Yii2 Yii::$app->user->getId(); ignores number '0' at the end of an integer - yii

My question is pretty straight-forward. I tried to get StudentId that was stored inside Yii::$app->user->getId(), but for some reasons it ignores the value '0' at the end of it. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? Have been searching for hours and seems like noone has ever faced it.
Summary: Yii2 seems to ignore the value '0' at the end of an integer.
The above returns StudentId as 183 instead of the correct one 18300.

Are you trying to fetch the id from the student table? If yes and assuming that your student record has a relationship with the user record, then to get the student id:
$student_id = Yii::$app->user->identity->student->id;
The user in the code is of the yii\web\User, while the identity is usually your active record.

Looks like the problem is solved. Just noticed the StudentId I was supposed to get is 18100 and Yii2 displays 183 instead. I just restarted xampp and it now shows 18100. I'm not sure why and I have no idea at all. But it is fixed now.


How can I get Rails 5 to play nicely with a primary key that has a period in it?

I'm working with a database I have no control over, and cannot make alterations to. This database has a table called warehouse_items. Each warehouse item is uniquely identified by a primary key indicating the item id.
Unfortunately, that primary key attribute is named WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID
(Note the obnoxious period between "item" and "id")
When I try to run a basic query, such as:
I get an Undefined Table error.
Fortunately, when looking at what Rails is attempting to do, the problem becomes obvious:
: SELECT "warehouse_items".* FROM "warehouse_items" WHERE "WAREHOUSE_ITEM"."ID" = $1 LIMIT $2
Because of the period in the attribute name, Rails is treating "WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID" as a table/attribute combination, rather than an attribute name with a period in it.
When I run the following PSQL query by hand, I get exactly what I need:
SELECT "warehouse_items".* FROM "warehouse_items" WHERE "warehouse_items"."WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID" = 'wh3453'
Why is Rails screwing this up, and how can I fix it?
Also worth noting: I've tried using self.primary_key to override the primary key to no avail.
I've tried both a string and a symbol, as in:
Neither one has worked...
Thanks for all the help, everyone!
A suggestion in the comments to use find_by_sql does work! However, I stumbled onto a different solution that works even better.
First, I aliased the annoying attribute name to something simple: id
alias_attribute :id, :"WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID"
Notice that it's still a symbol, which is important for the next step.
I then overwrite the primary_key method with a custom function:
def self.primary_key
return "id"
Now, when I do WarehouseItem.find('wh3453'), Rails defaults to checking id, which is aliased to the correct symbol and it works as intended!!!

SQL Selection Query getting corrupted

Ive come across a very unusual problem (for me at least) and I have no idea how to solve it.
Essentially I made a really simple selection query to search our clients in a table (dbo_t_Person) and return their records. I needed them to be searchable even if we only have an email address, or phone number for some clients on hand. Therefore I wrote the criteria to either ignore a field if no data was entered, or to search similar (via 'Like') if only partial details were entered into any given field. See the SQL below, apologies for how repetitive it is.
This is all well and good, it works perfectly and is fast enough for our uses.
I can run the query as many times as I wish with new data entered and it works fine, but if I close the query and reopen it, the SQL goes haywire and it runs out of memory and crashes access, this is crashing just opening the SQL as well as running it. By haywire I mean that if i manage to luck out and reopen the SQL, lines of SQL are suddenly copied endlessly on the page.
This happens every time I rewrite the SQL from scratch, how the hell do I stop this happening?
Here is the working clean code:
SELECT dbo_t_Person.PersonID
FROM dbo_t_Person
(dbo_t_Person.PersonID) = [Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![OwnerIDEntry]
(dbo_t_Person.FullName) LIKE "*" & [Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![NameEntry] & "*"
OR [Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![NameEntry] IS NULL
And so on for the remaining entry fields
However if I can get the SQL back open again it it appears thousands of lines of
Or [Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![NameEntry] Is Null
for all entry fields is endlessly repeated.
Something is making the code copy end on end, how do I stop it?
Consider an adjusted WHERE clause with NZ() to handle if controls are empty or not.
WHERE dbo_t_Person.PersonID = NZ([Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![OwnerIDEntry],
AND dbo_t_Person.FullName = LIKE "*" & NZ([Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![NameEntry],
dbo_t_Person.FullName) & "*"
Try changing your criteria to be more efficient and clean, like this:
IIF(ISNULL([Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![OwnerIDEntry]),TRUE,PersonID=[Forms]![from MICHAEL TEST WORKING]![OwnerIDEntry])
Since you are only dealing with a single table you can also do away with dbo_t_Person. from everywhere, like this:
SELECT PersonID,FullName,Address1,Address2,City,Zip,STATE,Country,Mobile,Phone,Email
FROM dbo_t_Person
Maybe the simplified version of the SQL will stop Access from corrupting it.

Can't retrieve db Model getId() anymore in activejdbc 1.4.12

I was using activejdbc 1.4.9 and the following sample code was running just fine
Client client = new Client();
Since I upgraded to 1.4.12, client.getId() is always returning null when save is inserting a new record. i.e. id is not getting refreshed.
Did anyone notice this as well? Do I have to do anything different using this version to get the newly created id?
I cannot confirm this with the version 1.4.12. For instance, I wrote this example: https://github.com/javalite/simple-example/blob/new_id. Check out code in the Main.java. As you can see, the code is identical to yours, but on line 21, it prints out a real value of the new ID.
If you can put together a simple example that replicates your issue, I will take a look.
Now that you provided more info in comments below, the problem is with you setting the ID to empty string: "". Because the ID is not null anymore, the method save() uses update rather than insert. The update then uses the value of ID to update an "existing" record, and, as a result does not do anything. Messing with ID value is possible but not advised. Please see this for more information: http://javalite.io/surrogate_primary_keys

Peoplesoft CreateRowset with related display record

According to the Peoplebook here, CreateRowset function has the parameters {FIELD.fieldname, RECORD.recname} which is used to specify the related display record.
I had tried to use it like the following (just for example):
&rs1 = CreateRowset(Record.User, Field.UserId, Record.UserName);
For &k = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
MessageBox(0, "", 999999, 99999, &rs1(&k).UserName.Name.Value);
(Record.User contains only UserId(key), Password.
Record.UserName contains UserId(key), Name.)
I cannot get the Value of UserName.Name, do I misunderstand the usage of this parameter?
Fill is the problem. From the doco:
Note: Fill reads only the primary database record. It does not read
any related records, nor any subordinate rowset records.
Having said that, it is the only way I know to bulk-populate a standalone rowset from the database, so I can't easily see a use for the field in the rowset.
Simplest solution is just to create a view, but that gets old very soon if you have to do it a lot. Alternative is to just loop through the rowset yourself loading the related fields. Something like:
For &k = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
&rs1(&k).UserName.UserId.value = &rs1(&k).User.UserId.value;

Yii framework - picking up field value from other model

I have been struggling with this, i have two models and showing data in Cgridview with one model, this model contains some id's whose values are in different table
So, i have added
'value'=> 'TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw)->areaoflaw'
which is giving this error
"Trying to get property of non-object"
Might be due to this reason that the some records doesn't exist in the TblAreaoflaw. Can't we check in this line through isset?
When i put static value, it work well, like
'value'=> 'TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk(5)->areaoflaw',
Could anyone please help
thanks a lot
The error you get is because this expression TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw) is returning null. This means that you are effectively trying to get null->areaoflaw which won't work (this is what the error message "Trying to get property of non-object" clarifies).
My best guess is that $data->typeoflaw returns a non-existing primary key for the TblAreaoflaw model.
Make sure :
TblAreaoflaw is actually a model, I doubt its Areaoflaw
You have database specified primary key which is the id (5) you are passing
'value'=> '(TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw)->areaoflaw) ?
: "default or null value"'
Obviously substitute the null string to whatever you want. You may need to adjust the condition to use !empty() or similar, but see how it goes. (And if you do that or aren't using PHP 5.3, use the full ternary expression.)