas Tinker","Jimmy Johnson","Mama Martha"]
But I'd like to assign that output to a variable, such as:
* def variable = response.entries.products[*].names
that would hold a similar value. When I use the above line, I get the following error:
Expected an operand but found *
Is it possible to achieve that, or something similar? If so, how?
Yes, there is syntax for that:
* def variable = $response.entries.products[*].names
Read the docs:

Pymongo: Best way to remove $oid in Response

I have started using Pymongo recently and now I want to find the best way to remove $oid in Response
When I use find:
result = db.nodes.find_one({ "name": "Archer" }
And get the response:
The result would be:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e7511c45cb29ef48b8cfcff"
"about": "A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles."
My expected:
"_id": "5e7511c45cb29ef48b8cfcff",
"about": "A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles."
As you seen, we can use:
resp = json.loads(dumps(result))
resp['id'] = resp['id']['$oid']
But I think this is not the best way. Hope you guys have better solution.
You can take advantage of aggregation:
result = db.nodes.aggregate([{'$match': {"name": "Archer"}}
{'$addFields': {"Id": '$_id.oid'}},
{'$project': {'_id': 0}}])
data = json.dumps(list(result))
Here, with $addFields I add a new field Id in which I introduce the value of oid. Then I make a projection where I eliminate the _id field of the result. After, as I get a cursor, I turn it into a list.
It may not work as you hope but the general idea is there.
First of all, there's no $oid in the response. What you are seeing is the python driver represent the _id field as an ObjectId instance, and then the dumps() method represent the the ObjectId field as a string format. the $oid bit is just to let you know the field is an ObjectId should you need to use for some purpose later.
The next part of the answer depends on what exactly you are trying to achieve. Almost certainly you can acheive it using the result object without converting it to JSON.
If you just want to get rid of it altogether, you can do :
result = db.nodes.find_one({ "name": "Archer" }, {'_id': 0})
which gives:
{"name": "Archer"}
import re
def remove_oid(string):
while True:
pattern = re.compile('{\s*"\$oid":\s*(\"[a-z0-9]{1,}\")\s*}')
match =, string)
if match:
string = string.replace(,
return string
string = json_dumps(mongo_query_result)
string = remove_oid(string)
I am using some form of custom handler. I managed to remove $oid and replace it with just the id string:
# Custom Handler
def my_handler(x):
if isinstance(x, datetime.datetime):
return x.isoformat()
elif isinstance(x, bson.objectid.ObjectId):
return str(x)
raise TypeError(x)
# parsing
def parse_json(data):
return json.loads(json.dumps(data, default=my_handler))
result = db.nodes.aggregate([{'$match': {"name": "Archer"}}
{'$addFields': {"_id": '$_id'}},
{'$project': {'_id': 0}}])
data = parse_json(result)
In the second argument of find_one, you can define which fields to exclude, in the following way:
site_information = mongo.db.sites.find_one({'username': username}, {'_id': False})
This statement will exclude the '_id' field from being selected from the returned documents.

Collapsing a group using Google Sheets API

So as a workaround to difficulties creating a new sheet with groups I am trying to create and collapse these groups in a separate call to batchUpdate. I can call request an addDimensionGroup successfully, but when I request updateDimensionGroup to collapse the group I just created, either in the same API call or in a separate one, I get this error:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid requests[1].updateDimensionGroup: dimensionGroup.depth must be \u003e 0",
But I'm passing depth as 0 as seen by the following JSON which I send in my request:
"range": {
I'm not entirely sure what I am supposed to provide for "fields", the documentation for UpdateDimensionGroupRequest says it is supposed to be a string ("string ( FieldMask format)"), but the FieldMask definition itself shows the possibility of multiple paths, and doesn't tell me how they are supposed to be separated in a single string.
What am I doing wrong here?
The error message is actually instructing you that the dimensionGroup.depth value must be > 0:
If you call spreadsheets.get() on your sheet, and request only the DimensionGroup data, you'll note that your created group is actually at depth 1:
This makes sense, since the depth is (per API spec):
depth numberThe depth of the group, representing how many groups have a range that wholly contains the range of this group.
Note that any given particular DimensionGroup "wholly contains its own range" by definition.
If your goal is to change the status of the DimensionGroup, then you need to set its collapsed property:
"sheetId": <your sheet id>,
"dimension": "ROWS",
"startIndex": 2,
"endIndex": 5
"collapsed": true,
"depth": 1
"fields": "collapsed"
For this particular Request, the only attribute you can set is collapsed - the other properties are used to identify the desired DimensionGroup to manipulate. Thus, specifying fields: "*" is equivalent to fields: "collapsed". This is not true for the majority of requests, so specifying fields: "*" and then omitting a non-required request parameter is interpreted as "Delete that missing parameter from the server's representation".
To change a DimensionGroup's depth, you must add or remove other DimensionGroups that encompass it.

Possible to use angular-datatables with serverside array sourced data instead of object sourced data

I'm trying to use angular-datatables with serverside processing. However, it seems that angular-datatables expects that the data from the server is in object format (object vs array data described) with column names preceding each table datapoint. I'd like to configure angular-datatables to accept array based data since I can't modify my server side output which only outputs data in array format.
I'm configuring Datatables in my javascript like so:
var vm = this;
vm.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
.withOption('ajax', {
url: 'output/ss_results/' + $routeParams.uuid,
type: 'GET'
.withOption('processing', true)
.withOption('serverSide', true);
My data from the server looks like this in array format:
var data = [
"Tiger Nixon",
"System Architect",
"Garrett Winters",
But as far as I can tell, angular-datatables is expecting the data in object format like so:
"name": "Tiger Nixon",
"position": "System Architect",
"extn": "5421"
"name": "Garrett Winters",
"position": "Director",
"extn": "8422"
I tried not defining dtColumns or setting it to an empty array like vm.dtColumns = []; but I get an error message when I do that. When I configure dtColumns with a promise to load the column data via ajax I get datatables error #4 because it can't find the column name preceding my table datapoints in the data retrieved from the server.
Is it possible to configure angular-datatables to accept array based data? I can't find anything on the angular-datatables website that indicates it can be configured this way.
Edit: So I removed the .withDataProp('data') which I think was causing the problem. The table works a little better now but it's still broken. After it loads, I get the message No matching records found. Even though right below it it says Showing 1 to 10 of 60,349 entries
Previous1…456…6035Next Does anyone know why this might be?
If you want to use an array of arrays instead of an array of objects, simply refer to the array indexes instead of the object names :
$scope.dtColumns = [
DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(3).withTitle('Start date'),
demo using the famous "Tiger Nixon" array loaded via AJAX ->

MongoDB like statement with multiple fields

With SQL we can do the following :
select * from x where concat(x.y ," ",x.z) like "%find m%"
when x.y = "find" and x.z = "me".
How do I do the same thing with MongoDB, When I use a JSON structure similar to this:
value : "find"
value : "me"
The comparison to SQL here is not valid since no relational database has the same concept of embedded arrays that MongoDB has, and is provided in your example. You can only "concat" between "fields in a row" of a table. Basically not the same thing.
You can do this with the JavaScript evaluation of $where, which is not optimal, but it's a start. And you can add some extra "smarts" to the match as well with caution:
"$or": [
{ "data.value": /^f/ },
{ "data.value": /^m/ }
"$where": function() {
var items = []; {
var myString = items.join(" ");
if ( myString.match(/find m/) != null )
return 1;
So there you go. We optimized this a bit by taking the first characters from your "test string" in each word and compared the tokens to each element of the array in the document.
The next part "concatenates" the array elements into a string and then does a "regex" comparison ( same as "like" ) on the concatenated result to see if it matches. Where it does then the document is considered a match and returned.
Not optimal, but these are the options available to MongoDB on a structure like this. Perhaps the structure should be different. But you don't specify why you want this so we can't advise a better solution to what you want to achieve.