How to add cards in docusaurus site just like implemented in playground page in docusaurus site? - docusaurus

I want to add cards to my docusaurus v2 site just like in the Playground Page in Can someone tell me how to implement it?

Not sure if you're still looking for a solution for this one year later, but I had the same question and landed on
It's not the cheapest (min. $29/month) but looks great, is well documented and has lots of integrations. is a cheaper alternative but only has one card style (horizontal) which I didn't like.


VUEJS SSR, how to?

I made a VueJS 3 app (WebPack 3.12.0), with prerendering (not serverside), and the content of some page are loaded via ajax request, so google bots can't see the text (this is the problem here).
I read that I need to use SSR to do this. So I tried a couple of tutorials but no one seem to works (some do nothing, others crashes my app). I don't really know which one is the best and they are all using differents solutions.
First of all, do I need to use SSR to achieve what I want ? And if yes, anyone have a good tutorial (and a working one) ?
Thanks guys !
The best solution for SSR with Vue is to use Nuxt.js:
It's not that complex, working really great !
It will probably be migrated to Vue3 really soon (Nuxt 2.15.2 is using Vue2 still), maybe even today during the JS World Conference.
Also, you can check those videos of Debbie who does a nice job of explaining things in a clear and simple way:

Can someone tell me what people used to build these websites?

Easy question, but I am a newbie:
Can someone tell me what CMS (like, uh, Wordpress) these two web sites use to make their slick designs:
I've been mostly working in Wordpress, but seeing the simplicity of the code underneath (using Inspect Element) is convincing me to work in this medium.
You're able to design pages like that in practically any CSM that lets you style/write themes with CSS. If you don't want to write CSS and still use wordpress you can find simple and clean themes in the wordpress themes directory:

Google NoCaptcha ReCaptcha

If correct, Google introduced Google's NoCaptcha ReCaptcha on december 3th. More information can be found on their official blog.
After reading their story, they refer to their good old ReCaptcha site. Seemingly this has been renewed. So I created an account and started testing. However, I already stumble on two questions that don't seem to be answered on their own site. Google-ing results in old and mostly useless information about the "old" ReCaptcha module.
The thing is not responsive. This seems weird to me. I know I can make it responsive or use a framework or something to do so. But all the HTML / CSS is generated by the plugin itself. Is there some universal solution for this, or Am I missing something?
Sometimes clicking the checkbox is all that's needed, but often I still get the old misformed pictures that are still hard to read. In other words, sometimes it looks like nothing has changed. Is this normal, or is this thing not fully released yet?

gmaps4rails with Google Maps searchbox

I'm writing a map applcication with Ruby-on-Rails 3 and gmaps4rails gem. I have the map setup and everything works fine but I would like to have a google maps like searchbox on the top with a dropdown list of possible places, like this:
Is there any easy way of doing this or a plugin that gives this functionality with not to much coding?
Preferably I would like to limit the search results to just one country if that is possible.
I'm in a similar boat. In the past my application had search implemented with custom JavaScript based on Google Maps API Version 2, now I'm looking to upgrade.
However, in Google Maps API Version 3, there isn't a "enableGoogleBar" option anymore. The good news is that the new "Places" service looks to be the replacement.
You'll want to specifically look at the Places Autocomplete section. The example pretty much exactly describes what you want.
I'm getting into this myself soon. I'll keep you updated with progress I make. If you don't beat me to it first.

Is there a non-Adobe equivalent of Axiis?

I want something like Axiis, but without using Flex or other Adobe products.
Have a look at the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit. Also, maybe the gRaphaël charting library (built on top of Raphaël) can suit your needs.
Google Chart API
Style Chart
JS Charts
DojoX Data Chart
See whether one of these suits your needs best.
The closest I can think off the top off my head is Google Visualization API
Of course, AFAIK, this will only work for on-line applications. And is Google any less evil than Adobe is a question for you to decide :)
This is a pretty open question, as you havent specified any preference for any particular technology or language.
I do a lot of WPF/C# stuff so I immediately start looking on that stack. Assuming that this would be a suitable platform, then Visifire might be worth looking at... I originally found them here on codeplex.
There seem to be a ton of third party paid for components that can do similar things. Telerik has some visualization tools that may also be worth having a look at.
Is thre any specific scenario that you are looking at, or any specific language? I think we may be able to suggest better alternatives if that was provided.
You could try protovis (JavaScript), looks quite similar.
You can use jqChart - HTML5 jQuery Chart Plugin