Can I restrict batch account linked auto storage with Firewall and azure virtual network setting? - azure-storage

I have batch account with auto storage linked where the application packages are stored. I want to restrict the access on the this batch linked auto storage with virtual network settings.
I tried adding vnet setting and allowed the subnet of my selfhost virtual machine scale set agents , from devops pipeline I am tryingto execute powershell script which uploads the application package to the batch account using below command
New-AzBatchApplicationPackage -AccountName $BatchAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ApplicationId $ApplicationName -ApplicationVersion $newVersionNumber -Format zip -FilePath $PackageFilePath
this command works when the storage network setting all networks is enabled, but when I try to select the selected network , the command files to upload the package with the error
Failed to add application package DataExportProcessor version 89.0. The auto storage account keys are invalid, please sync auto storage keys.
In the storage selected network I am allowing my devops scale set agent subnet but , I am not uploading package directly to the storage from scale set machine, the New-AzBatchApplicationPackage command uploads the application package to storage, but I am not sure which IP , I should whitelist in my storage account so that batch account can update the application package

Please note that, while setting firewall of storage account you need to select All Networks .
If you want to choose selected network, then you have to add your public IP address and the list of the IPs of the BatchNodeManagement to your Storage Account firewall.
To get the list of those IPs, you can refer this blog by Amine Charot.
Make sure to add IPs like below:
To resolve the "Failed to add application package DataExportProcessor version 89.0. The auto storage account keys are invalid, please sync auto storage keys" please check whether the keys in storage account and batch account are same or not.
If not sync like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> Your Batch Account -> Storage Account -> SyncKeys
Package deployment failures (


Not able to get Azure SQL Server Extended Events to work when Blob Storage is set to Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses

So I have an Azure Database and want to test extended events with the database.
I was able to set up my Blob Storage container and was able to get Extended Events via Azure Database to work as long as the Blob Storage network setting Public network access is set to Enabled from all networks. If I set Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses and have Microsoft network routing checked as well as Resource type set with Microsoft.Sql/servers and its value as All In current subscription, it still doesn't work.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong and I'm not able to find any documentation on how to make it work without opening up to all networks.
The error I'm getting is:
The target, "5B2DA06D-898A-43C8-9309-39BBBE93EBBD.package0.event_file", encountered a configuration error during initialization. Object cannot be added to the event session. (null) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 25602)
Edit - Steps to fix the issue
#Imran: Your answer led me to get everything working. The information you gave and the link provided was enough for me to figure it out.
However, for anyone in the future I want to give better instructions.
The first step I had to do was:
All I had to do was run Set-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName [ResourcegroupName] b -ServerName [AzureSQLServerName] -AssignIdentity.
This assigns the SQL Server an Azure Active Directory Identity. After running the above command, you can see your new identity in Azure Active Directory under Enterprise applicationsand then where you see theApplication type == Enterprise Applicationsheader, click the headerApplication type == Enterprise Applicationsand change it toManaged Identities`and click apply. You should see your new identity.
The next step is to give your new identity the role of Storage Blob Data Contributor to your container in Blob Storage. You will need to go to your new container and click Access Control (IAM) => Role assignments => click Add => Add Role assignment => Storage Blob Data Contributor => Managed identity => Select member => click your new identity and click select and then Review + assign
The last step is to get SQL Server to use an identity when connecting to `Blob Storage.
You do that by running the command below on your Azure SQL Server database.
CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL [https://<mystorageaccountname><mystorageaccountcontainername>]
WITH IDENTITY = 'Managed Identity';
You can see your new credentials when running
SELECT * FROM sys.database_scoped_credentials
The last thing I want to mention is when creating Extended Events with
an Azure SQL Server using SSMS, it gives you this link. This only works if you want your Blob Storage wide open. I think this is a disservice and wish they would have instructions when you want your Blob Storage not wide open by using RBAC instead of SAS.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment I got the result successfully like below:
To resolve this issue, check whether your account type should be
StorageV2(general purpose v2). If you have a general-purpose v1 or blob storage account, try to upgrade like below.
In storage account -> under setting, configuration -> upgrade
Check whether you have choose Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account under exception and I added firewall client Ip address range and vnet like below.
Make sure Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permission in your storage account
After enabling firewall, we lose write access to the storage account and audit logs try to Resave the audit settings from the portal is required in order for auditing to function like below.
Note: Auditing to storage behind firewalls using user managed identity authentication type is not presently supported.
When I try to connect, I got result successfully like below:
Configure extended events in SQL Azure to the blob storage with Private Endpoint - Microsoft Community Hub by Sakshi Gupta

What is the correct Cloud SQL connection string syntax for dotnetcore app with Cloud Run?

I want to setup a .NET Core web application on Cloud Run with a Google Cloud SQL database. I easily deployed the database which has a public IP on Cloud SQL and my web application with Docker Container on Cloud Run. I can access the database with SQL Server Management Studio without any difficulties and the web app is up and running as expected. The only piece missing is the link between them that allows them to connect.
In my web app, I got a connection string in that format :
Data Source=***;Initial Catalog=***;User ID=***;Password=***;Pooling=true;Trusted_Connection=false;Connection Timeout=60;Integrated Security=false;Persist Security Info={0};Encrypt=true;TrustServerCertificate=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;
Once I got the public IP and the connection name from Cloud SQL, how should be precisely be the connection string and/or the next steps?
Furthermore, in the connections tab under Cloud Run Service, I added the Cloud SQL connection. This is supposed to configure a Cloud SQL Proxy for me.
In order to connect to Cloud SQL from Cloud Run, you must follow this guide
You have already made some configurations in the Connections tab as stated in the Configuring Cloud Run section. You can check the guide for the Public IP since you configured your instance that way, to be sure that all steps were followed.
Briefly, the steps are:
Configure the service account for your service. Make sure that the service account has the appropriate Cloud SQL roles and permissions to connect to Cloud SQL.
The service account for your service needs one of the following IAM roles:
Cloud SQL Client (preferred)
Cloud SQL Admin
If the authorizing service account belongs to a different project than the Cloud SQL instance, the Cloud SQL Admin API and IAM permissions will need to be added for both projects.
Like any configuration change, setting a new configuration for the Cloud SQL connection leads to the creation of a new Cloud Run revision. Subsequent revisions will also automatically get this Cloud SQL connection, unless you make explicit updates to change it.
Go to Cloud Run
Configure the service:
If you are adding Cloud SQL connections to an existing service:
Click on the service name.
Click on the Connections tab.
Click Deploy.
Enable connecting to a Cloud SQL instance:
Click Advanced Settings.
Click on the Connections tab.
If you are adding a connection to a Cloud SQL instance in your project, select the desired Cloud SQL instance from the dropdown menu.
If you are deleting a connection, hover your cursor to the right of the connection to display the Trash icon, and click it.
Click Create or Deploy.
After you've double checked the steps above, you could continue with the section Connecting to Cloud SQL. You can follow the steps on the Public IP tab.
Connect with Unix sockets
Once correctly configured, you can connect your service to your Cloud SQL instance's Unix domain socket accessed on the environment's filesystem at the following path: /cloudsql/INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME.
The INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME can be found on the Overview page for your instance in the Google Cloud Console or by running the following command:
gcloud sql instances describe [INSTANCE_NAME].
These connections are automatically encrypted without any additional configuration.
The code samples shown below are extracts from more complete examples on the GitHub site. To see this snippet in the context of a web application, view the README on GitHub.
// Equivalent connection string:
// "Server=<dbSocketDir>/<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>;Uid=<DB_USER>;Pwd=<DB_PASS>;Database=<DB_NAME>;Protocol=unix"
String dbSocketDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_SOCKET_PATH") ?? "/cloudsql";
String instanceConnectionName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME");
var connectionString = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder()
// The Cloud SQL proxy provides encryption between the proxy and instance.
SslMode = MySqlSslMode.None,
// Remember - storing secrets in plain text is potentially unsafe. Consider using
// something like to help keep
// secrets secret.
Server = String.Format("{0}/{1}", dbSocketDir, instanceConnectionName),
UserID = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_USER"), // e.g. 'my-db-user
Password = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_PASS"), // e.g. 'my-db-password'
Database = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_NAME"), // e.g. 'my-database'
ConnectionProtocol = MySqlConnectionProtocol.UnixSocket
connectionString.Pooling = true;
// Specify additional properties here.
return connectionString;
Google recommends that you use Secret Manager to store sensitive information such as SQL credentials. You can pass secrets as environment variables or mount as a volume with Cloud Run.
After creating a secret in Secret Manager, update an existing service, with the following command:
gcloud run services update SERVICE_NAME \
--update-secrets=DB_USER=DB_USER_SECRET:latest \
--update-secrets=DB_PASS=DB_PASS_SECRET:latest \
See also:
GoogleCloudPlatform/dotnet-docs-samples on GitHub

Google Cloud Dataflow permission issues

Beginner in GCP here. I'm testing GCP Dataflow as part of a IOT project to move data from Pub/Sub to BigQuery. I created a Dataflow job from the Topic's page "Export to BigQuery" button.
Apart from the issue that I can't delete a dataflow, I am hitting the following issue:
As soon as the dataflow starts, I get the error:
Workflow failed. Causes: There was a problem refreshing your credentials. Please check: 1. Dataflow API is enabled for your project. 2. Make sure both the Dataflow service account and the controller service account have sufficient permissions. If you are not specifying a controller service account, ensure the default Compute Engine service account [PROJECT_NUMBER] exists and has sufficient permissions. If you have deleted the default Compute Engine service account, you must specify a controller service account. For more information, see: , There is no cloudservices robot account for your project. Please ensure that the Dataflow API is enabled for your project.
Here's where it's funny:
Dataflow API is definitely enabled, since I am looking at this from the Dataflow portion of the console.
Dataflow is using the default compute engine service account, that exists. The link it's pointing at says that this account is created automatically and has a broad access to project's resources. Well, does it?
Dataflows elude me.. How can I tell a dataflow job to restart, or edit or delete it?
please verify below checklist:
Dataflow API should be enabled check under APIs & Services. If you just enabled ,wait for some time to get it updated
[project-number] and service-[project-number] service accounts should exists if dataflow-service-producer-prod didn't get created you can contact dataflow support or you can create and assign Cloud Dataflow Service Agent role, If you are using shared VPC create it in host project and assign Compute Network User role

Azure ADLS Storage Account changing Firewall and Network setting thru ARM or Powershell

In Azure ADLS Storage Account (Gen 2) we want to make a small change to the NETWORK & FIREWALL SETTINGS making an EXCEPTION to enable:- ALLOW READING OF STORAGE LOGS (As shown in the screenshot below)
We want to do as part of the ARM Template or thru a Powershell script whenever the Azure ADLS Storage account is provisioned. I am unable to find documentation on this can someone help me with how we can achieve this setting change thru Powershell/Arm Template?
Following is what is needed in your ARM Template to fix that CHECKBOX to allow the logs to be accessed (Firewall and Network setting):-
Basically the highlighted line will check both the boxes:
"networkAcls": {
"bypass": "Logging, AzureServices",
"virtualNetworkRules": [],
"ipRules": [

ASR failover fails for Bitlocker encrypted VM

There is an Azure VM encrypted disk with Bitlocker in North Europe. Everything has replicated well in West Europe. While doing Test Failover, getting below error.
Failover Error: ID28031
Error Message: Virtual machine XXX-AZ-WEB01-test' could not be created under the resource group 'XXXX-Destination-RG'. Azure error message: 'Key Vault either has not been enabled for Volume Encryption or the vault id provided does not match /subscriptions/XXXX-XX-XXXX-XXX-XXXX/resourceGroups/XXX-Destination-RG/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/XXX-KEYVAULT-WE's true resource id. (Provisioning failed)'.
Things are already in place what is showing in error.
Volume encryption has enabled in both source and destination Key vault.
The user has assigned all the permission as per this doc.
Thanks in advance.
Based on the Error message Failover failed with Error ID 28031 due to Quota and also check
Are you trying to do failover to different resource group or key vault? When restoring the vm, and encrypting it with the existing keys again trying to store the keys in the target keyvault
Have a crosscheck if required user KeyVault permissions as mentioned in
While enabling mentioned KeyVault permissions (on primary & recovery) under access policies, please enable volume encryption under advanced access policies (to make failover to work).
Also try to create manually the Resource Group & Storage Account post which Enable Replication was successful.
There is some limitation in KeyVault which is making the failover to fail:
Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
The mistake was that destination KeyVault was created and keys were imported manually. The destination Keyvault must be created by the script provided below.
Once I created the destination KeyVault by script, everything goes smoothly.