Variable name `PieGraphLayout` must match one of the following formats: camelCase eslint#typescript-eslint/naming-convention - typescript-eslint

This is a question similar to Why eslint consider class as variable in naming-convention rule?, but that one is pretty old and I see no consistency in the handling now.
When I statically import a class type then ESLint recognizes it as such and applies the class naming rule, for example:
import { PieGraphLayout } from import("../console.worker-types");
When I do this with a dynamic import, however, I get an error:
const { PieGraphLayout } = await import("../console.worker-types");
leads to:
Variable name PieGraphLayout must match one of the following formats: camelCase eslint#typescript-eslint/naming-convention
I have to suppress this warning, but would like to modify my ESLint rules instead, if possible. My current naming-convention rule is:
"#typescript-eslint/naming-convention": [
"selector": "default",
"format": [
"filter": {
"regex": "^_",
"match": false
"selector": "class",
"format": [
"selector": "typeParameter",
"format": [
"selector": "enum",
"format": [
"selector": "enumMember",
"format": [
"selector": "typeAlias",
"format": [
"selector": "interface",
"format": [
"prefix": [
What needs to be changed so that ESLint no longer gives a warning for such dynamic imports?

You don't have defined formats for variable entities, and ESLint uses your default selector format, which is camelCase in the provided configuration.
To provide formats for a variable, please configure variable selector.
In your case, there should be something like
"selector": "variable",
"format": [
Here is a doc for all available selectors.


Change syntax highlighting of embedded code based on a previous line's keyword?

I'm trying to write a TextMate grammar for a VS Code language extension. Take the following example
(lang=css attribute2=something-else)
.css-class {
background: gray;
The (...) part is an "attributes" section, and the """ ... """ is a code section. I'm trying to highlight everything in the code section according to the lang attribute.
The problem is, they are two distinct sections where one might be present without the other in other parts of the file. For example, you can have attributes without the code block.
In the grammars section of package.json I have
"embeddedLanguages": {
"meta.embedded.block.css": "css",
"meta.embedded.block.javascript": "javascript"
In the tmLanguage.json file I have both patterns in the repository property.
"attributes": {
"begin": "\\(",
"end": "\\)",
"captures": {
"0": {
"name": "punctuation.definition.annotation punctuation.section.parens"
"patterns": [
"begin": "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]*",
"beginCaptures": {
"0": {
"name": "entity.other.attribute-name"
"end": "(?=\\s*+[^=\\s])",
"patterns": [
"begin": "=",
"beginCaptures": {
"0": {
"name": "punctuation.separator.key-value"
"end": "(?<=[^\\s=])(?!\\s*=)|(?=/?>)",
"patterns": [
"match": "([^0-9-.\\s='\"][^\\s='\")]*)",
"name": "string.unquoted.html"
"match": "=",
"name": "invalid.illegal.unexpected-equals-sign"
"include": "#strings"
"include": "#number"
"fenced-code": {
"begin": "\\(.*lang=(css|javascript).*\\)\\s*(\"\"\")",
"beginCaptures": {
"1": {
"name": "string.quoted.triple"
"end": "\"\"\"",
"endCaptures": {
"0": {
"name": "string.quoted.triple"
"contentName": "meta.embedded.block.$1",
"patterns": [
"include": "source.css"
I have a third pattern not shown where I'm using these together by including them in its patterns array. They seem to be mutually exclusive though. I can have the attributes, and I can have a code block if I start the pattern at """, but if I start the code pattern with \\(.*lang=(css|javascript).*\\)\\s*(\"\"\") to capture the lang attribute, the attributes stop getting highlighting.
Is this even possible? I've never worked with TextMate grammars outside of a VS Code theme and VS Code doesn't seem to have deep documentation on the more "advanced" (I guess) things like this.
I tried using VS Code's HTML grammar for its uses of embedded code, but I don't think the HTML one needs to swap syntax based on something in a previous line.
The fenced-code pattern I have below allows the attributes pattern highlighting while also having the code block with dynamic contentName property, i.e. "meta.embedded.block.$2" becomes meta.embedded.block.css when "css" is found in attributes.
"fenced-code": {
"begin": "(\\(.*lang=(css|javascript).*\\))\\s*(\"\"\")",
"beginCaptures": {
"1": {
"patterns": [
"include": "#attributes"
"3": {
"name": "string.quoted.triple"
"end": "\"\"\"",
"endCaptures": {
"0": {
"name": "string.quoted.triple"
"contentName": "meta.embedded.block.$2",
"patterns": [
"include": "source.css"
"include": "source.js"
However, there's two things wrong so far.
It only works when the opening """ is on the same line as the attributes section
fenced-code's patterns array doesn't seem to allow a dynamic include, i.e. "patterns": [{"include": "source.$2}]. I'm not sure if including the different languages as I did above will work

ajv-cli always says bad data is valid

Running ajv-cli as part of my automated testing scripts to make sure my mock data is up to date.
./node_modules/.bin/ajv -s ./test-data/manifest.schema.json -d ./test-data/fleet.manifest.json
./test-data/fleet.manifest.json valid
But the data isn't valid.
"$schema": "",
"definitions": {
"ManifestHistoryItem": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"default": [
"items": {
"type": "string"
"type": "array"
"name": {
"default": "",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"type": "object"
"namee": "Epic Space Battles"
(it's missing the required "id" property, and "name" is misspelled)
Schema is generated from "typescript-json-schema": "^0.54.0" from a typescript model and evaluated via "ajv-cli": "^5.0.0".
Your schema declares definitions, but it doesn't reference them anywhere. You need to add a "$ref": "#/definitions/ManifestHistoryItem" at the root.
"definitions": {
"ManifestHistoryItem": { ... }
"$ref": "#/definitions/ManifestHistoryItem"
Either that or you can just get rid of the definitions wrapper altogether and just have the { ... } part from above.
Effectively what's happening is you've defined an empty schema, which applies no constraints, meaning all instances (data) pass.

TextMate grammar - clashing multi-line captures

I have the following syntax:
test: name {
param_name: value
another_param: value2
test: [12, "asd"]
test2: [
My logic here is as follows:
Detect scopes as multi-line match
"begin": "([a-z_]+)\\s?:\\s?([a-z_\\+]+)?\\s?(\\{)",
"end": "(\\})",
In the patterns section of the above, add parameters with multiline matching
"begin": "(?!sql)([a-z\\_]*)\\s?:",
"end": "(?<=\\n)",
And then in the patterns of that I have array
"begin": "\\[",
"end": "\\]",
The problem is that test: [12, "asd"] is correctly defined as
test - parameter name
[12, "asd"] - parameter value + array
but I can't get it to work on the multi-line value. It only recognises the opening [ as array.
At first I thought I understood the reason why. The parameters finishes when it sees a new line, hence the second line of an array will not be matched. So I added array to the main scope pattern and that's when my understanding ends.
Full file:
"$schema": "",
"name": "QQQL",
"patterns": [
{"include": "#scopes"},
{"include": "#parameters"}
"repository": {
"scopes": {
"name": "source.qqql.scope",
"begin": "([a-z_]+)\\s?:\\s?([a-z_\\+]+)?\\s?(\\{)",
"end": "(\\})",
"patterns": [
{"include": "#scopes"},
{"include": "#array"},
{"include": "#parameters"}
"parameters": {
"name": "source.qqql.parameter",
"begin": "(?!sql)([a-z\\_]*)\\s?:",
"end": "(?<=\\n)",
"beginCaptures": {
"1": {
"name": ""
"patterns": [
{"include": "#array"},
"name": "source.qqql.parameter.value",
"match": "(.*)",
"captures": {
"1": {
"patterns": [
{"include": "#array"}
"array": {
"name": "source.qqql.array",
"begin": "\\[",
"end": "\\]",
"patterns": [
{"include": "#strings"},
"name": "source.qqql.array.delimiter",
"match": "\\,"
"scopeName": "source.qqql"
What I expected is that the inclusion of array in scopes would solve the problem but somehow it doesn't.

Deeply nested unevaluatedProperties and their expectations

I have been working on my own validator for JSON schema and FINALLY have most of how unevaluatedProperties are supposed to work,... I think. That's one tricky piece there! However I really just want to confirm one thing. Given the following schema and JSON, what is the expected outcome... I have tried it with a and gotten an answer, but I was hoping I could get a more definitive answer.
The focus is the faz property is in fact being evaluated, but the command to disallow unevaluatedProperties comes from a deeply nested schema.
Here is the schema...
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"bar": {
"type": "string"
"unevaluatedProperties": false
"anyOf": [
"properties": {
"foo": {
"properties": {
"faz": {
"type": "string"
Here is the JSON...
"foo": {
"bar": "test",
"faz": "test"
That schema will successfully evaluate against the provided data. The unevaluatedProperties keyword will be aware of properties evaluated in subschemas of adjacent keywords, and is evaluated after all other applicator keywords, so it will see the annotation produced from within the anyOf subschema, also.
Evaluating this keyword is easy if you follow the specification literally -- it uses annotations to decide what to do. You just need to make sure that all keywords either produce annotations correctly or propagate annotations correctly that were produced by other keywords, and then all the information is available to generate the correct result.
The result produced by my implementation is:
"annotations" : [
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "/foo",
"keywordLocation" : "/anyOf/0/properties/foo/properties"
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "",
"keywordLocation" : "/anyOf/0/properties"
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "/foo",
"keywordLocation" : "/properties/foo/properties"
"annotation" : [],
"instanceLocation" : "/foo",
"keywordLocation" : "/properties/foo/unevaluatedProperties"
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "",
"keywordLocation" : "/properties"
"valid" : true
This is not an answer but a follow up example which I feel is in the same vein. I feel this guides us to the answer.
Here we have a single object being validated. But the unevaluated command resides in two different schemas each a part of a different "adjacent keyword subschemas"(from the core spec
How should this be resolved. If all annotations must be evaluated then in what order do I evaluate? The oneOf first or the anyOf? According the spec an unevaluated command(properties or items) generate annotation results which means that that result would affect any other unevaluated command.
"The annotation result of this keyword is the set of instance property names validated by this keyword's subschema."
This is as far as I am understanding the spec.
According to the two validators I am using this fails.
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "string"
"oneOf": [
"properties": {
"faz": {
"type": "string"
"unevaluatedProperties": true
"anyOf": [
"properties": {
"bar": {
"type": "string"
"unevaluatedProperties": false
"bar": "test",
"faz": "test",

How to exclude files from bundling in aurelia.json

I'd like to prevent src/config.js to be bundled in scripts/app-bundle.js
I saw that previously the syntax was:
"bundles": {
"dist/app-build": {
"includes": [
excludes: [
"config.js" // So our wildcard globbing doesn't include this config file
However the new syntax is different: aurelia.json:
"bundles": [
"name": "app-bundle.js",
"source": [
"excludes" : [
My temptative 'exclude' statement doesn't do the trick
Solution is actually given on the GitHub page:
Optionally, you can define an exclude list by setting the source
property to be an object containing both an include and exclude array
of patterns. This is helpful when you're trying to define multiple
bundles from your source code.
"name": "app-bundle.js",
"source": {
"include": [
"exclude": [
"name": "sub-module-bundle.js",
"source": [
Make sure you have version > 0.19.0