How can I modify the Lyra camera to make a Top Down game in UE5? - game-development

I'm trying to make a Battlerite like game. Lyra comes with CM_ArenaFramingCamera which produces a fixed camera that doesn't track the player. I don't really understand how this is achieved, and I'm not sure how I could modify it to follow the player. Where would something like that happen and how would it play into the Ability system?
I've also tried looking at the CM_ThirdPerson camera to modify it to function as a top down camera. I understand how to change the curves to position the camera, but there's a lot of weird behavior associated with this and I'm unclear of how to fix the rotation.
I'd appreciate anybody that has a deep dive on using the Lyra system to modify and create custom cameras!

To get the same effect as the SpringArmComponent what I basically dis was to create a new class inheriting from ULyraCameraMode and copy paste all the methods from SpringArmComponent. The tick component I replaced it with the method ULyraCameraMode::UpdateView. The most important modification you have to do is inside the method UpdateDesiredArmLocation(), here at very end of all the calculations just set.
View.Location = ResultLoc;
View.Rotation = DesiredRot;


Draggable MapKit Annotations

I am working with MapKit on MacOS and trying to enable a draggable annotation that uses a custom image. I can successfully get the annotation to be draggable but it requires the user to be quite accurate with where they click and drag as the annotation image is larger than a conventional pin. Is there a simple way to expand the area so that any part of the image is draggable? Otherwise I imagine I will have to use some kind of NSGesture on the view to manually set the dragstate, but was hoping there might be an easier way!
Okay, I never managed to sort this to my satisfaction using Annotations. I’m not saying it can’t be done, maybe someone else can comment and leave pointers to help. But I eventually achieved what I wanted using overlays instead. So if someone stumbles on this question and has the same issue, you can make it work with a custom overlay rather than an annotation and you implement the dragging using a NSPanGestureRecognizer with translation for the movement.

How to Create a 3D Shaky Camera Effect in GML

I am currently working on a project in GameMaker:S.
I want to know how I would create an effect where the 3D camera bobs around, as if it is being held by somebody with unsteady hands? I've been trying to figure something out for a couple of days now.
1.Maybe you can create an invisible object, edit it so it can randomly teleport or move to locations and then make the view[0] to follow it.
or you can create a path for the object to follow.
2.You can create a variable like; x = irandom(-100,100) and set the view to follow it.
3.Use the most foolish method: instead of camera, let everything else move so that the player things camera is moving. You can do this by randomly moving background, objects etc.

i want to show road effect in cocos2D based game (like a bike is moving on road) iphone

i am unable to show road effect in cocos2D based game and also little bit confused about image. what type of image i have to use to show effect and how i can use this image in code to generate moving road effect.
Actually You need to move the background back in different layers or you can use parrallax node .
Here is a link for the by source code steffen ittereheim which describes in detail the process

How to move the sprite(vehicles ) on slope image in cocos2d

I m developing one game in cocos2d but i have one doubt, in this game i have one background and above that i want to add one slope image and i want to move the sprite(vehicles) on that slope randomly just like this game i m giving the link of one game, please suggest me how i can implement just like this video, I also want to make the game just like this.
Thanks in advance,
One option is using a path and make the sprites follow that path, define that path for each terrain. Another option is using a physics engine, you can do that using the engine itself (i think).

Colliding an object

I'm taking my first steps through Unity, as a follow up to this question:
I now realized that I don't know how to make a collider actually collide. Now I have a GameObject I move around instead of the camera, and the camera is a child to that object. It has a box collider, and there're four other box colliders around the level so it will collide against them.. and it's not working, of course, because I was changing the position variable by hand. What do I do so this collides? use a rigidBody and apply forces to it? is there a way to put a maxVelocity on it? I can't see one, besides a rigidbody seems sort of overkill for what I'm trying to do. Otherwise I guess I just put mass 1, and export drag and force, but I'd much rather work with a maxSpeed, because drag will also affect the acceleration rate
I don't know if you have missed any steps but I can tell you what I've done if it helps any. Create a game object. Click on the object in the hierarchy and go to the top menu and component->physics->box collider.After you add the box collider you may have to adjust the size of the colliders as well. In addition make sure you character you are walking around with also has a collider.
You can take a programmatic approach. Do I get you right that you want to drag the cam around with the mouse or move it with keys? You can check the camera position by hand and apply boundings that way. It is quite easy to implement if your camera is locked into a single box.