xwiki page loading after multiple refreshes - xwiki

I am using Organizational Chart Macro extension in xwiki to display chart, but after using Simple Organization Chart using json, page does not show the content. So , need to refresh the page 3 to 5 times.
what could be the cause for that page content loading problem?


The custom layout isn't loading automatically

I have created a custom layout in Layout.hs. This is applied to a reporting page that has a different styling (CSS) and JS from the rest of the application.
The report page is accessed via link in the application.
The problem is that when landing on the report page the custom layout (CSS and JS) isn't applied automatically. It only kicks in after a manual refresh.
Any ideas how to fix this?

Reusable Pentaho dashboard side-bar

I have added a side bar like this one onto a CDE dashboard.
Now the sidebar needs to be on every page listed on the menu.
What is the best way to go about this?
I could copy it on every single dash board - it works but it's not great especially if I need to change stg ex-post.
Create an "index" page with the side bar and an iframe to display the "sub" dashboards?
Create a widget (I tried but no success so far)
Custom component?
I think I solved the problem by using jquery load like these guys did.
Include another HTML file in a HTML file

Highcharts - Export Multiple Charts to Multi Page PDF File

We are using Highcharts for our charting application. We are displaying 16 bar charts on a webpage. We need to provide exporting feature (a button) through which all charts on the page get exported to a PDF file.
We have implemented it using the hack suggested on the Highcharts website. http://www.highcharts.com/docs/getting-started/frequently-asked-questions#export-multiplesamples/highcharts/exporting/multiple-charts/.
However,when we export it, all 16 charts are coming on a single page in pdf. We want page breaks so that 4 charts can be shown on each page.
Is there any way we can achieve this ? Please help.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

Persist user actions on dojo grid

I have a dojo enhanced grid on my page with the pagination plug in enabled.
I like to persist the grid so that say for example the user selects page 3, navigates to another page and then back to the grid page then Page 3 is opened. At the moment it reverts to page one.
Could anyone suggest a way of doing this?

yii change page without background slideshow refresh

I have a website which uses backgroundstretch to display a slideshow on the background of the website. I use a normal Yii website structure where the content is displayed by: , according to the url.
Now because of the reload the slideshow starts all over again when I go to another page. Is there a way to display the new pages without having to reload the background?
Thanks in advance!
It might be possible to load pages using ajax and replace the existing content on top of your rotating slide show, but it would likely be a big architectural change to your website.
Instead you might try storing the current slideshow index in a cookie, and when you load your next page, start the slideshow on the current image instead of the first image.