How to programatically create functions for Log Analytics Workspace - azure-log-analytics

The Functions in Azure Monitor log queries doc explains how to create functions in Log Analytics workspace manually, but doesn't explain how to do it automatically. What is the recommended way of doing it?
I tried to use .create-or-alter function from Kusto.Explorer but it didn't work (I have correct connection, as I can execute existing functions and read data). The documentation section on function supportability doesn't mention support for it, so no surprise here.
I did discover find or update saved searches API method that seems promising. But calling API directly is nowhere near as convenient as executing .create-or-alter function from my Kusto.Explorer.
Is there an easier way to create functions programmatically? If there is an SDK support for it, could I get links to the relevant methods?

Per this comment on GitHub issues I opened, titled 'The "Functions in Azure Monitor log queries" doc doesn't explain what is the recommended programmatic way of creating functions #94841'
guywi-ms replied:
There are SDKs that you can use to create functions programmatically, including:
Python SDK:


Arcgis server CreateReplica REST API of feature not working

I created Feature class in enterprise geodatabase (SQLServer2014 express). Feature class is sync enabled and published successfully.
Now I can not generate offline geodatabase from Arcgis Android SDk.
I can see ' Create Replica ' from 'Supported Operations' from 'http://xyz:6080/arcgis/rest/services/MyFeature/FeatureServer'
I tried 'http://xyz:6080/arcgis/rest/services/MyFeature/FeatureServer/createReplica' rest api from feature service. it creates job but no results shown.
Server logs show following error
Error executing tool.: ErrorMsg#SyncGPService:{"code":400,"description":""} Failed to execute (Create Feature Service Replica).
Log source is 'System/SyncTools.GPServer'
First, make sure that there's nothing needed at the DB level where your data is stored. Taking the server out of the equation, can you run the Create Replica tool in ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro against the data source, and does it succeed? If that works (and other operations like Adds, Updates, Deletes etc.), then put ArcGIS Server back in the equation.
What are your ArcGIS Server log levels set at? It may be beneficial to up the logging level to Verbose or Debug, try to create the replica again, and consult the logs to see if more helpful information is returned.
You may also want to check and see if your version of ArcGIS Server needs to be patched. For example, at 10.5.1 there was a patch released specifically for Sync issues.
If all else fails, Esri Support may be a good place to find some help as well.
Have you looked at the requirements for making your data available for offline use? See this link in the ArcGIS Server documentation.
Specifically you need to enable archiving and include Global IDs on the dataset, but there are more details at the above link.
For future reference, and in case that suggestion doesn't work, the Esri GeoNet ArcGIS Enterprise place is a good spot to ask these questions.

Get All Documents from a CouchBase Bucket without View or N1QL

I am implementing an Express Web service using CouchBase as my database. To get all documents stored in a bucket, i created a view using the web console.
My question is if there is a way to do the same thing but without creating a view or using N1QL.
I was looking at the Couchbase Server REST API, but i didn't found a way.
Thank you
You could design your schema around something like this. I am thinking of a key pattern specifically that would allow for a bulk get of a range of docs.
Beyond that, there is no way without a view or N1QL.
In Couchbase 3.0 and higher, you can also use DCP to stream all documents from a bucket. Currently the DCP protocol is only implemented in java, you can see an example here:
Note that there is a problem in the 1.1.0+ version of the couchbase core-io library, so you need to use version 1.1.0-dp (developer preview) to open a stream. DCP support in the SDK is still experimental, so I wouldn't use it in production yet.
Create a document that will hold the keys of all your documents.
While inserting a key value pair in couchbase, also append the key to that document.
<Key1, Value1>
<Key2, Value2>
<Keyx, Valuex>
<All_Keys, <Key1, Key2, Key3...Keyx>>
To get all the documents,
Just do a client.get("All_Keys") and then do a client.getBulk() operation.

Dropbox API - Using Dropbox as a server

I was wanting to use a file sharing server to keep certain files up-to-date and constant across multiple instances of my application across multiple computers - like (for example) writing a multiplayer game, which stores all the player's positions in a text file, and uses something like Dropbox to keep the text file constant across all the applications, and each application instance can change the file with that application's player's position, and then the rest of the applications can update accordingly. This is only an example, and is not what I intend to do using this technology. What I want to do does not rely on fast sharing of data very quickly - but only periodically downloading and updating the text file.
I was wondering how I might be able to do this using the Dropbox API for Objective-C without prompting the user for any Dropbox username/password - just store a single Dropbox account's login information, log into it automatically and update/download the file stored on it?
From what I have found out from experimenting, Dropbox prompts users for their passwords via a web-broswer, and is designed to accommodate multiple accounts, whereas I only need to accommodate the 'Server' account.
So, is there anyway to do this sort of thing using the Dropbox API, or should I use something else. Or do I need to find out how to write my own server. Using some sort of file sharing API seems a lot easier to me than writing an actual server.
Thanks for any help,
You might think about using Google App Engine (GAE). I had a similar requirement recently and I'm thinking this is a good option when you want centralized data. Plus you can do the no-browser account login by using your own custom authentication, or I think it's even possible via OAuth? Depends on how sensitive the data is I guess. I just rolled my own.
From my research I found that using Dropbox as a server has some issues with scalability, since you'll be limited to maybe 5,000 calls per day. source It's built on Amazon S3, so you could also look at using that directly.
GAE lifts that limit up to 675,000, but can be increased up to 91 million for free.
I did find an open-source project for doing this with Java, alternative you could look at Python example
I've written a daemon that continuously checks for updated files and syncs them. I wrote it for my own file manager iOS app. You can find the implementation here:
I'm personally not an iOS developer but I came across this question while looking for something else and thought I would offer up another potential solution to the OP's question.
Microsoft just released something called Azure Mobile Services which supports iOS development (among other platforms). It's basically a convenient way to set up a back end system complete with push notifications, authentication, etc. without rolling your own. You don't need to know anything about Azure or servers as the setup process walks you through most of it. It is new so keep that in mind, but it looks promising for situations like this.
Here's a 10 minute video explaining how to use it with an iOS developed app along with links to more documentation:
Hope this helps.

How do I access SQL from XPages

What is the process to access data from a SQL data source and have it fill in a list box control so that the user may select one of the values?
I have been given the name of the database and server, the login ID and password.
Code samples would really be appreciated as I have never done any SQL coding.
The latest Extension Library on OpenNTF ( ) has a whole bunch of Relational Database extensions.
You'll need to get the JDBC drivers for whatever SQL server your going to be accessing and then take a look at the ExtLib demo application on how to create the JDBC connector from your application. Once the connector is in place you can then just the new controls in ExtLib to easily create a view pane etc.
You will also need more then the SQL server, username and password, you'll need to find out the different tables that you'll be accessing so that you can reference them from your Xpages application.
I've created a video showing JDBC access from XPages:
Wait for the book that will e released soon about the extlib. I know Jeremy hodge wrote the chapter so you might be able to get some info from him.
From an answer I gave earlier: you might want to check out the blog post announcing the JDBC support . It has an excellent video explanation and a link to a slide deck.
Also, take a look at Xpages101 lesson 61. It's paid-for content, but well worth it if you're serious about Xpages development.
If you want to combine Upgrade Pack 1 (UP1) with the Extension Library JDBC parts, then make sure to use the Extension Library that matches exactly the UP1 version. This is version 853-20111215 of the Extension Library. Then you can use the update site method to only deploy the experimental parts of the Extension Library (
For newer releases of Extension Library things might (will) have changed so that UP1 and Extension Library can not work together.
When UP2 is released, you need to remove the Extension Library package and deploy UP2. At that point in time UP2 might contain the JDBC support.
As the previous posters put the ext library stuff will make it a little more "Drag and Drop", but you can use regular JDBC connection to get the data you want, Its pretty simple, but a lot more code than using Domino as a backend. You might want to look at this John Mackey blog post about doing a very similar thing...
Keep in mind that you need the actual ext. library for this. The upgrade pack does not contain the JDBC stuff.
Keep in mind that if you don't need "LIVE" data access, and the information you want is fairly static you could always just use a lotusscript agent to pull the data down into Notes Documents. Run that once a day or whatever. No fancy XPages stuff needed. That's fairly common coding and practices with examples available.
Then just have the list box pull from the documents you brought down.

Remote (RDP) utility with mstscax.dll

I am looking for information on using mstscax.dll in VB. The goal is to create a utility that logs into a remote service in the same manner as remote desktop. However, my utility is not required to show the desktop.
I have a series of commands that I will start off with that will look for users, reset logins, shadow, and message. I have been using a batch file on my RDP to perform these functions, but we are already looking for more functionality and power than what the batch commands can offer.
I am googling 'mstscax.dll' but the results have been less than satisfactory although I continue to search. Does anyone have any good references? Is this even going to be possible?
If you are looking to list or perform operations on remote desktop sessions, you might find the Cassia library helpful. The library can list users logged on to a server, disconnect or logoff sessions, shadow sessions, and display message boxes in a session, among other things. (Note that the shadowing functionality requires a pre-release version of the library available on the project's build server -- use the artifacts link.)
I think you're supposed to use the msrdp.ocx control rather than that dll, though I've personally never used either so can't say for sure.
Edit: Add link
Here's a codeproject article about automating RDP: