Firebird time-sequence data with gaps - sql

I'm using Firebird 2.5 through Delphi 10.2/FireDAC. I have a table of historical data from industrial devices, one row per device at one-minute intervals. I need to be able to retrieve an arbitrary time window of records on an arbitrary interval span (every minute, every 3 minutes, every 15 minutes, etc.) which then gets used to generate a trending grid display or a report. This example query, pulling every 3 minutes records for a two-day window for 2 devices, does most of what I need:
select *
from avc_history
where (avcid in (11,12))
and (tstamp >= '6/26/2022') and (tstamp < '6/27/2022')
and (mod(extract(minute from tstamp), 3) = 0)
order by tstamp, avcid;
The problem with this is that, if device #11 has no rows for a part of the time span, then there is a mismatch in the number of rows returned for each device. I need to return a row for each device on each minutes period regardless of whether a row on that timestamp actually exists in the table - the other fields of the row can be null as long as the tstamp field has the timestamp and the avcid field has the device's ID.
I can fix this up in code, but that's a memory and time hog, so I want to avoid that if possible. Is there a way to structure a query (or if necessary, a stored procedure) to do what I need? Would some capability in the FireDAC library that I'm not aware of make this easier?


Timeseries data query - optimizing query performance

Quick question on optimizing a query type we do a lot in working with time-series data provided by a data logging system.
Database is SQL Server 2019 (v15) and for simplification assume the table is made up of just:
ID (bigint) - unique ID for the row
Timestamp (bigint) - Unix timestamp value.
Sample (float) - Value of sample taken (e.g. temperature measurement).
There is no regular interval or spacing with respect to timestamp as the data logger only logs data on a change to the data point being monitored (i.e. there is no reliable way to determine when in time that a previous sample would have been taken).
Anyway, our queries often involve selecting a range of data between two timestamps, but as expected the timestamps selected as the bounds for the range rarely ever line-up exactly with a timestamp in the data set. Because of this, what we really need to select is all the data in the range plus one record immediately before the range (so we know what the data value is leading into the selected range).
Historically we have done this one of two ways:
Select the rows between the timestamps (inclusive) and union this with a top(1) select of the first row with a timestamp <= to the range start.
Select the top(1) timestamp <= to the range start into a variable and then do a select statement with this new timestamp as the lower bound for the range.
Since I am not an expert, I'm wondering if either one of these methods has better performance over the other or if there is maybe some better, third option we haven't encountered.

Powerbi Date table makes all related visuals run very slow

The following is in direct query mode:
I have a date/time table that 10 separate queries have a relationship to. All data is from the current day. The date/time table just returns all times on 15 minute intervals up to the current timestamp. This works fine.
I have about 10+ queries that each have a record from whateever the latest 15 minute interval time stamp was. Each of these queries has a relationship to the date/time table.
I am wondering why any visual that uses the date/time table is incredibly slow. Say I have a visual that shows the timestamps on the x axis, and the data on a line (E.g. at 3:45 I had 10 records. At 4 I had 5 records. At 4:15 I had 1 record). If I use the date/time table time on the x axis, it is very slow. If I use the timestamp from the query on the x axis, it is very fast.
Is it doing something with all of the related queries? Only about 2-3 of them should actually be running at any given time based on what page I am on.

How to find where a total condition exist

I am trying to create a report that will show how long an automated sprinkler system has run for. The system is comprised of several sprinklers, with each one keeping track of only itself, and then sends that information to a database. My problem is that each sprinkler has its own run time (I.E. if 5 sprinklers all ran at the same time for 10 minutes, it would report back a total run time of 50 minutes), and I want to know only the net amount of run time - in this example, it would be 10 minutes.
The database is comprised of a time stamp and a boolean, where it records the time stamp every time a sprinkler is shut on or off (its on/off state is indicated by the 1/0 of the boolean).
So, to figure out the total net time the system was on each day - whether it was 1 sprinkler running or all of them - I need to check the database for time frames where no sprinklers were turned at all (or where ANY sprinkler at all was turned on). I would think the beginning of the query would look something like
WHERE MyBoolean = 0
AND [ ... ]
But I'm not sure what the conditional statements that would follow the AND would be like to check the time stamps.
Is there a query I can send to the database that will report back this format of information?
Here's the table the data is recorded to - it's literally just a name, a boolean, and a datetime of when the boolean was changed, and that's the entire database
Every time a sprinkler turns on the number of running sprinklers increments by 1, and every time one turns off the number decrements by 1. If you transform the data so you get this:
timestamp on/off
07:00:05 1
07:03:10 1
07:05:45 -1
then you have a sequence of events in order; which sprinklers they refer to is irrelevant. (I've changed the zeros to -1 for reasons that will become evident in a moment. You can do this with "(2 * value) - 1")
Now put a running total together:
select a.timestamp, (SELECT SUM(a.on_off)
FROM sprinkler_events b
WHERE b.timestamp <= a.timestamp) as run_total
from sprinkler_events a
order by a.timestamp;
where sprinkler_events is the transformed data I listed above. This will give you:
timestamp run_total
07:00:05 1
07:03:10 2
07:05:45 1
and so on. Every row in this which has a run total of zeros is a time at which all sprinklers were turned off, which I think is what you're looking for. If you need to sum the time they were on or off, you'll need to do additional processing: search for "date difference between consecutive rows" and you'll see solutions for that.
You might consider looking for whether all the sprinklers are currently off. For example:
SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT s._NAME) AS sprinkers_currently_off
FROM sprinklers
) s
_VALUE = 0
AND latest_rec = 1
The inner query orders the records so that you can get the latest status of all the sprinklers, and the outer query counts how many are currently off. If you have 10 sprinklers you would report them all off when this query returns 10.
You could modify this by applying a date range to the inner query if you wanted to look into the past, but this should get you on the right track.

Rolling average postgres

I am running Postgres 9.2 and I have a large table something like
CREATE TABLE sensor_values
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
value double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NaN'::real,
sensor_id integer NOT NULL
I have values coming into the system constantly ie many per minute. I want to maintain a rolling standard deviation / average for the last 200 values so I can determine if new values entering the system are within say 3 standard deviations of the mean. To do so I would need the current standard deviation and mean to be constantly updated for the last 200 values.
As the table can be hundreds of millions of rows I do not want to get the last say 200 rows for a sensor ordered by time and then do vg(value), var_samp(value) for every new value coming in. I and assuming it will be faster to updated the standard deviation and mean.
I have started writing a PL/pgSQL function to update a rolling variance and mean on each new value entering the system for a particular sensor.
I can do this using code pseudo like
newavg = oldavg + (new_value - old_value)/window_size
new_variance += (new_value-old_value)*(new_value-newavg+old_value-oldavg)/(window_size-1)
This is based on
Basically the window is of size 200 values. The old_value is the first value of the window. When a new value comes in we shift the window forward one. After I get the result I store the following values for the sensor
The first value of the window.
The mean average of the window values.
The variance of the window values.
This way I don't have to constantly get there last 200 value and do a sum etc.I can reuse this values when a new sensor value come in.
My problem is when first running I have no previous window data for a sensor ie the three values above so I have to do it the slow way.
something like
(SELECT value FROM sensor_values WHERE sensor_values.sensor_id = $1 AND ts >= (NOW() - INTERVAL '2 day')::timestamptz ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 200)
SELECT avg(value), var_samp(value) INTO last_window_average, last_window_variance FROM s;
But how could I get the last value (ealiest) to save from that select statement ?
Can I access the first row from s in PL/pgSQL.
I thought PL/pgSQL would be faster / cleaner approach but maybe its better to do this is client code ?
Are there better ways to perform this type on rolling statistic update ?
I assume, that it will not be drastically slow to re-calculated latest 200 entries each time with proper indexing. If you'll do an index, like:
CREATE INDEX i_sensor_values ON sensor_values(sensor_id, ts DESC);
you'll be able to get results fairly quickly doing:
SELECT sum("value") -- add more expressions as required
FROM sensor_values
WHERE sensor_id=$1
LIMIT 200;
You can execute this query in a loop from PL/pgSQL function.
If you'll migrate to 9.3 (or higher) any time soon, you'll be able to also use LATERAL joins for this purpose.
I do not think a covering index will do a good thing here, as table is constantly changing and IndexOnlyScan will not kick in.
It is good to check Loose Index scans also.
P.S. Column name value should be double quoted, as this is an SQL reserved word.

Simultaneous calls from CDR

I need to come up with an analysis of simultaneus events, when having only starttime and duration of each event.
I've a standard CDR call detail record, that contains among others:
calldate (timedate of each call start
duration (int, seconds of call duration)
channel (a string)
What I need to come up with is some sort of analysys of simultaneus calls on each second, for a given timedate period. For example, a graph of simultaneous calls we had yesterday.
(The problem is the same if we have visitors logs with duration on a website and wish to obtain simultaneous clients for a group of web-pages)
What would your algoritm be?
I can iterate over records in the given period, and fill an array, where each bucket of the array corresponds to 1 second in the overall period. This works and seems to be fast, but if the timeperiod is big (say..1 year), I would need lots of memory (3600x24x365x4 bytes ~ 120MB aprox).
This is for a web-based, interactive app, so my memory footprint should be small enough.
By simultaneous, I mean all calls on a given second. Second would be my minimum unit. I cannot use something bigger (hour for example) becuse all calls during an hour do not need to be held at the same time.
I would implement this on the database. Using a GROUP BY clause with DATEPART, you could get a list of simultaneous calls for whatever time period you wanted, by second, minute, hour, whatever.
On the web side, you would only have to display the histogram that is returned by the query.
#eric-z-beard: I would really like to be able to implement this on the database. I like your proposal, and while it seems to lead to something, I dont quite fully understand it. Could you elaborate? Please recall that each call will span over several seconds, and each second need to count. If using DATEPART (or something like it on MySQL), what second should be used for the GROUP BY. See note on simultaneus.
Elaborating over this, I found a way to solve it using a temporary table. Assuming temp holds all seconds from tStart to tEnd, I could do
SELECT temp.second, count(
FROM call, temp
WHERE temp.second between (call.start and call.start + call.duration)
GROUP BY temp.second
Then, as suggested, the web app should use this as a histogram.
You can use a static Numbers table for lots of SQL tricks like this. The Numbers table simply contains integers from 0 to n for n like 10000.
Then your temp table never needs to be created, and instead is a subquery like:
SELECT StartTime + Numbers.Number AS Second
FROM Numbers
You can create table 'simultaneous_calls' with 3 fields: yyyymmdd Char(8),
day_second Number, -- second of the day,
count Number -- count of simultaneous calls
Your web service can take 'count' value from this table and make some statistics.
Simultaneous_calls table will be filled by some batch program which will be started every day after end of the day.
Assuming that you use Oracle, the batch may start a PL/SQL procedure which does the following:
Appends table with 24 * 3600 = 86400 records for each second of the day, with default 'count' value = 0.
Defines the 'day_cdrs' cursor for the query:
Select to_char(calldate, 'yyyymmdd') yyyymmdd,
(calldate - trunc(calldate)) * 24 * 3600 starting_second,
duration duration
From cdrs
Where cdrs.calldate >= Trunc(Sysdate -1)
And cdrs.calldate
Iterates the cursor to increment 'count' field for the seconds of the call:
For cdr in day_cdrs
Update simultaneos_calls
Set count = count + 1
Where yyyymmdd = cdr.yyyymmdd
And day_second Between cdr.starting_second And cdr.starting_second + cdr.duration;
End Loop;