How to apply a hyperlink to another slide in the document? - vba

Is it possible to apply a hyperlink to another slide in the document using VBA?
I have a document that has labelled hyperlinks.
I right-click each one to assign a link which is taking a long time and open to me making mistakes.
Could a loop routine apply the appropriate hyperlinks?

Here's a simple macro for setting the hyperlink to a slide in the same presentation:
Sub SetHyperlinkToSlide()
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Hyperlink
.Address = ""
.SubAddress = "257,2,Title"
.ScreenTip = ""
.TextToDisplay = ""
End With
End Sub
The 3 numbers in Subaddress are the SlideID, the SlideIndex and the SlideTitle parameters. You don't have to include all three, but you do have to include all the commas. So If you want to jump to a known slide title:
.SubAddress = ",,Known Slide Title"


VBA to add multiple hyperlinks to one Powerpoint text box

I'm using a VBA loop in Powerpoint to import data from Excel and write each new string that has been imported as a new bullet in the text box on the slide. This works fine. Then a hyperlink that is also imported should be added to each bullet. This works except that only the last bullet keeps its hyperlink. I suspect that the hyperlink is added not specifically to the bullet but to the text box and therefore is overwritten with each new bullet leaving only the bottom bullet with a hyperlink. Any idea how I can get all bullets' hyperlinks to remain?
Many thanks!
new_slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.text = new_slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.text & vbNewLine & new_text
With new_slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Find(new_text).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
.Action = ppActionHyperlink
.Hyperlink.Address = excel_link
End With
{modified version}
It works if we add the text first, then step through each line, adding the hyperlink a line at a time. You'll need to either step through your XL import twice, once for the text, once for the hyperlinks:
Sub RoundTwo()
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim x As Long
Set oSh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
For x = 1 To 3
With oSh.TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = .Text & vbNewLine & "Some new text"
End With
For x = 1 To 3
Call AddLinkToLine(oSh, x)
End Sub
Sub AddLinkToLine(oSh As Shape, lLine As Long)
With oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs(lLine)
With .ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
.Action = ppActionHyperlink
.Hyperlink.Address = ""
End With
End With
End Sub

Find TOC in shapes (i.e. textboxes)

I am trying to write a macro that counts and locates TOCs within the document (a routine check rather than for a specific file).
TOCs situated in the document's 'body' are easily accessible (via VBA).
Word also lets users place TOC objects inside of shapes (textboxes), but these do not seem to be accessible via code. Granted, it is not that common to have TOCs placed within shapes, but if it is possible - it should be taken into account.
This makes counting and detecting them unreliable.
The only way I know and intuitively thought of was this:
For Each shp In ActiveDocument.Shapes
iCount = iCount + shp.TextFrame.TextRange.<TableOfContents.Count> <<< no access to TableOfContents
Next shp
What code do I need in order to find those TOCs?
Thank you!
The TablesOfContents collection is only available on a Document object. A TOC in the main body of the document will pick up items in textboxes; a TOC in a textbox will pick up items in the main body of the document. (At least, since Word 2010; there was a time when TOCs in text boxes were not "visible" to a TOC field in the main document body.)
However, the VBA property Document.TablesOfContents does not pick up TOCs in text boxes, only in the main body.
So, it's not possible to directly query the number of TOCs in a text box (or AutoShape - a drawing object). That said...
TOCs are managed in the background by Word using the TOC field code. So it is possible to ascertain the number of TOC fields in a given Range. For example:
Sub GetAllToc()
Dim shp As Word.Shape
Dim tbRange As Range
Dim iCount As Long
Dim fld As Word.Field
Debug.Print "TOCs in main Document body: " & ActiveDocument.TablesOfContents.Count
For Each shp In ActiveDocument.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoTextBox Or shp.Type = msoAutoShape Then
Set tbRange = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
For Each fld In tbRange.Fields
If fld.Type = wdFieldTOC Then
iCount = iCount + 1
End If
End If
Next shp
Debug.Print "TOCs in text boxes: " & iCount
End Sub

How to change an existing Tabstop in PowerPoint by VBA?

I have a VBA Code to resize objects in PowerPoint including Font size, margins and everything else. But I haven’t found a solution to update/change an existing TapStop. There is a the Ruler Object with different levels und a default value. I double checked also the TextRange Object with Characters.
Are there any ideas to update the TabStop size?
Here is an example of a TextBox, i would like to resize:
TextBox Example
Shape.textframe.ruler.tabstops.count is always 0, if I "take" just the shape by For-Each-Loop. If I select it manual, it's also 0 at the sub menu TabStops of Paragraph menu.
If I click inside the shape (blinking cursor) and open the TabStops menu again, I see one TabStopPosition.
How can I access this information by VBA?
I tried it already by Line.Selection and nothing works.
PowerPoint used to allow only one set of paragraph settings per textframe (ie, per shape). That changed in PPT2007; now each paragraph can have its own tab and other settings. Have a go with this:
Sub ShowMeTabs()
Dim X As Long
Dim lTabCount As Long
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange
For X = 1 To .Paragraphs.Count
Debug.Print X
With .Paragraphs(X).ParagraphFormat
For lTabCount = 1 To .TabStops.Count
Debug.Print .TabStops(lTabCount).Position
Next ' Tab
Debug.Print "Level:" & .IndentLevel & " Position:" & .LeftIndent 'etc
End With
Next ' paragraph x
End With
End Sub

Transferring text range from 1 power point to another to change template

I am very new with Powerpoint VBA and would like to know if there is a short way to transfer one text range from PowerPoint A to another text range located in Powerpoint B in a specific sequence.
Page a1 = b1
Page a2 = b2
Page a3 = b3
The template is changing and I need to adapt 5 powerpoints of 100 slides so I tought it would be easier with this solution.
Thank you in advance for your help.
PRECISION : I don't want to copy and paste the text range but to copy the text inside the range to put it inside the new range. Please find below the code I already have but It doesnt' Paste it inside my new range.
Sub copier_texte() 'je veux copier le contenu de la forme, et non pas la forme en entier
Dim nb_slide As Integer
nb_slide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
With ActivePresentation
.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Copy 'je sélectionne uniquement le contenu de la forme
For i = 2 To .Slides.Count
Next i
End With
End Sub
Short Answer:
Is there're a short way to transfer one text range from PowerPoint A to another text range located in Powerpoint B?
I think that there's no short way to do it, but let's try something first!
Long Answer:
Note: This solution based not on your desired behaviour (since it's unclear for me and there're many and more "what if" cases), but on similar problem, so I think that it's legit. Anyway it's a good fundament to start of.
I dont know how exactly your presentations looks like, so I made a reference one (Presentation A) and a "broken" one (Presentation B). Let's take a look on them:
Presentation A (5 slides: 1x"Title slide" with 2 triangle shapes, 3x"Title and Content" slides, 1x"Section Header" slide):
Presentation B (5 slides: 1x"Title slide" missing triangle shapes, 3x"Title and Content" slides with empty/without shapes(placeholders), 1x"Blank" slide (wrong layout)):
Both presentations are in the same folder:
Desired behaviour:
Some sort of synchronisation, if we miss a shape - then create one and put desired text to it, if there's one - put desired text only (based on Presentations A's shape). There're some "what if" cases in logic:
"What if" the number of slides in each presentation isn't equal? In which order compare slides then? (In our case the number is equal, so in code we drop that part and compare slides pair by pair).
"What if" the compared slides have a different layout? (In our case difference in blank layout, so we can easily handle it, but what we should do in general?)
...and many other cases not considered in this solution
Logic is plain and simple. The entry point to our routine is in the Presentation A, since it's an our reference file. From that point we acquire a reference to Presentation B (when opening it), and start iteration in two loops (thru each pair of slides and thru reference shapes).
If we found a "broken" (or not so, there's no check for that) shape by a reference one - we put text and some options in it or create a new one shape (or placeholder) otherwise.
Option Explicit
Sub Synch()
'define presentations
Dim ReferencePresentation As Presentation
Dim TargetPresentation As Presentation
'define reference objects
Dim ReferenceSlide As Slide
Dim ReferenceSlides As Slides
Dim ReferenceShape As Shape
'define target objects
Dim TargetSlide As Slide
Dim TargetSlides As Slides
Dim TargetShape As Shape
'define other variables
Dim i As Long
'Setting-up presentations and slide collections
Set ReferencePresentation = ActivePresentation
With ReferencePresentation
Set TargetPresentation = Presentations.Open(FileName:=.Path & "/Presentation B.pptm", _
Set ReferenceSlides = .Slides
End With
Set TargetSlides = TargetPresentation.Slides
'Check slide count
If ReferenceSlides.Count <> TargetSlides.Count Then
'What's a desired behaviour for this case?
'We can add slides to target presentation but it adds complexity
Debug.Print "ERROR!" & vbTab & "Reference And Target slides counts are not equal!"
'"mainloop" for slides
For i = 1 To ReferenceSlides.Count
Set ReferenceSlide = ReferenceSlides(i)
Set TargetSlide = TargetSlides(i)
'Check slide layout
If ReferenceSlide.Layout <> TargetSlide.Layout Then
'What's a desired behaviourfor this case?
'We can change layout for target presentation but it adds complexity
'But let's try to change a layout too, since we have an easy case in our example!
Debug.Print "WARNING!" & vbTab & "Reference And Target slides layouts are not same!"
TargetSlide.Layout = ReferenceSlide.Layout
End If
'"innerloop" for shapes (for placeholders actually)
With ReferenceSlide
For Each ReferenceShape In .Shapes
Set TargetShape = AcquireShape(ReferenceShape, TargetSlide, True)
If TargetShape Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "WARNING!" & vbTab & "There's no shape like " & ReferenceShape.Name
ElseIf TargetShape.HasTextFrame Then
With TargetShape.TextFrame.TextRange
'paste text
.Text = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
'and options
.Font.Size = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size
.Font.Name = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name
.Font.Color.RGB = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB
End With
End If
End With
End If
'Save and close target presentation
Call TargetPresentation.Save
Call TargetPresentation.Close
End Sub
Function AcquireShape(ByRef ReferenceShape As Shape, ByRef TargetSlide As Slide, _
Optional ByVal CreateIfNotExists As Boolean) As Shape
Dim TargetShape As Shape
With ReferenceShape
'seek for existed shape
For Each TargetShape In TargetSlide.Shapes
If TargetShape.Width = .Width And TargetShape.Height = .Height And _
TargetShape.Top = .Top And TargetShape.Left = .Left And _
TargetShape.AutoShapeType = .AutoShapeType Then
Set AcquireShape = TargetShape
Exit Function
End If
'create new
If CreateIfNotExists Then
If .Type = msoPlaceholder Then
Set AcquireShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddPlaceholder(.PlaceholderFormat.Type, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
Set AcquireShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(.AutoShapeType, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
End If
End If
End With
End Function
I know that it's hard to find any difference by a screenshot (it's can be even photoshoped, anyway there're a few difference for that purpose), but for a full answer, here it is:
As you see, it isn't a hard task to achieve something similar to your desire, but complexity of solution depends on inputs and on "what if" cases, hence there's no short way to overcome this task in general (in my humble opinion). Cheers!
Your question has a number of different interpretations, below is my attempt to answer what I believe the question is. There are a number of stage to this solution.
1. Ensure we save the VBA we write
Firstly, we have to assume a master presentation, that is one that will hold the values to be copied into all others. This will need to be saved as a macro enabled presentation (pptm) to allow us to save our VBA. This is done via File > Save-As and while selecting the save location choose PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation in the Save as type box.
2. Enable Windows scripting runtime
Within the pptm 'master' presentation that we now have, open the VBA IDE (Alt+F11). In the menu bar select Tools > References... and tick Microsoft Scripting Runtime from the list that is presented. Click OK to close the references dialog box with your tick remembered. This is needed for some error handling in the code, it checks to see if the presentation exists before trying to open it.
3. Insert the provided code
Right-click on VBAProject in the upper right area (the Project explorer) and select Insert > Module.
In the main editing area paste the below (I have added commenting to describe what is happening): -
Option Explicit
Public Sub Update()
Dim AryPresentations(4) As String
Dim LngPID As Long
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim PP_Src As Presentation
Dim PP_Dest As Presentation
Dim Sld_Src As Slide
Dim Sld_Dest As Slide
Dim Shp_Src As Shape
Dim Shp_Dest As Shape
Dim LngFilesMissing As Long
Dim BlnWasOpen As Boolean
'If there is an error, this will handle it and stop the process
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
'Increase the size of AryPresentations and and the paths as shown in the example below
AryPresentations(0) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP2.pptx"
AryPresentations(1) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP3.pptx"
AryPresentations(2) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP4.pptx"
AryPresentations(3) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP5.pptx"
AryPresentations(4) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP6.pptx"
'PP_Src is this, our 'master' presentation
Set PP_Src = ActivePresentation
'This loops through each item in AryPresentations
For LngPID = 0 To UBound(AryPresentations, 1)
'We rememeber if you had it open already as if you did, then we won't close it when we are done
BlnWasOpen = False
'Check all currently open presentations to see if one if the presentation we are due to update
For Each PP_Dest In PowerPoint.Presentations
If Trim(UCase(PP_Dest.FullName)) = Trim(UCase(AryPresentations(LngPID))) Then Exit For
'If it was not already open, check it exists and if it does, then open in
If PP_Dest Is Nothing Then
If FSO.FileExists(AryPresentations(LngPID)) Then
Set PP_Dest = PowerPoint.Presentations.Open(AryPresentations(LngPID))
End If
BlnWasOpen = True
End If
If PP_Dest Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "File note found"
LngFilesMissing = LngFilesMissing + 1
'The below connects to the slide (Sld_Src) you want to pick up from, the shape (Shp_Src) you want to pick up from and then
'places it in the slide (Sld_Dest) you want it to go to into the shape (Shp_Dest) you want it to go in to
Set Sld_Src = PP_Src.Slides(1)
Set Sld_Dest = PP_Dest.Slides(1)
Set Shp_Src = Sld_Src.Shapes(1)
Set Shp_Dest = Sld_Dest.Shapes(1)
Shp_Dest.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Shp_Src.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
Set Shp_Dest = Nothing
Set Shp_Src = Nothing
Set Sld_Dest = Nothing
Set Sld_Src = Nothing
'Repeat the above for each piece of text to copy
'Finally save the changes
'Close the presentation if it was not already open
If Not BlnWasOpen Then PP_Dest.Close
End If
MsgBox "Process complete. Number of missing files: " & LngFilesMissing, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Complete"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There was an error: - " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error"
End Sub
4. Customise code
You'll want to add the paths and location of the changes in and then it should run.

View slide title in Powerpoint VBA editor

In the Powerpoint VBA editor, we get a list of slides in the VBA project window, categorised under "Microsoft PowerPoint Objects". This list will include slides that have ActiveX controls on them.
The slides appear with numbers on them ("Slide1", "Slide3", etc), and these numbers look like they are based on the order in which the slides were added to the presentation - not the actual order of the slides in the current presentation. However, the title or name of the slides is not included. This makes it confusing to work with, and difficult to find the slide that has the control one wants to work with.
In Excel VBA, the layout of the editor is the same, with a list of worksheets. However, in Excel the name of the sheet is shown in brackets after the sheet number. So if Sheet1 is called "MyDataSheet", it will show up as "Sheet1 (MyDataSheet)".
How can I achieve something similar in Powerpoint? Is there are way to control the name/title that is used to display each slide in the Powerpoint editor?
This is one of the oddities of the PPT object model. Each slide has an internal name that's assigned by PPT at the time the slide is created. That's what you see in the IDE. Each slide also has a .Name property that's initially the same as the slide name assigned by PPT, but that you can change programmatically.
PPT still shows the assigned name under "Microsoft PowerPoint Objects" but if you look at the Properties window of the IDE (press F4 to display it) you'll see (and can edit) the slide's .Name property. This would let you know which slide you've selected in the IDE.
You could also run a bit of code to change the .Name property in a way that reflect's the slide order:
Sub Thing()
Dim oSl As Slide
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
oSl.Name = "SLIDE_" & CStr(oSl.SlideIndex)
End Sub
If you want to get a bit fancier, you can have it pick up the slide's title (if any) as the .Name and use SLIDE_index as the .Name if not:
Sub Thing()
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim sTemp As String
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
sTemp = SlideTitle(oSl)
If Len(sTemp) > 0 Then
oSl.Name = oSl.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
oSl.Name = "SLIDE_" & CStr(oSl.SlideIndex)
End If
End Sub
Function SlideTitle(oSl As Slide) As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
SlideTitle = oSl.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
Exit Function
SlideTitle = ""
GoTo NormalExit
End Function
One thing to be careful of here is that PPT may or may not complain if you try to give two slides the same .Name property. In other words, you may want to make sure that your slide titles are unique. There might be other issues (characters that aren't allowed in .Name for example).