It is possible to publish a NPM package with FormData inside? - vue.js

I have a problem with FormData, when I add a file with append I have this error in my console. This error appears only when I publish my package on npm, when I run it locally I don't have it...
My picture is inside and is File type, but on formData.append I have this error...
I also check if I have the same problem without using foreach, but It's the same problem.
smart-events is a NPM Package develop with rollup / vuejs3, this is the code which is a concern
Does someone has a solution?


Cannot use import statement outside a module when using wrangler v2

I'm new to using cloudflare and wrangler. I've a project that I've been working on, and I'm now trying to deploy it using wrangler publish, but I keep running into issues. My product is coded in node.js, and I'm using version 2 of wrangler. When I execute wrangler publish I get:
Basic JavaScript project found. Skipping unnecessary build!
Error: Something went wrong with the request to Cloudflare...
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
at worker.js:2Basic JavaScript project found. Skipping unnecessary build!
Error: Something went wrong with the request to Cloudflare...
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
at worker.js:2
I've searched for a solution, and one of them that I found said to change module in wrangler.toml from type="javascript"to type="webpack" however that gives me a bunch of errors:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' ... Parsed request is a module...resolve as module
/Users/Desktop/APIs/cpiCalculator2/node_modules/destroy/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
Error: webpack returned an error. You may be able to resolve this issue by running npm install.
I've tried reinstalling npm as it suggests and then wrangler publish again, but that just gives me the same error message.
I'm really not sure what the issue is, and I would really appreciate any help or advice on how to resolve this issue. Thank you!
Also, just a note, I'm not sure if this is affecting it, but I do have two other js documents in the main area of my project (where my index.js file is).

How to fix relative module error for a newly created nuxt.js app with starter template?

I tried to create a nuxt app with the guide from the official website, chose default options because I wanted the starter template but on running npm run dev, I keep encountering the error:
This relative module was not found:
* ./components/nuxt-error.vue in ./.nuxt/index.js
I've tried searching about it but I couldn't find any useful resource/fix. I've also tried vue init nuxt-community/starter-template for the installation but I still get the same error.
Any fixes?
So I found a solution. I couldn’t figure out the error because the nuxt-error.vue file was actually imported correctly. Turns out “npm” installations have been giving me issues (had issues with TailwindCSS too).
So if you ever encounter this error on loading the base nuxt app, recreate the project using “yarn” instead. Works like magic!
This Error basically means, that in one of your files you are trying to import another file with the relative path of ./components/nuxt-error.vue but no file with this path exists.
I just read that vue init nuxt-community/starter-template is deprecated and no longer maintained. Instead of fixing this Error you should restart your project with npx create-nuxt-app <yourAppName>.

Getting error "read ECONNRESET" while creating a new stenciljs project. How to fix the same?

I am trying to create a new stenciljs project using command npm init stencil. As soon as I choose a set up (whether app or component) and hit 'enter', a read ECONNRESET error is prompted.
I have tried updating the npm but nothing is working.
I expect the command prompt to show me the option where I can enter the project name after choosing a setup for my project but it throws an error, instead.
An ECONNRESET in npm means that npm is unable to connect to an URL where it's looking for dependencies or resources. In most cases, that means that your npm is unable to connect to the NPM Registry. But in your case it seems different.
You're trying to create a Stencil app, with npm init stencil. Under the hood, that That means you're using npm to download the create-stencil package and run it to generate the scaffold of your Stencil app.
The first part, getting the create-stencil package works well, the problem arrives while running the package. If I am correct, create-stencil tries to clone the stencil-app-starter GitHub repository and modify it. So maybe you're behind a corporate or university proxy, blocking GitHub, or another the URLs of the create-stencil resources, maybe the connection is rather flacky, maybe GitHub was done at that moment...

Zyre.js in react-native

I am currently trying to work with zyre.js in my project. I tried to npm install zyre.js and it added itself to the node_modules folder in my project. When I tried to run my application after installing this, I got no error. After adding the line const Zyre = require('zyre.js'); I get the following: The development server returned response error code:500 unable to resolve module 'events' from C:\Users\User\Desktop\GitHub...\node_modules\zyre.js\lib\zyre.js ...
I cannot seem to get this to work. Any help would be much appreciated

How to install flow type correctly for react native#0.46+?

I've googled many sites but cannot found a tutorial that actually works for react-native + flow type.
There was flow installation guide from react-native#0.22 document, but it's gone in react-native#0.46.
However, it comes up again in Running Tests and Contributing, I tested to run npm run flow but not working, and yet it doesn't say how to make it works. It's possibly been a missing part inside of react-native documentation.
What I need is to run flow correctly with react-native. Auto-check flow every time I reload the page with ⌘R would be the best.
I just finished covering half of our project by flow and we use RN 0.44.0.
The tricky part is: do you also want to know errors inside node_modules, someone says those errors are helpful.
Anyway, I disable the error in node_modules, and here is my .flowconfig:
You should install flow first if you not setup correctly,
npm install --save-dev flow-bin
and also run this in you project root after install:
npm run flow init
If npm run flow init does not work, just add "flow": "flow" in npm scripts.
After init, put my .flowconfig in your project .flowconfig file.
Then create a js file flowLibs.js and if npm run flow check cause your any error like Module_Name. Required module not found
Write down code in flowLibs.js:
declare module 'Module_Name' { declare var exports: any; };
After that, you should be good to go with you project now.
BTW, don't forget add //#flow on the top of the file which you want to check type.
I found flowtype is built in with react-native#0.46+.
For react-native document, I think they should at least tell flowtype is already built in. And for the rest document ex: Testing Your Changes#flow, it won't work without flow-bin, they should mention that too.
To make flowtype of best use, I use it with Visual Studio Code.
Install flow-bin globally, by npm i flow-bin -g.
Make sure your terminal is responsive to command flow.
Install vscode flow extension.
Set vscode workspace preference with "javascript.validate.enable": false, to disable default javascript validation, so flow validation can take place.
To access vscode preference, ALT+F,P,S for windows, ⌘+, for mac.
then you have flowtype installed with visual result with every key stroke:
Try this one:
Adding Flow to React Native
Hope this helps!