Integrate Automation testing on Linux Agent through Azure Devops pipelline - testing

I am using Azure devops pipeline to create an customized redhat iso. We are creating KVM Virtual machine on the agent host through the same pipeline after iso creation so that we can perform the testing on the VM.
I have tried running the test through vstest but it worked only for windows agent.
Can anyone please guide me with the other options of the test framework to automate the test on the linux agents?


Grab bash script from an storage account and install in a Linux VMSS

I have a bash script in an azure storage account and I want to call that script from an Azure VMSS, when a new version of the script is available. Is this possible?
Custom Script Extension can be used to run the script in VMSS.
The Custom Script Extension downloads and executes scripts on Azure virtual machines. This extension is useful for post deployment configuration, software installation, or any other configuration or management tasks. Scripts can be downloaded from Azure storage or GitHub, or provided to the Azure portal at extension run time. The Custom Script Extension integrates with Azure Resource Manager templates, and can be run using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, Azure portal, or the Azure Virtual Machine REST API.
It can be called on Virtual Machine Scaleset using Add-AzVmssExtension

Not able to see the Web Automation in the Configured VM through Azure Devops Pipleine

Following steps followed
1.Configured the Agent in the VM
2.Created new Pipeline and configured the Web Automation Project to run in the VM at the specified time (5:00 PM)
3.When i open the VM at automation running time (5:00 PM). Automation Logs are created, but visually not able to see the web browser launching and executing the testcases.
Please can anyone help me on this issue to resolve.

Azure DevOps How to run a Linux Docker container on Windows Hosted agent

Is there a way to run Linux Docker images in a Windows Hosted Agent (Hosted Windows Container as recommended here)?
I want to run Linux Selenium Containers hosted in Docker Hub on an Azure DevOps Hosted Agent. I need to run them on a Windows Host because the next tasks in the pipeline (eg. running VS Tests) require a Windows Host.

VSTS is it possible to run selenium UI test tasks against localhost web app?

I might be missing something obvious here but my mvc web app is successfully tested using specflow UI tests on my dev machine using localhost but I can't get this to work on a CI Build pipeline in VSTS?
Here is my setup, 1 x Asp.Net solution comprising of:
1 x WebCalculator (MVC app that simply adds 2 numbers together)
1 x UI Specflow tests project
On my Dev machine: I can run the unit tests using NUnit3TestAdapter within visual studio, with my website running at localhost:58909
On VSTS: After the build task, the Visual Studio Test Task is picking up the NUnit Adapter and tries to run the tests (using InternetExplorerDriver server) but fails to find my website running on localhost it seems:
Here's the output:
2017-04-03T09:02:31 Starting test execution, please wait...
2017-04-03T09:02:32 Information: NUnit Adapter Test execution started
2017-04-03T09 Information: Running all tests in C:\a\1\s\WebCalculator.UiTestsNUnitRunner\bin\Release\WebCalculator.UiTestsNUnitRunner.dll
2017-04-03T09:02:32 Information: NUnit3TestExecutor converted 3 of 3 NUnit test cases
2017-04-03T09:02:33 Started InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit)
2017-04-03T09:02:33 Listening on port 1065
2017-04-03T09:02:33 Only local connections are allowed
2017-04-03T09:03:54 Started InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit)
2017-04-03T09:03:54 Listening on port 1123
2017-04-03T09:03:54 Only local connections are allowed
2017-04-03T09:03:54 Failed AddTwoNumbers("50","70","120",System.String[])
2017-04-03T09:03:54 ##[error]Error Message:
2017-04-03T09:03:54 ##[error] OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException : Timed out after 10 seconds
2017-04-03T09:03:54 ##[error] ----> OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException : Unable to find element with id == summandOne
So my question, is the Visual Studio Test Task smart enough to test against my website which is built as part of the solution at localhost:58909 ?
The example from MS here:
Has the Specflow tests pointing at an url so I'm starting to think that building the website and executing the UI tests together (like I'm attempting) isn't the right approach for this?
Is it the case that when you want to run Specflow tests against a website - I need to build and release this to a hosted environment first??
Based on the source and test paths (c:\a\1\s…), I assume you are using Hosted Agent and do test on build agent. You can’t do it.
First, the Hosted agent is running as service, it can’t run interactive test (selenium UI test).
Secondly, the localhost means the test machine and website machine are at the same machine. Obviously, your website isn’t running in Hosted Agent.
Regarding the article you mentioned, the website is in the azure (baseURL=”https://partsumlimited.azurewebsite....), so it can be access from internet
You can refer to these steps to achieve your requirement:
Setup a on premise build agent that running as interactive mode (if it is running as service mode, you need to do test on remote machine, refer to that article to deploy agent, copy file and run test) Deploy an agent on Windows
Create a new build definition to use that build agent
Add IIS Web App Deployment step or other to deploy your web app to IIS (Deploy your Web Deploy package to IIS servers using WinRM)
Change your website URL in test code (You can use localhost if the build agent is running on the same machine)
Note: If you want to run test on remote machine, the remote machine need to be accessible from build agent.

Creating a MySQL instance on Cloudbees Jenkins for running tests

we am using Jenkins hosted on Cloudbees for building our Github hosted code base. We would like to run an Integration Test pipeline for each build. For that, we need to create a MySQL DB before running the integration tests on Jenkins. Is there an easy way to create a MySQL DB as part of a Job in Jenkins, on Cloudbees?
Please look at the CloudBees DEV#cloud MySQL guide.
It covers configuring and starting a MySQL server that runs inside the build process.
A persistent MySQL server is typically more troublesome as you would need to clear out the tables prior to each test run.