pinia store installed after state call - vue.js

I'm building a vuejs 3 application with composition API.
I have 2 stores: a userStore for holding userid, jwt and similar stuff (that gets populated upon login) and a dataStore that holds data related to the user (populated when user does operations).
When a user logs in successfully, she is redirected to a page containing user data.
The login page uses the userStore and the data page uses the dataStore. The dataStore needs the user's id and jwt.
This method is called upon login:
const submitlogin = async () => {
try {
const response = await'/user/a/login', {
password: form.password,
if (response) {
userStore.loggedIn = true
// first get the jwt
// then go to the next page where jwt is required
name: 'operation',
params: { sens: 'depense', quand: 'maintenant' },
} catch (error) {
console.log (error)
I import the userStore into the dataStore:
// dataStore
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { useUserStore } from '#/stores/userStore.js'
actions: {
async getAccounts(id, month, year) {
const user = useUserStore
// getData is an [axios create function][1]
getData.defaults.headers.common['__authorization__'] = user.jwt
getData.get(`/use/b/comptes/${id}/${month}/${year}`).then((response) => {
// cut because irrelevant here
Then, on the first after login:
// data view
import { useUserStore } from '../stores/userStore'
import { useDataStore } from '#/stores/dataStore'
const dataStore = useDataStore()
const userStore = useUserStore()
onMounted(() => {
However, the autorization header is undefined only at this first call. If I further navigated to other views where I import the dataStore user.jwt is defined.
It seems that the dataStore is mounted correclty, but its state isn't available yet at the moment I call it.

I changed the dataStore so that userStore is defined not within the function, but right after import.
Kind of logical since the getAccounts function is async, so the definition of user.jwt also was.
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { getData } from '#/composables/useApi'
import { sumBy } from 'lodash'
import { useUserStore } from '#/stores/userStore.js'
// put this here, not within the async action !
const userStore = useUserStore()
actions: {
async getAccounts(id, month, year) {
getData.defaults.headers.common['__authorization__'] = userStore.jwt
getData.get(`/use/b/comptes/${id}/${month}/${year}`).then((response) => {
// cut because irrelevant here


vuex unknown action type: login

<script setup>
import { useLayout } from '#/layout/composables/layout';
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
import AppConfig from '#/layout/AppConfig.vue';
import { decodeCredential } from 'vue3-google-login'
import {auth} from '../../../store/modules/auth.module';
import { useStore } from "vuex";
const store = useStore()
const { layoutConfig, contextPath } = useLayout();
const email = ref('');
const password = ref('');
const checked = ref(false);
const logoUrl = computed(() => {
return `${contextPath}layout/images/${layoutConfig.darkTheme.value ? 'logo-white' : 'logo-dark'}.svg`;
const callback = (response) => {
const userData = decodeCredential(response.credential);
// const authStore = auth;
// console.log(authStore.login());
if ('****') {
return store.dispatch('login')
import AuthService from "../../services/auth.service";
const user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('token'));
const initialState = user
? { status: { loggedIn: true }, user }
: { status: { loggedIn: false }, user: null };
export const auth = {
namespaced: true,
state: initialState,
actions: {
login({ commit }, user) {
return AuthService.login(user).then(
user => {
commit('loginSuccess', user);
return Promise.resolve(user);
error => {
return Promise.reject(error);
logout({ commit }) {
mutations: {
loginSuccess(state, user) {
state.status.loggedIn = true;
state.user = user;
loginFailure(state) {
state.status.loggedIn = false;
state.user = null;
logout(state) {
state.status.loggedIn = false;
state.user = null;
import axios from 'axios';
const API_URL = 'http://localhostGetToken';
class AuthService {
async login(user) {
const response = await axios
.post(API_URL, {
username: user.username='admin',
password: user.password='password'
if ( {
localStorage.setItem('token', JSON.stringify(response.token));
async logout() {
export default new AuthService();
Here i trying to login if email true to trigger login vuex.but i get a error [vuex] unknown action type: login
how to solve this?
You haven't included in your question how the auth store is linked to your application.
I'm guessing you have a main store and the auth store is one of its modules.
If my guess is true, you should dispatch auth/login, not login, since the main store doesn't have a login action.
Side note: I suggest you carefully read How to Ask, to improve the quality of your future questions.
The problems with your current question:
you posted too much irrelevant code and, at the same time, you haven't posted all the relevant code. You should have included:
a) the action deemed unknown (everything else in that store is irrelevant for this question)
b) how the store is linked to the app (main store + how the store is instantiated in the app) - these bits are missing
c) how you're consuming the action in the component (everything else in the component is irrelevant for the question)
you started with the code. Always start by explaining the problem, so when people look at the code, they know what to look for (and skip the irrelevant parts). This is also helpful for future users with a similar problem: they'll be able to quickly understand if your question is relevant for their problem.
The more users find the question useful, the more chances for it to get upvoted.
Another side-note: the condition used to dispatch is, most likely, wrong. It is only true when the email is actually '****'.
You should probably use if ('')).

Auto Refresh for Vuex

I would like to implement a auto refresh feature for my VueX store.
Everything the user refresh their browser, an actions in VueX store will be triggered to load the user profile from API call.
Is't possible to achieve that?
import apiService from "#/services/apiService";
import apiUrls from "#/services/apiUrls";
import { getToken } from "#/services/jwtService";
// Code to run actions when user refresh
getToken() !== null ? this.actions.getUserProfile() : "";
const state = {
userProfile: {},
const getters = {
userProfile: (state) => state.userProfile,
const actions = {
async getUserProfile({ commit }) {
try {
let response = await apiService.get(apiUrls.PROFILE);
} catch (error) {
Thank you.
A user refresh means that the application will be re-executed. So basically main.js will be re-executed, App.vue re-created, etc.
That means just have to call your code in main.js or in a created lifecycle hook of any top-level component.
By top-level component I means any component which is created early in the app

Vue3 / Vuex State is empty when dispatching action inside of lifecycle hook inside of test

We're using the composition API with Vue 3.
We have a Vuex store that, amongst other things, stores the currentUser.
The currentUser can be null or an object { id: 'user-uuid' }.
We're using Vue Test Utils, and they've documented how to use the store inside of tests when using the Composition API. We're using the store without an injection key, and so they document to do it like so:
import { createStore } from 'vuex'
const store = createStore({
// ...
const wrapper = mount(App, {
global: {
provide: {
store: store
I have a component and before it is mounted I want to check if I have an access token and no user currently in the store.
If this is the case, we want to fetch the current user (which is an action).
This looks like so:
setup() {
const tokenService = new TokenService();
const store = useStore();
onBeforeMount(async () => {
if (tokenService.getAccessToken() && !store.state.currentUser) {
await store.dispatch(FETCH_CURRENT_USER);
console.log('User: ', store.state.currentUser);
I then have a test for this that looks like this:
it('should fetch the current user if there is an access token and user does not exist', async () => {
localStorage.setItem('access_token', 'le-token');
await shallowMount(App, {
global: {
provide: {
expect(store.state.currentUser).toStrictEqual({ id: 'user-uuid' });
The test fails, but interestingly, the console log of the currentUser in state is not empty:
console.log src/App.vue:27
User: { id: 'user-uuid' }
Error: expect(received).toStrictEqual(expected) // deep equality
Expected: {"id": "user-uuid"} Received: null
Despite the test failure, this works in the browser correctly.
Interestingly, if I extract the logic to a method on the component and then call that from within the onBeforeMount hook and use the method in my test, it passes:
setup() {
const tokenService = new TokenService();
const store = useStore();
const rehydrateUserState = async () => {
if (tokenService.getAccessToken() && !store.state.currentUser) {
await store.dispatch(FETCH_CURRENT_USER);
console.log('User: ', store.state.currentUser);
onBeforeMount(async () => {
await rehydrateUserState();
return {
it('should fetch the current user if there is an access token and user does not exist', async () => {
localStorage.setItem('access_token', 'le-token');
await cmp.vm.rehydrateUserState();
expect(store.state.currentUser).toStrictEqual({ id: 'user-uuid' });
Any ideas on why this works when extracted to a method but not when inlined into the onBeforeMount hook?

Nuxt access store (in Module mode) from JS file

I have an AuthService that I use in a namespaced store in my Nuxt app. I need to commit mutations from AuthService to the namespaced store but I can't figure out how to import the store into my AuthService.
I've seen examples where the store is imported into the JS file, but the store is explicitly defined in the Vue app. Because I'm using Nuxt with the Module mode for my store, I'm not sure of the root path where I can import my store into the AuthService file. As I understand it, Nuxt handles creating the root store and all the namespaced store behind the scenes when use "Module mode"
My Nuxt store directory includes index.js (which is empty) and auth.js which has the mutations I want to call from AuthService.
import AuthService from '../firebase/authService'
const authService = new AuthService()
export const state = () => ({
user: null
export const mutations = {
setUser (state, user) {
state.user = user
export const actions = {
async signUp ({ commit }, payload) {
try {
await authServices.createUser(payload)
return Promise.resolve()
} catch (err) {
const notification = {
duration: 5000,
message: err.message,
type: 'error'
commit('ui/activateNotification', notification, { root: true })
return Promise.reject()
import { fAuth, fDb } from './config'
// I think I need to import auth store here but I'm not sure how
export default class AuthClient {
async createUser (payload) {
try {
const res = await fAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, payload.password)
const { uid } = res.user
const user = {
await this._createUserDoc(user)
return Promise.resolve()
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
async _createUserDoc (user) {
await fDb.collection('users').doc(user.uid).set(user)
_initAuthListener () {
fAuth.onAuthStateChanged(async (user) => {
try {
if (user) {
const userProfileRef = fDb.collection('users').doc(user.uid)
const userProfileDoc = await userProfileRef.get()
const { uid, userName } =
// Here is where I want to call a mutation from the auth store'setUser', {
} else {'setUser', null)
} catch (err) {
I'd like to propose a solution using a plugin.
In the external module (externalModule.js) we define store variable and export an init function that receives Nuxt context as argument. The function assignes the store from context to the variable which can be now used in the module:
let store;
export function init (context) {
store =;
(...further business logic using store)
Then in the plugins folder we create a plugin file (let's call it storeInit.js). The file imports the init function from the external module and exports default plugin function required by Nuxt. The function receives context from Nuxt and we call the init function passing the context further:
import { init } from '[pathTo]/externalModule.js';
export default (context, inject) => {
Then we register the plugin in the nuxt.config.js file:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/storeInit' }
This way when the app is built by Nuxt and plugins are registered, the context object is passed to the external module and we can use anything from it, among others the store.
In index.js file which is in store folder you need to return store like this
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {
counter: 0
mutations: {
increment (state) {
export default createStore
and in your authService.js file you need to import store like this
import $store from '~/store'
by this you will be able to access your store
$store.commit('setUser', null)
I hope this works for you
Important Note: you don't need to install vuex because it is already shipped with nuxtjs
You can access as window.$nuxt.$store
Note: My nuxt version is 2.14.11

How to update state in reducer

I have a problem with my reducer. I am using redux to create a login page. I have successfully logged in yet I failed to navigate to the next page. The state in my reducer is not updated. How do I solve this?
This is how I wrote my reducer:
import { LOGIN_SUCCESS } from '../actions/types';
export default function (state=INITIAL_STATE, action){
return {
isLoginSuccess : true
This is how I wrote my action:
import axios from 'axios';
import * as helper from '../common';
import { LOGIN_SUCCESS } from './types';
export const attemptLogin = (username, password) => async dispatch => {
let param = {
txtNomatrik: username,
txtPwd: password,
public_key: helper.PUBLIC_KEY,
secret_key: helper.SECRET_KEY
let login_res = await`${helper.ROOT_API_URL}/v1/basic/ad/std/login`, param)
if ( == 'Successful Login') {
const { login } =;
await AsyncStorage.seItem('Login_token', username);
await AsyncStorage.setItem('profile', JSON.stringify(login));
dispatch({ type: LOGIN_SUCCESS, payload: { isLoginSuccess : true } });
I want to use the isLoginSuccess in my index file to navigate login to the next page like this:
Below is how I connect redux:
const mapStateToProps = ({ auth }) => {
return {
isLoginSuccess: auth.isLoginSuccess
export default connect(mapStateToProps, actions)(LoginScreen);
Below is my combineReducer file:
import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
import news from './welcome_reducer';
import auth from './login_reducer';
export default combineReducers({
How do I solve this? I feel lost now, have tried a lot of ways to solve it . The Api call for login is successful but the action is not dispatched at all. I can't update the state and I can't navigate to the next page. Please help me