Coding out of necessity as a smaller part of my new job. Need to embed PDF in HTML. Tried iframe, object, and embed tags but the PDF always shows up as blank. For context - I am trying to embed on a host site (PheedLoop platform).
I'm working on a project in .net that has a need for a document preview function.
I've implemented a Webview2 control and, as the majority of doucments that need to be viewed are pdf, this works a treat.
However, now and again some documents may be in either docx or xlsx format.
When I set webview2.Source = New Uri(PathtoFile) on these files, the webview2 control downloads the document to my downloads folder rather than rendering it.
I get that the files are not HTML, but then again neither are PDFs and they work out of the box.
Is there some mechanism I'm missing whereby I can have the Webview2 control display the file contents for docx and xlxs rather than download?
We are having the same problem ourselves. At the moment we are using a product called Aspose that will allow us to convert Word Documents to XPS, after which we can display the document in a Document Viewer.
While this works, and it works well, the main problem is that this relies on us downloading the document, then converting it and then loading the converted document into the Viewer. Which causes a certain perception of "sluggishness" due to all of that work, whereas images and PDFs, especially when hosted on the Web, can be hosted directly in the WebView2 and this then leaves the rest of our application nicely responsive to user interaction.
So in case anyone comes up with a better suggestion, I'm following this ...
The code using Aspose is pretty straightforward (example in Visual Basic .NET):
Dim oDoc As Aspose.Words.Document = Nothing
oDoc = New Aspose.Words.Document(sFile)
oDoc.Save(fileName:=sToFileName, saveFormat:=Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Xps)
(left out all error handling and so on in order to focus on the actual functionality. sToFileName just contains a filename along the lines of [somefolder][yourtargetfilename].xps ...)
I guess you may try to convert DOCX to PDF directly via Aspose.Words and XLSX to PDF via Aspose.Cells. Both these APIs support rendering to PDF or even image formats. Since your viewer supports to view PDF or images, so you may try this approach, it might work for your needs.
PS. I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.
I need to open a PDF in the client.
The PDF its generated in my Controller (i have no problem with that) and i need to show that PDF inside a layout (not a window).
Related: SmartGWT/GWT: Show a PDF on client side
You could show the pdf in a SmartGWT component using an IFrame.
See this sample and this forum.
I have a page where I have a lot of info about an item, with a little "Download specs pdf" button below. Clicking it opens the pdf seperately, which is all I need for the webversion.
However I'm currently working on my print css, and my goal is to create a print css here that shows the info along with the pdf below it, included in the same printfile.
Is it possible to embed the pdf in my page (only for print css)? I've tried using the <object> or embed tags but this doesn't seem to show up at all in my print css.
Update: I managed to show the pdf using iframe, but I'm unable to set the iframe height to the pdf's height. The pdf is dynamic so it's not a set height. Dynamically updating the height through jQuery has proven to be impossible because the onload event isn't fired for file downloads in an iframe. If anyone can help me come to a solution, I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.
The simple solution is to force a 4:3 perspective on the iframe and size it according to your print page (A4 paper size is standard here).
You can use PDF.js library's who is an amaZing JavaScript PDF viewer working cross browser. Display the PDF in a div, make it hidden with a display:none for web version with your screen CSS.
One advice I can give you is, if you know the maximum number of PDF pages, just make the iframe height large enough... that means, if the number of pages is less, the printer is going to output empty pages.
The other advice was the one stated above, get a tool to annotate or change properties of all PDFs to contain that information.
I found this tool: to convert PDF into HTML, which you can use instead of displaying PDF
I'm thinking your best bet is to have a parsed version of the PDF for printing. Open it in Illustrator and save each page to SVG and use the SVG files to print with.
I need to programmatically embed an existing PDF (a small graphic) onto a specfic page on an existing PDF. Using iTextSharp I've been able to add a new page containing this embedded PDF, but what need is to modify an existing page by adding this graphic. Is this possible using iTextSharp or any other PDF-generation libarary?
I tend to do this sort of thing using Context, which is a Tex-based layout tool that in integrated into the pdftex Tex/Metapost engine. There's a learning curve involved, and installing Context isn't entirely trivial, but it makes very general programmatic document processing involving PDFs easy once you get the hang of it.
For this problem, you'd define two overlays, with the first overlay being the main PDF that you set to a background, and then on the page you want to change, defining a foreground overlay with a \setlayer command, which contains a single \framed box, which superimposes the second PDF using a \externalfigure command.
The nice thing about Context for this kind of task is that it works with PDF as its internal representation all the way through, so there is no unexpected blow up in file size or deterioration in image quality, which you can get with other tools that convert between formats.
We are using Blackberries to display PDF reports. Here are background details on the problem:
The PDF reports are created using JasperReports.
Report format can be changed.
Different report formats are available (as per the feature set of JasperReports).
The PDF reports are on a website, too, so retaining a single source is ideal.
The page setup is in Landscape.
Here are the issues we have encountered:
Users cannot see a full line of text on the Blackberry.
The size of the PDF and UI makes reading difficult, at best.
The menu option to convert the PDF to text loses too much formatting to be useful.
The text is blurry (and too small).
Here are solutions we have thought about:
Create a second report (not ideal) in text or HTML format.
Simplify the original report format (not really an option, given the amount of data).
What other options are there for making a report available on the Blackberry, given the constraints of JaserReports, such that the report:
Is legible?
Is formatted for readability?
Displays quickly?
Essentially, we'd like to make sure there are no simple solutions we have overlooked for displaying legible PDFs on Blackberries.
We convert TIFFs to PDF for one of our applications, and have had mixed results with BlackBerry PDF viewers. These were our results.
The following PDF readers worked for our purposes:
RepliGo Reader v1.1.1.1 - $19.95
Works fine.
DataViz Documents To Go Premium Edition v1.003.001 - $49.99
Works and includes a word wrap option to get the current zoom level to fit the available screen width, by moving text onto subsequent lines. Might fit your needs.
The following PDF readers did not work for our purposes:
BeamReader v1.0.8 - $17.99
BeamSuite v3.0.2 - $49.99
These couldn't open our PDF files ("Unsupported document format"). In addition they did not register as a PDF content handler, required for our application.
MasterDoc - $19.95
eOffice - $29.95
These also did not register as a PDF content handler. We had a range of problems with these, including installation issues, and not being able to open any PDFs at all.
Try BeamReader
I hear it's the best at reading PDFs for BlackBerry
How about outputting the file to an RTF or an image file (JPG/GIF), and then viewing them in your web browser?
If that doesn't work well on the native browser, I would focus on viewing the file via some other web browser - for example, Opera Mini. I know for images it's easier to navigate "big" images in Opera Mini than the native browser.
If your blackberries are on a BES server, couldn't you display the reports as HTML on your corporate intranet? - Then you could email a link to the blackberry and simply browse the report.
You can convert pdf to image via xpdf and than show image. xpdf is a BEST renderer of pdf.