Manage client id/secret for rest api - best practice - api

I have a REST API with classic client_id/client_secret authentication and need to manage them (create new, modify or delete).
Is it a good practice to create an endpoint to do this (e.g. or this should be managed outside the API?
The data is stored in a database.


How to design the system to manage RESTful API keys/credentials for external developers to call

I'm working on a web service with Python as backend using FastAPI.
As far as I know, for the front end user authentication and authorized requests there is JWT. Following the best practices, the token would expired in 15 minutes and refreshed before that.
However, if I want to expose some RESTful API endpoints (e.g. read/write data to my database) for other developers (e.g. Stripe users would call Stripe's API with some keys), I need to create a permanent API key with some configurable permission, like the personal access token for Github. It seems to me that using JWT is not a good option because it's not ideal to set long expiration time or ask external developers to refresh tokens frequently.
I had hard time finding related resources for designing such as system to manage these API keys, even though many companies provide this kind of service.
I would imagine the solution to be having a table in the database that stores the API keys with some permission levels as columns and links with the user table. However, with this method, each call from the external developers/service has to query the database to validate permission, which may hurt the response time compared to JWT. I'd like to know if this makes sense what are the best practices.
What is the work flow to generate the API keys for external developers/service to call my API endpoints that need user authentication?
How to revoke given API keys?
How to configure/validate API keys for different permissions?
How to design the table to manage API keys?
You should have a secured Web page for developers to generate API keys themselves. So, they can create, revoke, or delete API keys from this page.
Designing your API key table:
scopes (permissions)
expires (date)
revoked (boolean)
created (datetime)
modified (datetime)
You can learn more on this article:
Authentication process:
Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API key as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password.
Example from Stripe:
curl \
-u sk_test_dsadsaDSds123DSA:
On your backend, fetch username (API key) from Header and find the API key from the table. Retrieve user details of this API key and do authentication.

Authentication and Authorization design for REST API

I'm designing a system with REST API. REST API will be implemented using Spring Boot. The system should manage employee, product, orders information. It can be used as a standalone or as a part of some existing product ecosystem. I'm looking for some resource (book, blog, online course, etc.) to help me decide how to implement authentication and authorisation.
It's quite obvious how to do it if the system is used as a standalone product. User credentials/authorisation data can be stored in the same database next to product/employee and other data.
I'm not sure how to handle everything when the application is a part of some existing ecosystem. What if:
Someone wants to reuse existing User data store for authentication or third party service like Okta or Auth0.
Use existing data to build authorisation rules. For example authorise a person to modify product data if the person belongs to some User group.
I'm thinking about Oauth2+OIDC solution. For example Okta allows add a Claim based on Expression. User groups can be provided as Claims too. It seems Okta could be a source of both Authentication and Authorisation information. I'm not sure if it's a correct way to use Oauth2 and OIDC? What are potential pitfalls storing the authorisation data this way?
I've checked Keycloak and it seems authorisation data. can be stored there. So it's not an unusual practice to manage such a data in an authorisation server.
Maybe I should use Oauth2/OIDC for authentication only? Authorisation data (assigned roles, groups, etc.) can be stored in my application database. The application should provide means to manage the information.
I'd like to get some advice or source of information for this topic.
Thank you.
I would aim to keep OAuth data fairly small - the Authorization Server (AS) typically only needs a few fields to manage login such as Name / Email and a generated user id.
When data becomes domain specific it can become a burden to manage it in the AS, whereas in your product data it is easier to spin up custom UIs etc.
Instead the AS can reach out during token issuing to an API to include important claims in access tokens - such as roles etc. Meanwhile you don't want to expose detailed access tokens to internet clients.
The Curity web site has some good resources on patterns to meet the above requirements - here are a couple of links:
IAM Primer
Claims Best Practices

Can API gateway access database directly?

Can API gateway access to database directly?
We have a client we need to integrated our product using REST API. We already provide some kind of REST API, but it is not suitable for their usage, thus they asked us to provide specific REST API for their usage.
So, we decided to implement API Gateway pattern to call our API and perform some response transformation. And here is the issue. Our API does not provide all the data needed by this customer in responses, but the data are stored in database. And I am wondering if it is OK to talk to database directly from API Gateway or we should create a specific REST API and call that instead.
If you have a kind of database handler that handles access and visibilty concerns it should be okay, but for further purposes you should think about providing database access via REST too, with a user authentication
There is no direct connection between API gateway and database instead you can connect your DB with lambda and use lambda as an integrator

Multiple external clients for users on identityserver4

I am working on a project that allows a user to create a user to create app keys or secrets so that specific services can be used by external clients. A user can create multiple secrets that they can choose to use across multiple clients.
For this I am planning to create a decoupled auth server that will use identityserver4.
What really holding me back is that I am not sure whether or not I should create an API layer at the auth server. The reason I am considering API at auth server is so that I can create sort of an admin portal client that will give the users a front-end for creating, renewing, and accessing their app keys/secrets. Even the admin portal is going to be a de-coupled angular application.
There are two things that are holding me back at the moment:
I am not sure if it's a good or safe idea to serve this data via
an api layer. From what I understand, identityserver will not be able to provide functionality that allows me to access a list of a user's clients through an endpoint but please correct me if I'm wrong and there's a better way to approach this.
I know we can easily create new clients and persist it into the database with identityserver4 and I am planning to use ClientCredentials grant types for user clients, but is there a link at the database and identity level between a user and a client? Or will I need to create that functionality by myself?
So far I've looked but I have not bee able to find examples that are similar to my situation with identityserver4
Sorry for the noob question, I am just getting into identityserver and web security in general so many of these concepts are still very new to me.
For number 1, I would say yes you can create an API layer to server data. If you check the IdenttiyServer4 AdminUI, Rock Solid has also use the admin API behind the UI. But you must consider encryption, TLS and other security mechanism to keep this safe.
AFIK for number 2, there are no links at identity level between a user and a client. You have to create that by yourselves.
Basically, you need a system that supports Multitenancy. I have achieved that by adding a TenantId field in the AspNetIdentity user table. And also added the tenant Id to claim list.
Please do not hesitate to correct me if i am wrong.

How to get OAuth 2.0 right for consuming external APIs in my Custom API .net core

I want to create a custom API that behind the scenes, call number of other APIs which use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. I want to manage this internally so that my custom endpoint somewhat abstract this.
Or to begin with I want to do what app like buffer ( do - where you connect to different social services and than post your status.
How can I achieve this in .NetCore ?? I don't want to login with these (a lot of samples are catering this scenario), user login is different than this. I just want to establish these connections (like API Connections if you look at Azure API Management) and then perform some operations against those endpoints.
I hope i convey my point. please let me know if this isn't clear.
OAuth2 systems are all based on the same workflow.
here's an authorization url, you pass some ids in an authorization header, if everything is correct you get a token, you then use the token to do whatever you are allowed to do. What changes are the credentials you use for authentication and the urls you hit for the various parts of this workflow.
You could write your own OAuth2 library which deals with all this, that's pretty much what I did and simply changed the details for every specific system I had to interact with.
This being said you can always use one of the existing implementations to connect to the various systems you care about, they all have an API you could use, all you have to do is make sure you follow the OAuth2 flow correctly.