Google Colab Crash When Loading Pre-Trained Transformer - google-colaboratory

I am new to transformers. I have fine-tuned my MT5 model in Google Colab and saved it with save_pretrained(PATH). However, when I tried to load the model with MT5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(PATH), Google Colab keep crashing with log error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::__ios_failure'
what(): basic_filebuf::underflow error reading the file: iostream error
I suspect that it was out-of-memory problem, but I have no clue how to fix it.


When trying to convert StyleGan2 Pickle File, getting pickle.load() error: 'No module named 'torch_utils.persistence'

I trained a StyleGan2-ADA model on a custom dataset which generated a .pkl file. I'm now trying to load the .pkl file so that I can convert it to a .pt file, but when I load the .pkl file using:
I'm getting a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch_utils.persistence'
I've installed torch_utils and other dependencies, but for loading the file I'm not sure how to fix this issue. If anyone has had this issue in loading a .pkl file any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Same issue on Github here, but no clear solution.
Have tried installing torch_utils multiple times, but error still persists

GANs with TensorFlow

Recently, I started one of the tutorial for GANs created by TensorFlow.
See link:
But in the initializer (i.e. if name == 'main') I am having to issues to run it, since I run it
from Colab and is a .py program. So that, it says that error:
usage: [-h] [-g GENERATOR] error: unrecognized arguments: -f
An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.
Would anyone know how to debug it for .ipynb files?
Thank you in advance

Create Version Failed. Bad model detected with error: "Error loading the model" - AI Platform Prediction

I created a model through AI Platform UI that uses a global endpoint. I am trying to deploy a basic tensorflow 1.15.0 model I exported using the Saved Model builder. When I try to deploy this model I get a Create Version Failed. Bad model detected with error: "Error loading the model" error in the UI and the I see the following in the logs:
ERROR:root:Failed to import GA GRPC module. This is OK if the runtime version is 1.x
Failure: Could not reach metadata service: Internal Server Error.
ERROR:root:Command '['/tools/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil', '-o', 'GoogleCompute:service_account=default', 'cp', '-R', 'gs://cml-365057443918-1608667078774578/models/xsqr_global/v6/7349456410861999293/model/*', '/tmp/model/0001']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
ERROR:root:Error loading model: 'generator' object has no attribute 'next'
ERROR:root:Error loading the model
Framework/ML runtime version: Tensorflow 1.15.0
Python: 3.7.3
What is strange is that the gcloud ai-platform local predict works correctly with this exported model, and I can deploy this exact same model on a regional endpoint with no issues. It only gives this error if I try to use a global endpoint model. But I need the global endpoint because I plan on using a custom prediction routine (if I can get this basic model working first).
The logs seem to suggest an issue with copying the model from storage? I've tried giving various IAM roles additional viewer permissions, but I still get the same errors.
Thanks for the help.
I think it's the same issue as
The comment in the issue says the fix is now rolling out.
Today I faced the same error (ERROR: ( Create Version failed. Bad model detected with error: "Error loading the model") & for those who wants a summary:
The recommendation is to use n1* machine types (for example: n1-standard-4) via regional endpoints (for example: us-central1) instead of mls1* machines while deploying version. Also I made sure to mention the same region (us-central1) while creating the model itself using the below command, thereby resolving the above mentioned error.
!gcloud ai-platform models create $model_name

Create New Python 3 notebook in Colaboratory Fails with error message

I have recently started to use Colaboratory and I am trying to create a new notebook.
But when I try to Open new notebook (New Python 3 notebook) if fails with this error message:
Notebook loading error
There was an error loading this notebook. Ensure that the file is accessible and try again.
[object Object]
Error: [object Object]
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I saved a copy of the Welcome to Colaboratory notebook to my Google Drive.
When I try to Open Drive notebook, and select the notebook copy it crashes with the same error message above.
What else can I try to create a new notebook?
pause your adblock extension for the colab page and it will work. Ad blocks may block some js file
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Python Configuration Error when build by bazel, following google doc

I am learning transfer learning according to How to Retrain Inception's Final Layer for New Categories however, when I build '' using bazel, the following error ocures:
The error message is:
python configuration error:'PYTHON_BIN_PATH' environment variable is not set and referenced by '//third_party/py/numpy:headers'
I am so sorry, I have done my best to display the error image.unfortunately, I failed.
I use python2.7, anaconda2 and bazel0.6.1, tensorflow1.3.
appreciate for your any reply !