Nuxt 2.14: wait until everything inside `fetch` will be done - vue.js

I have a question. Inside Nuxt's fetch hook I have some asynchronous calls that are performed by Nuxt content API.
Some pieces of this data are then used inside mounted hook.
But while Nuxt handles first request inside fetch, the control flow passes to the mounted hook and hence there's no needed data.
Yes, I tried uses something like if (!this.$fetchState.pending) return; but obviously mounted is called only once. Does anybody knows how can I force Nuxt to wait? Btw, the app is using static site generation and the component has property fetchOnServer set to false.


setup() vs onMounted(),I need display a data when the page loads initialy...,where should i write the code for fetching the data form server (vuejs)

In options api,its obvious where we write code for fetching the data from server in mounted method.
With composition api,i am confused as the setup method is the one that loads first before the onMounted hook.
Check their docs:
If you are doing DOM related actions, you would want to do it in onMounted() hooks, because setup() doesn't have access to DOM yet.
So I would probably do it in onMounted() methods since I would probably store result from API to component data or may update DOM as a side-effect.

What is the difference between the beforeMount and the created lifecycle hook in vuejs

I am still unclear on where I should use the beforeMount and where the created lifecycle hook. It seems to me that in both, the reactive data has been loaded and it is before the DOM has been mounted.
In most cases it doesn't matter whether you use beforeMount or created but there are some where it matters:
Accessing original DOM element your root Vue component is mounting on
can be useful for integration with any server-side rendered framework (php, rails etc.)
explanation and example - When to use the lifecycle method beforeMount in vue.js?
in created hook this.$el is undefined, in beforeMount it's the original unmodified element, in mounted it's root element created by your component/template
Server-side rendering (Nuxt, Vuepress etc.)
beforeCreate and created are only hooks called on the server
that means you should not use any code which needs window, document or any browser API in created as those will not be present on the server
on the other hand code placed in the beforeMount (or mounted) is executed only on the client (browser)
The beforeMount hook runs right before the initial render happens and after the template or render functions have been compiled(when vm.$el has not been created yet).
created is the step after initialization of your component(where you are able to access reactive data and events that are active with the created hook. Templates and Virtual DOM have not yet been mounted or rendered)

Vue and Vuex state checking

I am experimenting with Vue and VueX and while everything is working well, there is one aspect that is troubling with regards to the store mechanism.
I have a component that loads a set of data from a remote service via axios. It works correctly and is called when the component is created.
export default {
created() {
This correctly populates the "bar" variable in the component with the valeus returned from the api call.
When I next view the component in the application, the created function is called again and the api called again, which returns the same data.
What is the best practice way of avoiding subsequent calls until we know that there is different data to be collected? Or more precisely, how do I invalidate data in the store when necessary so that api call is made only when it needs it?
You can put your api call to the parent or root component then place a refresh button to the child component.
Or you can check if variable bar is empty then make the api call.

Vue Single page app Router, what happens with the components when we change route?

Let's suppose I have a component called FirstPage, which is my default route, now FirstPage triggers an asynchronous call, with the help of an action of the vuex store, to be made each minute to a backend Api (it's triggered when the component is loaded as a route), now let's say I go to an about route that goes to an About component, is FirstPage still making the calls?
I'm not developing an app with that yet, so I can't provide examples.
It's on my interest to know the behavior in these cases of the router, because whenever I change the route I would want to stop making the constant calls (as they won't be necessary).
The reason is that Depending on this I'd have to switch tooling for a project I have in mind.
In general, a component's instance will be destroyed when you navigate away from it. However, there are two exceptions to this ..
When you use routes with params. From the Vue Router docs
One thing to note when using routes with params is that when the user navigates from /user/foo to /user/bar, the same component instance will be reused. Since both routes render the same component, this is more efficient than destroying the old instance and then creating a new one. However, this also means that the lifecycle hooks of the component will not be called.
When you wrap your router-view component within a keep-alive element. Since the <router-view> is essentially a dynamic component.
Generally Vue does a very good job of housekeeping and cleaning up after a component's instance when it gets destroyed. But sometimes you'll have to do some manual cleanup, especially if you use some kind of external library. This is usually handled in the beforeDestroy hook of an instance's lifecycle.
In normal conditions, any logic/scripts/etc done at creation inside said component will be "purged" on the on destroy/close hooks (not only pertinent to vue but seen in lots of other tools), if there is a need to persist something then it should be in a higher scope (or other solution)
Any script written for the respective component only runs if the component is rendered in page. Once you go to about component replacing the previous component then previous script wont run.
you can make a parent component with a router-view and load in your page you always want to get loaded, so your FirstPage component, but this component should just have logic behind it, and no html because otherwise you will always see that rendered. Router-view the page you want to display the real html and stuff. I hope you get the idea, if not i could make an example for you. Goodluck.

Vue.js async components: how to fire the render function more than once

I am using async components in a vue.js project, like this:
Everything works correctly on the first load because my factory function fires. The factory function makes an ajax call, then returns the template to Vue. It also does some custom JS stuff.
My issue is that when a user wants to load that component again, the factory function does not fire again. It will only fire on the first load of the component.
For example, I have a component for each page on the website (Home, About, Contact, etc). When the user clicks on About for the first time, it's all good. But when they go to Contact, then back to About, Vue will not call the factory function, and instead inject what looks to be a cached version of the template.
I need my custom JS to fire again, because it's what triggers a lot of animations. Is it possible to fire the factory function multiple times, or do I need to think about restructuring, and if so, is there a a suggested way?