How to resolve Telegram message web link to a message ID - api

I have a Telegram web link to a message with a video like it
In this url there are two parts: a channel name "TimurIvrit" and number "1659".
We use TDLib API to get data from the Telegram. This API works with channel ID and message ID. It is possible to get message data by these two IDs.
With TDLib I can search the channel "TimurIvrit" and extract its ID.
But I can't find the message ID for the message with number 1659.
When I open web link in a browser in this time a popup appears. If I push the "Open" button it redirects to Telegram desktop application: Launched external handler for 'tg://resolve?domain=TimurIvrit&post=1659'. From it I understand Telegram has a mechanism to resolving such links.
Is there a way to find the message ID by number from the web link?


How can I find telegram user by id

I'm using telegram bot and can get user id from incoming message.
Sometimes I want to find users who communicate with telegram bot and write them message by myself.
I have only user id and have not some additional information about the user.
Can I somehow find users by id or anonimity with only id available is by design?
At least what I've been using...
Program your bot to send you a message with link to that user.
This can be done by using link in your message (must be used as message entity or inline keyboard button):
Or in case you are using MarkdownV2 for formatting
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=<user_id>)
Then, by clicking on that link, you will open a user profile, where you can message your target.
Note, user can change his privacy settings, and disable mentions. In this case these links will not work.

Is there any way to transfer Telegram file IDs between different bots?

Many different media types on Telegram have a file_id and file_unique_id property, such as Stickers, Audio, and Document.
The file_id property is unique to each Telegram bot, so one Telegram bot will not report the same file_id as another Telegram bot will, even if it's the same piece of media.
I want to have two Telegram bots communicate with each other, but they are currently unable to do so because the file_id property is meaningless when one bot tries to talk to the other.
The file_unique_id property is consistent between the bots, but it does not seem like you can do much of anything with that identifier.
Is there any way to pass a reference to a file stored on Telegram's servers from one bot to another, without having to re-upload the file on both bots?
Bot can't interact with each other. But there's a workaround,
we can use channels as a medium (with only BotAPI)
Add two bots as admin in channel
Broadcast the messages from Bot A to channel
Now, the Bot B will get these as channel posts and your new fileid
for the same file which will be unique for Bot B (obviously)
You have officially transferred all fileid to Bot B
There aren't any official methods to share fileIds between bots. In fact, you can't even get 2 bots talk to each other, also you won't get bot updates in groups. So bot to bot communication is not possible at all at this moment.
But what you can do is to use Mtproto api and sign-in to telegram as a normal user (with phone number). And follow these steps using the logged in account:
Start both of your bots.
Forward messages you receive from bot 1 to bot 2.
This way you'll be able to access any files in bot 1 in bot 2.
You can use Telethon to write a script that does the job for you, listening to updates coming from bot 1 & forwarding them to bot 2.
Also using normal bot api you should forward received messages to your logged-in account.
The only way is to use a shared channel. Both bots have admin access. However, you may encounter error 429 while transferring the file.
The solution is to send the files to the channel at longer intervals.

Go to chat message with specific text with Telegram API

I'm looking for information about this, but I don't find anything.
Is possible send to user to a chat message that contains a specific text?
This request below can be made with multiple languages.[BOT_API_KEY]/sendMessage?chat_id=[MY_CHANNEL_NAME]&text=[MY_MESSAGE_TEXT]
BOT_API_KEY is the API Key when you created your bot
MY_CHANNEL_NAME is the handle of your channel (e.g. #my_channel_name)
MY_MESSAGE_TEXT is the message you want to send (URL-encoded)

Whatsapp Api-WART Registration

i have downloaded whatsapp api,and i am trying to register in WART i get the ID but When i click on Request Code i get the error saying "could not request code using either sms or voice".reason:old_version.Anyone have any idea what to do?
i have already checked this links below.
Whatsapp drop support for old phones, and this API was based on those phones protocols

How can I send message to specific chatID?

I have chatId and want send messages while execute some tasks from java code. I found this explain on telegram "Bots can't initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first. People can use links or username search to find your bot." But my task works good when I use https request directly from browser. My bot perfectly answer for requests but how I can do this without user request?
I can not truly understand your case!
Anyway, your bot can send a message to a chat ID Only if the user witch blongs to the specified chat ID added your bot (send start to a bot).
and if it happened then send your message with