take the structure of any project - structure

I have seen the project structure on readMe, how can I take this structure of my project, any program? any website. doesn't seems right to me to create by hand?

Yes, there is a very simple way to get it.
Navigate to the root folder of your project and run tree from your terminal. You should get something like this:
│ │ another_file.txt
│ │ some_code.code
│ │
│ └───some_subfolder
│ │ some_more_code.txt
│ │ another_file.txt
│ │ a_picture.png
│ │ ...
│ more_files.txt
│ more_code.code
Now you can copy and paste this tree into your README file, wrapping it in triple backticks - ``` to get the markdown styling.

https://ascii-tree-generator.com/ --> by hand ***
or ***
tree command in powershell --> auto


Error when trying to run npm build on gitlab-ci with terraform

I'm new to terraform but I've been fairly successful so far. I'm trying to get a mithril app to be built and deployed fully with terraform and gitlab to aws s3 and cloudfront. It is failing on this block here:
data "external" "frontend_build" {
program = ["bash", "-c",
(npm ci && npm run build -- --env.PARAM="$(jq -r '.param')") >&2 && echo "{\"dest\": \"dist\"}"
working_dir = "${path.module}/frontend"
query = {
param = "Hi from Terraform!"
Here is the error message from gitlab:
Error: External Program Lookup Failed
│ with data.external.frontend_build,
│ on data.tf line 2, in data "external" "frontend_build":
│ 2: program = ["bash", "-c", <<EOT
│ 3: (npm ci && npm run build -- --env.PARAM="$(jq -r '.param')") >&2 && echo "{\"dest\": \"dist\"}"
│ 4: EOT
│ 5: ]
│ The data source received an unexpected error while attempting to find the
│ program.
│ The program must be accessible according to the platform where Terraform is
│ running.
│ If the expected program should be automatically found on the platform where
│ Terraform is running, ensure that the program is in an expected directory.
│ On Unix-based platforms, these directories are typically searched based on
│ the '$PATH' environment variable. On Windows-based platforms, these
│ directories are typically searched based on the '%PATH%' environment
│ variable.
│ If the expected program is relative to the Terraform configuration, it is
│ recommended that the program name includes the interpolated value of
│ 'path.module' before the program name to ensure that it is compatible with
│ varying module usage. For example: "${path.module}/my-program"
│ The program must also be executable according to the platform where
│ Terraform is running. On Unix-based platforms, the file on the filesystem
│ must have the executable bit set. On Windows-based platforms, no action is
│ typically necessary.
│ Platform: linux
│ Program: bash
│ Error: exec: "bash": executable file not found in $PATH
I got this code from a tutorial so it may be outdated, but I can't find anyone else talking about this particular thing.
Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Terraform.latest.gitlab-ci.yml
TF_STATE_NAME: default
TF_CACHE_KEY: default
TF_ROOT: terraform/

Modern CMake - setup libraries targets inside project

My project structure presents as follows:
── src
├── app
│ ├── first_app
│ │ ├── include
│ │ └── src
│ │ └── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── second_app
│ │ └── ...
├── lib
│ ├── first_lib
│ | ├── include
│ | └── src
│ | └── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── second_lib
│ | ├── include
│ | └── src
│ | └── CMakeLists.txt
├── CMakeLists.txt
first_app uses both first_lib and second_lib. I would like to force CMake to find all dependencies (libraries and include headers) using
target_link_libraries(first_app first_lib::first_lib second_lib::second_lib).
I would like to ask two questions:
What command should be used to export first_lib::first_lib in ./src/lib/first_lib/CMakeLists.txt?
How to make first_lib::first_lib visible in ./src/app/first_app/CMakeLists.txt?
Supposing you create your lib using add_library(first_lib ...)
1) I would use:
install(TARGETS first_lib
EXPORT FirstLibTargets
src: https://github.com/Mizux/cmake-cpp/blob/master/Foo/CMakeLists.txt#L24
then you can install the export file using:
install(EXPORT FirstLibTargets
NAMESPACE first_lib::
src: https://github.com/Mizux/cmake-cpp/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt
note: I don't know if you can install target alias (i.e. install(TARGETS first_lib::first_lib) and/or have an export file with differents namespace (i.e. first_lib:: second_lib::)
2) simply use in first_lib/CMakeLists.txt:
add_library(first_lib::first_lib ALIAS first_lib) just after your add_library.
so first_app could always use first_lib::first-lib to retrieve this target dependencies what ever if you use a Meta CMake (i.e. add_subdirectory()) or find_package().
e.g. https://github.com/Mizux/cmake-cpp/blob/master/Foo/CMakeLists.txt

From list of directories, copy all subfolders to new location each with own folder per directory

I've searched around and can't seem to find a solution on my own so I'm asking for help!
I have a list of ~100 file locations/directories. They're located on the network and I need to grab them all and store them locally. I have some experience with VBA so I was going to try and use that (perhaps put the directories in a spread sheet and run a macro off that..)
When I store them locally I need to preserve the names of the directories they came from.
Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated, automating this is becoming more and more necessary as I'm being sent more directories and a manual process will not scale well as this moves forward.
Any help at all, pointing me in a direction or offering advice is GREATLY appreciated.
You can use the Copy-Item cmdlet in PowerShell combined with the -recurse and -container switches to copy and preserve folder structure! It's awesome for backing up a full network folder, and all sub-folders too!
Here is my Source directory.
C:\temp\stack>tree /F
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 0000000B 9215:D0CB
│ Archive.rar
│ File01.bmp
│ Archive.rar
│ File01.bmp
│ Archive.rar
│ File01.bmp
As you can see, I have some files and folders in Source with subfolders and subfiles in each. With this one simple PowerShell command though, I can move that whole structure easily into Dest.
copy-item -Path c:\temp\stack\source -Destination C:\temp\stack\Dest -Container -Recurse
Now I have that whole structure maintained in the Dest folder as well.
C:\temp\stack>tree /F
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 000000DE 9215:D0CB
│ ├───1
│ │ Archive.rar
│ │ File01.bmp
│ │
│ ├───2
│ │ Archive.rar
│ │ File01.bmp
│ │
│ ├───3
│ │ Archive.rar
│ │ File01.bmp
│ │
│ └───4
│ 3.txt
│ Archive.rar
│ File01.bmp
│ Ham.txt
Copy-Item will work as mentioned. robocopy was also built for this exact purpose, and will run in cmd or Powershell. Run robocopy /? for usage info.
You probably want something like:
robocopy "Y:\Network\Source\Location" "C:\Local\Machine\Destination\Location" /E
/E Means to copy the directory and all subdirectories.

How can I have Wintersmith generate a static site with a blog in a subdirectory?

I'm looking into Wintersmith-ifying my site, which is currently hand-written. I have a couple pages: index.html, projects.html, gpg.html, etc. I want to have a blog/ subdirectory, so that the final site looks like this:
|- index.html
|- gpg.html
|- project.html
|- blog/
| |- look-a-new-wintersmith-blog.md
| |- monkeys-are-really-cool.md
Is this possible? I've searched and looked at the Wintersmith documentation (and even the featured Wintersmith-powered sites), and come up with nothing. It seems like the only way is to have two instances of Wintersmith or something, but it also seems like there must be a better way.
You should get the desired result with something like this:
├── config.json <- site configuration
├── contents
│ ├── index.html <- these will just be outputted as-is
│ ├── gpg.html
│ ├── project.html
│ ├── blog <– each article has its own directory
│ │ ├── index.json <- this is your blog index at /blog/index.html
│ │ ├── look-a-new-wintersmith-blog
│ │ │ └── index.md
│ │ └── monkeys-are-really-cool
│ │ └── index.md
│ ├── authors <- author metadata, check author.jade
│ │ └── the-wintersmith.json
│ ├── css
│ │ └── main.css
│ └── feed.json
├── plugins
│ └── paginator.coffee <- paginator plugin
├── templates
│ ├── archive.jade
│ ├── article.jade
│ ├── author.jade
│ ├── feed.jade
│ ├── index.jade
│ └── layout.jade
└── views
└── articles.coffee <- view that lists articles
index.json is just a renamed and moved archive.json to give a /blog/index.html URL instead. If you want the default Wintersmith index instead of an archive layout, edit the file to use the index.jade layout instead of archive.jade.
If you change your current HTML files to Markdown and put them in the same spot, then they'll be outputted as HTML as your blog posts would.
You might want to add some sort of navigation menu to your article layout, too.
Edit: To create a static page, create a Markdown file in contents similar to the following:
title: GPG
author: baker
date: 2014-03-23
template: article.jade
If you named this file gpg.md, it should be accessible at http://localhost:8080/gpg.html. Because we used the article.jade template, it expects an author and a date field for completeness (it would work without, however it would still include "Written by" without an author), but you could make a custom template that doesn't use those fields.

Correct cmake setup to include headers

I have a project structured like this:
│ ├──main.cpp
│ └──CMakeLists.txt[2]
│ ├──log
│ │ ├──include
│ │ │ └──log.h
│ │ ├──src
│ │ │ └──log.cpp
│ │ └──CMakeLists.txt[4]
│ └──CMakeLists.txt[3]
Under dep I have a logging library, which is an external git repository with his own CMakeLists.txt file.
The main CMakeLists.txt (marked as [1]) is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
The CMakeLists.txt (marked as [2]) for the current project code is:
add_executable(app main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(app log)
The CMakeLists.txt (marked as [3]) for the dependencies is:
What I'm trying to do is to have the contents of the dep/log/include folder copied inside a new folder called inc/log, so that in main.cpp I can write something like #include <log/log.h>, but I don't understand how. I would like to avoid editing the CMakeLists.txt of the logger project.
My solution: in /dep/CMakeLists.txt I added
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${APP_ROOT}/inc/log")
file(COPY "log/include/" DESTINATION "${APP_ROOT}/inc/log")