How to wait for suspend function to be completed before executing other code in kotlin - kotlin

I'm wondering if I can wait until a suspend function has completed before executing other code? loadParticlesWithoutSetCall, which I call inside of setParticlePicking, has a suspend function. I do not want anything else in setParticlePicking to be called until the suspend function has finished. Please let me know.
fun setParticlePicking(particlePicking: ParticlePicking) {
manualParticleMarkers?.forEach {
currentParticlePicking = particlePicking
manualParticleMarkers = (particlePicking.pickings [imageID]?.map {
val marker = ManualParticleMarker(it.x, it.y, image = imageElem, trueHeight = particlesDat!!.imageHeight, trueWidth = particlesDat!!.imageWidth, h = particlesDat!!.h(0), w = particlesDat!!.w(0), parentElem = this#ParticlesImage.imageContainerElem)
}?: mutableListOf()) as MutableList<ManualParticleMarker>
fun loadParticlesWithoutSetCall() {
AppScope.launch {
// clear everything
// load the particles
val loadingElem = particlesElem.loading("Fetching particles ...")
val particles: ParticlesData? = try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
} finally {
toWait = true
particlesDat = particles

Mark both functions suspending functions by adding the suspend modifier before fun. Then move the AppScope.launch {} call to wrap the call to setParticlePicking, wherever it is (you did not include in the sample).
It should look something like this:
AppScope.launch {
Since you will have removed the AppScope.launch {} call from loadParticlesWithoutSetCall, setParticlePicking will wait for its code to complete before moving on with the rest of the code, because suspending functions are sequential by default.


Why can I cancel a Flow without either invoking yield or determining isActive() identification in Kotlin?

I have read the article.
There are two approaches to making computation code cancellable. The first one is to periodically invoke a suspending function that checks for cancellation. There is a yield function that is a good choice for that purpose. The other one is to explicitly check the cancellation status.
I know Flow is suspending functions.
I run Code B , and get Result B as I expected.
I think I can't making computation Code A cancellable, but in fact I can click "Stop" button to cancel Flow after I click "Start" button to emit Flow, why?
Code A
class HandleMeter: ViewModel() {
var currentInfo by mutableStateOf(2.0)
private var myJob: Job?=null
private fun soundDbFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1000).random().toDouble()
fun calCurrentAsynNew() {
myJob = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
soundDbFlow().collect {currentInfo=it }
fun cancelJob(){
fun Greeting(handleMeter: HandleMeter) {
var currentInfo = handleMeter.currentInfo
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
) {
Text(text = "Current ${currentInfo}")
onClick = { handleMeter.calCurrentAsynNew() }
) {
onClick = { handleMeter.cancelJob() }
) {
Code B
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
delay(1300L) // delay a bit
println("main: I'm tired of waiting!")
println("main: Now I can quit.")
suspend fun cal() {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
var nextPrintTime = startTime
var i = 0
while (i < 5) {
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextPrintTime) {
println("job: I'm sleeping ${i++} ...")
nextPrintTime += 500L
Result B
job: I'm sleeping 0 ...
job: I'm sleeping 1 ...
job: I'm sleeping 2 ...
main: I'm tired of waiting!
job: I'm sleeping 3 ...
job: I'm sleeping 4 ...
main: Now I can quit.
Add Content:
To Tenfour04: Thanks!
If the following content you said is true. I think Code C can be canceled when system finish the operation doBigBlockingCalculation() at one time, right? Why do I need Code D?
Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Code C
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Code D
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
A Flow on its own is cold. Its a wrapper around some suspend functions that will run when collect() or some other terminal suspending function is called on the Flow.
In your Code A, when the Job is cancelled, it is cancelling the coroutine that called collect on the Flow. collect is a suspend function, so that cancellation will propagate down to the function you defined inside soundDbFlow(). Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Here's an example for how you could use this knowledge:
Suppose your function had to do a very long calculation like this:
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Now if you tried to cancel this flow, it would work, but since the data line is a very slow operation that is not suspending, the Flow will still complete this very long calculation for no reason, eating up resources for longer than necessary.
To resolve this problem, you could break your calculation up into smaller pieces with yield() calls in between. Then the Flow can be cancelled more promptly.
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Not a perfect example. It's kind of wasteful to chunk a big IntRange. An IntRange takes barely any memory, but chunked turns it into Lists containing every value in the range.
It has to do with CoroutineScopes and children of coroutines.
When a parent coroutine is canceled, all its children are canceled as well.
More here:

Kotlin TestCoroutineDispatcher hangs on cancelAndJoin() after yield()

I have code that is essentially the following:
var job: Job? = null
fun startJob() = runBlocking(dispatcher) {
job = CoroutineScope(dispatcher).launch { myJob() }
suspend fun myJob() {
// work block 1
// work block 2
// work block 3
fun cancelJob() = runBlocking(dispatcher) {
fun main() {
When I run the above with dispatcher = Dispatchers.IO or Dispatchers.Default, it works fine. However, setting dispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatchers simply hangs at the cancelAndJoin().
I'm suspecting it's related to TestCoroutineDispatcher's behavior in handling yield(). According to this, yield() will only resume if runCurrent() is called. But given the structure of my code, I'm not sure where to call runCurrent(), or if it's even the right approach.

await inside await or how to get parent scope? Kotlin

I have a fucntion:
suspend fun getChats() {
val chatList = mutableListOf<Chat>()
getMyChats { chats ->
chats.forEach {
But compiler show Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body for await() which inside of forEach loop. How can I avoid this problem or how can I pass parent scope for it?
**getMyChats() receives a callback
According to you, the getMyChats doesn't support taking suspendable block (lambda).
So you can wrap it with a suspendCancellableCoroutine.
suspend fun getMyChatsSuspend(): List<Chat> = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
getMyChats { cont.resume(it) }
Now use your function like this:
suspend fun getChats() {
val chats = getMyChatsSuspend()
val chatDetails ={ chat.getDetail() }
val chatDetailsAwait = awaitAll( *chatDetails.toTypedArray() )
Obviously just chain the calls instead of creating multiple variables if you want
If you want everything to be done in single line you can do:
val resolvedDetails = getMyChatsSuspend().map{ chat.getDetail() }.let { awaitAll(*it.toTypedArray()) }
You have to isolate the getMyChats function like #Animesh Sahu said, but that last call to await() looks very suspicious so I'll rewrite it.
I'll also assume that await is not necessarily on a Deferred<T>.
suspend fun getChats() {
val chatList = mutableListOf<Chat>()
val result = CompletableDeferred<List<Chat>>()
getMyChats { result.complete(it) }.await()
val chats = result.await()
chats.forEach {
If you provide the function signatures of the functions involved I might be able give you a nicer solution.
Although without looking at anything else, I can tell you that the getMyChats function needs a refactor.

coroutine scope and async - right approach?

I love the concept of co-routines and I've been using in my android projects. Currently i'm working on a JVM module which i'll be including in a Ktor project and i know ktor has support for co-routines.
(find the attached code snippet)
Just wanted to know is this the right approach?
How do i use async with recursion?
Any resources that you can recommend which can help me grasp more in-depth knowledge of co-routines would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
override suspend fun processInstruction(args.. ): List<Any> = coroutineScope {
val dataWithFields = async{
listOfFields.fold(mutableList()){ acc,field ->
val data = someProcess(field)
val nested = processInstruction(...nestedField) // nested call
return#coroutineScope postProcessData(dataWithFields.await())
If you want to process all nested calls in parallel, you should wrap each of them in async (async should be inside of the loop). And then, after the loop, you should await all the results. (In your code you run await right after single async, so there is no parallel execution).
For example, if you have Element:
interface Element {
val subElements: List<Element>
suspend fun calculateData(): SomeData
interface SomeData
And you want to calculateData of all subElements in parallel, you can do it like this:
suspend fun Element.calculateAllData(): List<SomeData> = coroutineScope {
val data = async { calculateData() }
val subData = { sub -> async { sub.calculateAllData() } }
return#coroutineScope listOf(data.await()) + subData.awaitAll().flatten()
As you said in a comments section, you need parent-data to calculate sub-data, therefore the first thing calculateAllData() should do is calculate the parent-data:
suspend fun Element.calculateAllData(
parentData: SomeData = defaultParentData()
): List<SomeData> = coroutineScope {
val data = calculateData(parentData)
val subData = { sub -> async { sub.calculateAllData(data) } }
return#coroutineScope listOf(data) + subData.awaitAll().flatten()
Now you may wonder how fast it works. Consider the following Element implementation:
class ElementImpl(override val subElements: List<Element>) : Element {
override suspend fun calculateData(parentData: SomeData): SomeData {
return SomeData()
fun elmOf(vararg elements: Element) = ElementImpl(listOf(*elements))
And the following test:
println(measureTime {
If parent-data isn't needed to calculate sub-data, it prints 1.06s, since in this case, all the data is calculated in parallel. Otherwise, it prints 4.15s, since elements tree height is 4.

How to suspend kotlin coroutine until notified

I would like to suspend a kotlin coroutine until a method is called from outside, just like the old Java object.wait() and object.notify() methods. How do I do that?
Here: Correctly implementing wait and notify in Kotlin is an answer how to implement this with Kotlin threads (blocking). And here: Suspend coroutine until condition is true is an answer how to do this with CompleteableDeferreds but I do not want to have to create a new instance of CompleteableDeferred every time.
I am doing this currently:
var nextIndex = 0
fun handleNext(): Boolean {
if (nextIndex < apps.size) {
//Do the actual work on apps[nextIndex]
//only execute again if nextIndex is a valid index
return nextIndex < apps.size
// The returned function will be called multiple times, which I would like to replace with something like notify()
return ::handleNext
Channels can be used for this (though they are more general):
When capacity is 0 – it creates RendezvousChannel. This channel does not have any buffer at all. An element is transferred from sender to receiver only when send and receive invocations meet in time (rendezvous), so send suspends until another coroutine invokes receive and receive suspends until another coroutine invokes send.
So create
val channel = Channel<Unit>(0)
And use channel.receive() for object.wait(), and channel.offer(Unit) for object.notify() (or send if you want to wait until the other coroutine receives).
For notifyAll, you can use BroadcastChannel instead.
You can of course easily encapsulate it:
inline class Waiter(private val channel: Channel<Unit> = Channel<Unit>(0)) {
suspend fun doWait() { channel.receive() }
fun doNotify() { channel.offer(Unit) }
It is possible to use the basic suspendCoroutine{..} function for that, e.g.
class SuspendWait() {
private lateinit var myCont: Continuation<Unit>
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = suspendCoroutine<Unit>{ cont ->
myCont = cont
fun resume() {
val cont = myCont
myCont = null
It is clear, the code have issues, e.g. myCont field is not synchonized, it is expected that sleepAndWait is called before the resume and so on, hope the idea is clear now.
There is another solution with the Mutex class from the kotlinx.coroutines library.
class SuspendWait2 {
private val mutex = Mutex(locaked = true)
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = mutex.withLock{}
fun resume() {
I suggest using a CompletableJob for that.
My use case:
suspend fun onLoad() {
var job1: CompletableJob? = Job()
var job2: CompletableJob? = Job()
lifecycleScope.launch {
someList.collect {
lifecycleScope.launch {
otherList.collect {
joinAll(job1!!, job2!!) // suspends until both jobs are done
job1 = null
job2 = null
// Do something one time