eBay API - how can I get the Browse API item_summary search to return larger images in additionalImages - ebay-api

Currently the api returns images that are 225 x 225 - does anyone know how to get larger images returned - all the other questions on here are about legacy API's.
I know you can return the full size images with get_item but since I am returning a lot of items this uses too many calls / takes far too long


Does TripAdvisor have pagination?

Does anyone know if TripAdvisor has pagination in any of their functions but it's undocumented? Seems bizarre to me that you wouldn't have pagination functionality built in but I don't see anything about it in their documentation?
If it's not there, how could I replicate it to get a decent spread on the returned locations?
Any help is much appreciated!
As of today, TripAdvisor API v1.0 limits all endpoints to a pretty low number of max returned items, so paging becomes pointless.
The (low) limit is different for each endpoint - all is listed in the API reference, which I cite below.
Note that their public API - used when you browse the TripAdvisor website - is https://www.tripadvisor.com/data/graphql/ids, and unsurprisingly it has an offset property for paging.
But be adivsed to not go the scraping route, as it violates their Terms of Use.
Here are the API response items limits:
Find Search
The Location Search request returns up to 10 locations found by the given
search query.
Nearby Search
The Nearby Location Search request returns up to 10 locations found
near the given latitude/longtitude.
Location Photos
The Location Photos request returns up to 2 high-quality photos for a
specific location. The photos are ordered by recency.
Location Reviews
The Location Reviews request returns up to 3 of the most recent
reviews for a specific location.
In case you're in a need for more (and you probably do), you are required to contact them, but only if the following apply (FAQ):
Once your website/app has been up and running successfully with our content for a while and you required more reviews and photos, please reach out to [...] to request more data.

Get different results every time when call google places API based on lat long and radius

I'm getting different results every time when I call google places API. I'm using https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=-33.8670522,151.1957362&radius=1500&keyword=cruise&key=YOUR_API_KEY API and put location lat & long & radius dynamically and call multiple times back to back. So I get different output every time. It gives me Zero results or 2-3 places on same API.
Check below images.
You are getting different results because Nearby Search responses may be missing a few results occasionally; this is intended behavior for the API due to the distributed and constantly evolving nature of Google Maps.
Check out this issue reported in Google's Issue Tracker for reference https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/119250563
Hope this helps!

Any way to get random places from Facebook Search Places API?

I have been working with the Places Search API in Facebook's API Explorer. Currently I am returning results limited to 20 per page, with countless pages. For my application I would like to retrieve 20 random places.
I have tried using the offset pagination to specify a random offset, but the offset parameter doesn't seem to be working, as it is returning the same ordered results. I could just iterate through each page using cursor pagination, but this would return every result and seems illogical. Any ideas on how to this can be done?
My current call: https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/search?pretty=0&fields=name%2Ccheckins&type=place&center=40.7304%2C-73.9921&categories=[%22FOOD_BEVERAGE%22]&distance=10000&limit=20

Google Places API Search, Instead of 20 Results can I get lower than 20 so 10 etc?

So i'm currently loading in the places from the google places API, and obtaining the 20 results with the next page token. However is it possible to obtain say 10 results instead of 20?

Cache strategy for google places api nearby result.

Im trying to figure out how i would go about caching the result i get back from a nearby search. So i can get upto 60 places based upon my current long lat position.
So im thinking that if user1 ask google for nearby places within a radius of 1km from position long: xxx lat: xxx. And i get a result back with places. And then user2 is asking for nearby places 500m away from user1. Then i would like to be able to use the cached data that user1 already fetched from google.
Any suggestion on how i would go about implement this kind of functionality?
Or should i just cache each place by their long,lat and implement my own geosearch?
I'm not aware of any built in google maps library that allows you to do radius search without calling the server. Best bet would be to make your own geosearch on the fetched points or use an open source library to help you.
If you do use cached data but remember that there's no guarantee how much of the 60 places fetched in a 1km radius are also within the 500m radius. If you did another query for 60 places within a 500m radius you'd get more accurate information.
Disclaimer: Google has certain rules in place about caching data. 10.5 d) https://developers.google.com/maps/terms#section_10