SSMS remember dialogs / windows size - ssms

Forms like restore database, login properties, etc can be resized.
Is the any way to keep those windows resized?
Didn't find any corresponding option in Tools / Options.
I'm using version 18.7.1


How to maximize width of Debug window in Intellij IDEA 2017.1.2 on Windows 10?

I cannot find how to change behavior debugger window of IntellJ IDEA 2017.1.2 on Windows 10. I like to use it in unpinned mode, meaning it comes up when build happens (I execute it manually) and when I click on the edited file it goes down. But It does not take full width. It does not go over Project window as you can see in the picture below.
It works by default as I described on Windows 7. I mean it takes full width. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a screenshot about it. That machine is my workstation.
I cannot find in the documentation how to setup this. I assume it is due to Windows 10.
It's controlled by the Widescreen tool window layout option, disable it:

Get list of opened windows and minimised windows

I'm using CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo to obtain list of windows opened in OSX system. I would like to get all opened windows + minimised window (windows which appears in the bottom of the dock). I've already tried all possible options of this function (
Using it with option kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly returns obviously proper list but without minimised windows. Without it, I get minimised but also all different windows which are not minimised (e.g. splash screens of other applications).
Second attempt was to use properties of window returned by CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray( but I didn't find the way also.
Also using accessibility API isn't a solution here since the user has to explicitly allow particular application to control the computer in system preferences. windows form automatic resizing

I have a windows form in my application which has recently started resizing itself dependant on the computers screen resolution.
I would like the form to be a fixed width and height - how can i make it do this and not resize itself?
You may try to change the property AutoScaleMode.
The default is FONT (the correct to most different systems DPI), but you may try other options there.
I saw now you may set the PROPERTIES of a file in the DESKTOP to "Deactivate Dimmension in High-DPI Settings" (it´s translated from Portuguese, my system). Click in the desktop application´s properties (its icon) and go to COMPATIBILITY TAB.
It´s not a .NET solution but if Windows had put it there, is because it´s possible the only way to set it.

How can i keep focus on my own application or regain it when lost in delphi? [duplicate]

I need to create a simple Delphi application, kiosk style.
It is a very simple thing, a single form where the user writes some personal info to register to an event. 4 TEdit and a TButton.
What I want to achieve is to avoid the user does any action different then typing in TEdit or clicking on the TButton. For example I don't want he does ALT TAB (switchin applications), pressing windows key on keyboard, doing ctrl-alt-canc, etc...
I can add a passowrd protected Button that enables/disables this "Kiosk mode", in this way as I need to exit the kiosk mode I simply press that button and exit.
How to achieve this "kiosk mode" in Delphi without intercepting all the keystrokes manually? Or did anyone already develop this so it can be shared?
I think you'd better create a new desktop, and run your app in there. When your app is done, you can bring back user's desktop. That is how Windows login screen works. Of course Windows login screen uses a special secure desktop. Your app in a separate desktop would be isolated. You will have a desktop background with no start menu, taskbar, or desktop icons because explorer.exe is not running there automatically. Of course a can start a new process, using Task Manager, but desktops in Windows are securable objects; therefore, you can make restrictions if you want. Of course if your app has sufficient permissions.
To create a new desktop, you can use CreateDesktop Windows API, and to switch to the newly created desktop, you can use OpenDesktop function.
You can try Change the Windows Shell.
When you start windows, you don't execute the default shell (explorer.exe), you can execute your application.
Al internet you can find alternative Shell (more attractive) to default windows like:
BlueBox or
This option is used for purposes similars at the application that you are developing. Kiosks or TPV.
For change the default applicacion you must modify a registry key:
In Win3.x and Win9x, SYSTEM.INI file:
In Win2k and WinXP, use Registry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
If you test this option, think the mode to turn the configuration to the original value (button or option). You must reboot to test changes.
ADDED: In addition, if you search on the web some similar at this "Delphi Change default windows shell", you can find more code, samples and information about this.
P.D: Excuse me for mistakes with english.
Well but if someone can open the taskmgr he could just create a new task and run explorer.exe from there so its not really secure though...
Ok Taskmgr can be stopped with policies...
Well and for disabling the cad sequence you can use saslibex which Remko Weijnen had created you can find it here: SASLibEx
kindest regrads,

SSMS SQL SERVER Management Studio 2012 startup freeze

I have a strange situation. IT installed SSMS on my laptop and it runs well the first time, connected to my SQL servers remotely etc. But then it's frozen. I forced quit and then started SSMS again. Now it's totally frozen, no popup window at all to enter the server-connection text string. Then I did a force quit and got a pop up window (see it here ).
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio has detected that an operation is blocking user input. This can be caused by an active modal dialog or a task that needs to block user interaction. Would you like to shut down anyway?
Has anyone seen this before? My IT department has no clue.
Often this is due to the new connection dialog being off screen (usually due to changing monitor setup e.g. 1 to 2 monitors or resolution change etc).
If so the really easy fix (if your connection dialog just needed approval without changing fields) is :
Focus on SSMS and Hit Enter/Return
..or the easy fix (if above does not work - as your last connection is not ready to go) is:
Alt Tab to SSMS
Alt + Space - context menu
M - select Move (in offscreen context menu)
Arrow Key(s) - to move it back onto screen
As per answers here from #Eirik Toft and here from #Lee Chetwynd
Fixed an issue which presented the same on my machine today by renaming a entry in my registry:
After some digging there seems to be multiple issues that can produce the same error (Application, settings, registry). This blog entry covers it pretty well:
In my case deleteing the SQL server management studio folder under AppData ( c:\users\%userName%Appdata\raoming\microsoft\ ) didn't work.
However I was successfully after deleting / renaming the regisitry entry:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server]
Worked out the underlying issue on my laptop - was using additional 2 screens with much higher resolutions which caused windows / SSMS to open up the connect to new data source dialog off all of them. If your using multiple screens try returning to just use the native laptop screen to see if you can find the dialog that SSMS is waiting on your input for.
I just had this same situation, with two additional screens connected to my laptop. SQL Server Management Studio was opened on the third screen, with the modal dialog nowhere to be seen.
Two options:
Press tab three times and enter. This cancels the dialog. Now you can move the window to another screen.
Set Windows to only use one or two screens. SSMS opens on the first and should still open there when you move back to using three screens.
When SSMS is on your primary or secondary screen, the modal dialog opens on the first and should be usable.
It was because multi screen display. Turning off multiscreen to single one resolved it. Reenabled multi screen display after ssms started working
In my case, "Run as Administrator" option worked like charm. I was accessing my server screen with the windows RDP. And when I open SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio 2010 user hangs at the moment and wont operate unless sign off r disconnected by administrator.
But when I set compatibility mode of both the application to the "run as Administrator", it starts working fine.
the problem also occurs if you have a touch screen. I fixed this by disabling the local thouch screen when I switch to RDP.