How to minimize React Native Navigation Modal? - react-native

How to minimize a modal within a Stack Navigator in React Native so that the model still shows as a small bar at the bottom of the screen and stays even when switching tabs (like in the pictures I attached).
Picture of Modal opened
Picture of Modal miminized
Currently I have built a Bottom Navigation Tab Bar and within this Tab Navigator I have a Stack Navigator where the Modal can be opened.
<Tab.Navigator initialRouteName="Session">
<Tab.Screen name="Social">{() => <Social />}</Tab.Screen>
<Tab.Screen name="History">{() => <History />}</Tab.Screen>
<Tab.Screen name="Session" options={{headerShown: false}}>
{() => (
<Stack.Screen name="Start Session">
{() => <StartSession navigate={navigate} />}
name="New Template"
presentation: 'containedModal',
{() => <AddTemplate />}
<Tab.Screen name="Activities">{() => <Activities />}</Tab.Screen>
<Tab.Screen name="Profile">
{() => <Profile setUser={setUser} setUserCreds={setUserCreds} />}

You can achieve this using a bottom sheet instead of using a modal from react native navigation.
Something like:


React-native navigation, hide bottom tab

I have this
name="Галерея" component={Gallery}
name="Избранное" component={Favorites}
name="{item}" component={PhotoScreen}
And i dont wanna show last bottom tab on the bottom menu
How can i hide it?
Maybe i need to create one more Stack?
or i can hide it with some options?

react native multiple Screen Using in Drawer

create Custom Drawer & Material Bottom Tabs But Issue is Drawer Item Click Not next Activity
Using multiple Screen Using in Drawer
enter image description here <Drawer.Screen name="ProfilePage">
{props => <Screens {...props} />}
Are you use navigaion v5 or v6?
It must be:
<Drawer.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Drawer.Screen name="Home">{props => <Screen {...props}/>}</Drawer.Screen>

How can I hide the screen header but show my back button?

I would like to hide my screen header but still show the back button in my Stack Navigator? I have set screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }} in my Stack.Navigator, which hides both the screen header and back button. I would like to just hide the screen header.
Can someone please assist with this? Below is my Stack Navigator:
function SearchStack() {
return (
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
<Stack.Screen name="SearchScreen" component={SearchScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="SearchListScreen" component={SearchListScreen} />
In the tab navigator the stack is set as:
<Tab.Navigator screenOptions={({ route }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ focused, color, size }) => {...})}>
<Tab.Screen name="Search" component={SearchStack} />
This is what I'm currently seeing:
But this is what I would like to have with my Tab navigation bar still at the bottom for the search stack:
This is what I get using options={{headerMode:"none"}} in Stack.Navigator:
The below occurs when adding updating the Stack.Navigator to <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerTitle:"", headerTransparent:true }}> . How can add or move the back button to the top exactly like the 2nd image, which is achieved when not adding the Stack to the Tab.Screen so changing:
<Tab.Screen name="Search" component={SearchStack} />
<Tab.Screen name="Search" component={SearchScreen} />
but doing this causes the tab to not appear in the Search list screen.
The back button is part of the header, so you can't hide the header and keep the back button.
What you want to do is to hide other parts of the header except for the back button, which would be
Title, with headerTitle: ""
Background, with headerTransparent: true
for hide the back button in react-native, we can use property,
headerBackVisible:false this property only work on android
options={{headerBackVisible: false}}
example use of in Stack
const CustomerStack = () => {
return (
options={{headerShown: false}}
options={{headerTitle: '', headerTransparent: true}}
If you don't want the default header then use like this
screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}
and write custom code for the header with back button in your component
(If your are using class component) Then
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>this.props.navigation.goBack()} style={{width:'100%', height:45, flexDirection:'row'}}> <Image source={require('back button image path')}/> </TouchableOpacity>
if you want header title too then,
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>this.props.navigation.goBack()} style={{width:'100%', height:45, flexDirection:'row'}}> <Image source={require('back button image path')}/> <Text>SearchListScren</Text> </TouchableOpacity>
Put this code at top of the component code under a container

React Navigation 6.x pressing back button takes you back to initial screen

I have just moved from React Native 5.x to 6.x and now my Navigation stack is giving me issues. When I navigate a few screens deep in my drawer navigator, and then press the back button on android (haven't tried IOS yes), it leads me right back to my first screen. My Navigation stack is as follows
<NavigationContainer theme={MyTheme}>
drawerContent={(props) => <SideNav {...props} />}
screenOptions={{ headerShown: true, header: (options) => <TopNav options={options} /> }}
<Drawer.Screen name="NewsFeed" component={NewsFeedScreen} />
<Drawer.Screen name="Post" component={PostScreen} />
<Drawer.Screen name="Users" component={UsersScreen} />
<Drawer.Screen name="User" component={UserScreen} />
I'm unsure what the issue is and haven't found any answers anywhere. Some say to wrap each screen in it's Stack navigator, others say it's a bad idea.
I am not sure if this is what you are asking for, but as for changes listed in the React Navigation Upgrading from 5.x help page:
The default value for backBehavior is now firstRoute for tabs and
and then:
To preserve old behavior, you can pass backBehavior="history" prop
to the navigators
So you can properly set backBehavior prop in your code like below:
<NavigationContainer theme={MyTheme}>
drawerContent={(props) => <SideNav {...props} />}
screenOptions={{ headerShown: true, header: (options) => <TopNav options={options} /> }}
backBehavior="history" // <-- ADDED PROP

Disabling gesture in react-navigation 5

I'm creating a project and Initially, it has two stack screens. SettingScreen and ChangePasswordScreen and the one drawer.
export const SettingStackScreen = ({ navigation }) => (
drawerContent={(props) => <DrawerContent {...props} />}
<Drawer.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingStackScreen} />
using this code Drawer is accessible on both screen but I want to access drawer only first screen of SettingStackScreen not on others screen.
I tried gestureEnabled but it disabling the drawer swipe gesture in the both screen.
give this a go:
drawerContent={(props) => <DrawerContent {...props} />
edgeWidth={-1} // don't allow slide-to-open
<Drawer.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingStackScreen} />
from the docs:
Allows for defining how far from the edge of the content view the
swipe gesture should activate.
This is not supported on Web.
If you go with this solution you're gonna need a burger menu or something that opens the drawer menu, something like:
<BurgerMenuButton onPress={() => navigation.toggleDrawer()} />