I am adding profiler on my custom method on Odoo v15.0
I have referred below doc for code profiling
Below is the syntax i am using
from odoo.tools.profiler import profile
def mymethod(...):
My code
But on execution of code i am getting below error on terminal
"ImportError: cannot import name 'profile' from 'odoo.tools.profiler'"
To debug the issue i have deep dived in base code of "/odoo/tool/profiler.py".
But unable to locate any wrapper or function called profiler.
What is correct way to use profiling using "Log a method" strategy on odoo v15.0?
Goto path and make sure you have this file for line-by-line code profiling looks like you don't have this file
From the front end in debug mode open enable profiling, this will give you all the information per user
I am a new ClojureScript user and I'm writing an application using Re-frame. When I get an error message (from ClojureScript), in most cases, I get a call stack ending in JavaScript code from a library. That is expected, but I don't get a function from my own code in the stack! Sometimes, I don't get any ClojureScript function calls at all, just JavaScript's. Is there a way to see the top of the stack in these error messages? Or to see the last function from my code/namespace in the stack?
That could be a huge help to me. Even small mistakes (such as, swapping operator's positions in a map call) are very hard to track. I should be doing something wrong.
It is said that ClojureScript error messages are an acquired taste. Because of the way the compiler works error messages can be cryptic.
What can help make ClojureScript error messages more readable is installing cljs-devtools or the fork Dirac. This has among other things:
The :hints feature.
The :hints feature is an attempt to augment uncaught exceptions and error object to include a bit of additional knowledge related to such errors. It tries to fetch the original source file, extract relevant part to show you more context and mark the javascript error there. This is expected to work only with :optimizations none compiler mode and it is disabled by default because it relies on monkey patching.
Better display of ClojureScript function names.
Example of nicer stack trace (from Dirac, but cljs-webtools already improves it a lot)
Enable custom formatters
Open DevTools with CMD-ALT-J
Go to Settings with F1 or by pressing the three dots
Check "Enable custom formatters" under Console
(See Installation):
Add configuration to the compiler in project.clj
[{:id "dev"
:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:figwheel {:on-jsload "blabla.core/reload"}
:compiler {(...)
:preloads [devtools.preload]
:external-config {:devtools/config {:features-to-install :all}}}}
Install the Dirac Chrome extension.
Run Chrome with remote debugging enabled.
/Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome\ Canary \
--remote-debugging-port=9222 \
--no-first-run \
Add binaryage/dirac to dependencies in your project.clj
:dependencies [[binaryage/dirac "RELEASE"]]
(or use another one of the installation instructions).
If you use the re-frame Leiningen template the cljs-devtools are included by default
Having a CI pipeline that is using Teamcity and Octopus deploy and build scripts written with Cake I want to be able to display the error messages that generated by the build script.
Now the message displayed is:
Exit code 1 (new)
In order to be able to see the real error message one must view the build log and parse it.
So, even when using build script, I want to be able to display the build results in overview page and the list of errors like in the following picture:
I know that Cake provides support for integration with TeamCity, but the documentation and examples are not that straightforward.
Ca anyone provide some helpful information regarding this subject?
Cake implements a method to be able to write a build problem
TeamCityProvider​.BuildProblem(string, ​string)
Looking at the source code for this provider, I can determine that this will build up a string to output that conforms to the build script interaction specified in the TeamCity documentation, specifically reporting the build problem
##teamcity[buildProblem description='<description>' identity='<identity>']
by calling BuildProblem("Some message", "Some identity") this will output
##teamcity[buildProblem description='Some Message' identity='Some identity']
TeamCity should then fail the build and display the message as per the documentation;
To fail a build directly from the build script, a build problem has be reported. Build problems appear on the Build Results page and also affect the build status text.
You need to edit the cake build scripts to properly trap the exception and call the above method, so it will write to the output stream correctly.
I can replicate this behaviour using a PowerShell script to write the buildProblem message to the ouput stream
This will then show the very message in the build results on the overview page
Hope this helps
When Yii2 is used in debug mode and an error occurs, it shows a error message along with call trace, session, cookie and server info.
Sample image shown below.
In production ready systems, this will not be shown. However, Is there a way to pull this formatted html into a variable in production systems, so that it can be emailed to the developer to ease in debugging errors. If any one has any idea, please let me know.
I tried using \Yii::$app->mailer->render() passing #vendor/yiisoft/yii2/views/errorHandler/exception.php as view, ['exception => $ex] as data, layout file as parameters. I'm getting undefined variable handler error.
Config Log Targets for your purpose:
I have just finished setting up an HMVC CodeIgniter following the steps here.
I am now trying to create a module "api" which I wish to use Phil Sturgeon's REST library.
It states here that I need to extend the MX_Controller rather than the CI_Controller and I did.
My initial setup was like this
I kept getting an error with loading Rest_Controller so I have tried moving the REST_Controller and Format libraries to application/libraries that seemed to fix the loading issue but now i am getting the error below whenever i try to access it via http://example.com/codeigniter/index.php/api/example/user/id/1/format/json
"An Error Was Encountered
Unable to load the requested class: security"
I am expecting for the output to be "{"id":1,"name":"Some Guy","email":"example1#example.com","fact":"Loves swimming"}"
What am I missing? Would it be possible to keep the REST_Controller and Format libraries under the api module? If so, how?
Open Rest_Controller.php go to line 173 and change the following code
To have the REST_Controller and Format libraries under the api module.
Move the REST_Controller to api/controllers/REST_Controller.php and Format to api/libraries/Format.php
I posted in the Yii forum with no luck. I am hoping someone in this community got this extension working because I really need it!
I used the yiic docs check command, and all the models seem to finally pass the check. So, I proceeded to executing this command:
yiic docs C:\path to my site\protected\models
And at first this appears onscreen:
Building.. : MyApplication Class Reference
Version... : 1.1.7
Source URL:
And then this error pops up:
Building model...
PHP Error[2]:include<GxActiveRecord.php>: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file C:\path-to-my-app\yii\framework\YiiBase.php at line 396
Where, at that line, I have the following code:
I don't understand why it is looking for a class I do not have!! I found it here, but I don't know in what specific folder that class should reside, or better yet why I should have to download it separately when it's not specified in the instructions. Thanks.
Looks like you've generated models from giix which have GxActiveRecord as a base class and the doc parser does not find this base class, usually you've defined this as an import in your application config, so this may be an expected behavior.
You could try importing something like 'ext.giix.components.GxActiveRecord' in every one of your model classes or copy GxActiveRecord into your models directory just for generating the docs.